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Wazzat Xolo

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Everything posted by Wazzat Xolo

  1. Joelle YOU have given this little old dog at last some dignity and that they will be remembered is a great deal So sorry for your pain, but remember the gift you gave this fellow and that is priceless. J xox Hugs
  2. Hugs to you all, what great determination and great people you all are to give so much. Many are thankful to your caring and loving ways Thoughts and hugs xoxoxox J
  3. Yes my Chinese Crested bitch ( aged 10) was diagnosed with Pancreatiotis three weeks ago, black tarry stools and tummy rumbles with the gradual turning her nose up at food over a few weeks( she is a fussy eater) She has a good diet and although a fussy eater its low in fat, the vet did an array of bloods that confirmed an attack of pancreatitis and this was seconded by another vet at different surgery. We did not fast her as the Vet said this is not recc these days and kept her on four to five small meals per day and low fat, she was on antibiotics for 10 days just in case and a course of probiotic yoghurt. The vet also said stress ios a major cause but my dog is so unstressed it cant be that!! Both vets said as long as she is on low fat diet she should not get another bout, so far so good at nearly four weeks. I believe some breeds are more prone than others there is a good site called www.dogfoodanalysis.com for all fat contents etc. Have a look at the Yahoo chat sites there are heaps fordogs and Pt http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ThePancreatitisPlace/summary http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dogpancreatitis/summary Good Luck J
  4. Hugs to you and your mum, may Zack rest in peace . He was obviously well loved 15 is a great run. Hugs xox J quote name='Tiggy' date='13th May 2009 - 06:53 PM' post='3671881'] My old dog Zack who lived at my mum's had to be put asleep today. He was 15. He was a good dog and I'll miss him. ;)
  5. Peruvian Hairless Dog? No its a Xoloitzcuintle totally separate breed from the PIO and even before them in ancient history! www.xolo.com Thanks Sway Im sorry but as they are not ANKC regsitered i can't list them. Thats ok Sway Ill let you know when they are registered here, they are reg in USA and Mexico and have been shown there just a few ( lots) paper work here! Thanks J
  6. Peruvian Hairless Dog? No its a Xoloitzcuintle totally separate breed from the PIO and even before them in ancient history! www.xolo.com Thanks Sway Im sorry but as they are not ANKC regsitered i can't list them. Thats ok Sway Ill let you know when they are registered here, they are reg in USA and Mexico and have been shown there just a few ( lots) paper work here! Thanks J
  7. Peruvian Hairless Dog? No its a Xoloitzcuintle totally separate breed from the PIO and even before them in ancient history! www.xolo.com Thanks Sway
  8. Dieselweisal I wish you and the man all the very best, one small thing, when my dog was very sick, I kept a diary with EVERYTHING in it. It later went to help me and many others who could benefit from the feelings, meds, trialls and experiences we both went through, may be an idea. J xoxhugs and good wishes xox
  9. Sway I have not had much luck in the Site email for the Prefix lists . I have Wazzat for Chinese Cresteds but would like Xolitzcuintle added as well. Thanks J
  10. DieselWeisel I know that the decision made by you will be the right one and you (and only you) know in your heart what that is, I wish you strength and send lots of hugs your way to you both. J
  11. www.vethq.com.au/downloads/Pet_Insurance_Table.pdf This table was interesting with side by side views. I too have been looking at Pet Insurance but I can only find one that covers for THEFT and Damage. J
  12. In the West there are Canine Accredited Vets that offer discounts for members, have you tried this ? Or I also get a discount when I vaccinate3 more than 1, maybe if you only have 1 get a group together and have a Vaccinationathon!! They do it with Microchipdays! Anyway just a thought, was at Vets yesterday and a young girl came in with a small skinny puppy very lethargic, she left without the puppy, I dare say due to Parvo. What a shame she didnt vaccinate it, may have saved her the heartache of losing the small pup. Try the Agility, Canine or whatever club I am sure they have cheaper Vacc places, another thought some Tech Colleges teaching vet nurses may have training days ? J
  13. I have never heard of this place, can I have some info or web lins please ? Thanks J
  14. Hugs again, I read the first post and thought Oh No I have heard of this happening before! and I cried again for you and Dusty, what a lovely life you gave him, well done 17 years is a great innings and a dog well loved
  15. What a tragic end, I hope your son is emotionally ok, what a tough way to learn about life. Hugs and lots of love coming your way. Craig came into your world with love on Valentines day and left a hero on Anzac Day.
  16. Dogs need to go to the vet when any behavioural change is noted , this is too rule out any medical problem, At his annual check up he should be looked at, is that coming up soon? I realise you are only a young adult, but please try to convince your parents that maybe the vet should have a look at him, or at least consult the Blind Dog Yahoo chat group I sent you in the last post. J
  17. Rach Please take the dog to the vet , this is a priority to rule out any conditions that may cause barking. Dogs are predominantly scent orientated, not just sight. Also there is a group at yahoo http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blind-deaf-dogs This site is helpful as well blinddogs.net Please get the Vet check done as a priority, blind dogs cope well, its the humans that struggle!!
  18. Kavik I have no idea on the agility side of things but I hope to get my dogs into it soon, have done a jump course with a Narc dog years ago but never the weaves. Can you recommend a good DVD or book ? I will be going to classes but would like to have a few helpers to start with, by the way well done again and I posted my comments. I hope in agility you do not have to keep up with the dog as thats me well behind! lol
  19. Harminee I often stop by and have a look and YES every time I cry, Bustams story was so sad and all the others just make one think of their own beloved departed fur/nekidd kids. I know everyone tells you often but one more time, THANK YOU for all your do . I vote you NUMBER 1 on Dogzonline!! Jacqi West Australia PS when I stop greiving I shall ask for my two to be done.
  20. Thank you Funny Farm, I lost another one this year in March, I will post the story he was six months ago and I never get over their loss. They are my kids! I am going Xolo next its far to heart breaking I need a change! OLIVER: Wazzat Spell of Anger ( 3 July 2003 – 8 March 2008 ) The time for the arrival of the next generation of Angel babies was near. Mid afternoon with great excitement I telephoned my friend Kim (in fact one pup had been born already and I was in fear of being in trouble after failing to alert" Kim of the last litter being "hatched!" So I advised her of the pink hairless spotted male that had made his entry to the world......... And.... And.... And we waited....... That was it, 1 male Pink and spotted with the fattest little tummy I had ever seen, I had to check it wasn’t a lucky Buddha!! Jenny S had kindly let her Chinese Crested "Aggro" Aus Champ Wumao Black Adder mate with my bitch Belachi Bare Witchery, with good lines behind both we hoped for a nice type. The mating resulted in 1 puppy that was an Exceptional type in so many ways and meant so much to me that I owed that little man more than any words could express. After much deliberation I name the 'Pot bellied pig" Oliver (as he was much like Oliver Twist and loved his food! Oliver was spoilt rotten (name a Crested that isn’t lol) and followed me everywhere he was my shadow. The name Wazzat Spell of Anger (derived from Angel and Aggros) as totally inappropriate as Oliver was the most docile dog one could ever meet, in fact no doubt this calm manner no doubt lead to his eventual demise. In October at just 3 months to the day Oliver made his show debut, nothing was too good for this little man, it was the Perth Royal Show. I can still see the handler poor Kim trying to coax the little bundle from his backside around the ring dangling on the end of the lead. He looked like a cross between a faulty jallopy car and a pogo stick and he screamed and yelled all the way (Kim was very very brave!). He won his first show and the foreign judge considered him very closely for best puppy in group, alas it was not to be and that was Olivers first and last show. I never did tell people or Oliver he was the only entrant in the puppy class, but lets not let that take away from his Exceptional Personality Title !! At ten months Oliver went to live with Fiona who was a new comer to Chinese Crested’s and wanted some experience with the breed before embarking on what is now a very successful showing career ( Unfortunately the showing success was not, thanks to Oliver, as Exceptional as he was personality cannot be judged in the show ring!!) The drive to Perth with a 3 month old puppy and Oliver was extremely short and before Oliver went to reside with a new family we all had a last play at a local park. It is so clear in my mind still, 28th May 2004, Oliver BELIEVED he could climb the slippery slide and be with me, he ran and ran and ran and got nowhere, but he never gave up. I recall seeing his face as I left and hearing his howls, I shall never forget that, as it hurt so much, I broke his heart. Fiona and the family were delighted with Oliver and quickly he stole their hearts, as well as the Rhodesian ridgeback (and no doubt some of his food too!) After a while I purchased another Crested a grandson of my dog Aus Champ Dosangeles Exotic, Fiona kindly offered to show this dog after her initiation to Cresteds with Oliver. After meeting at the airport we exchanged dogs, Oliver did not recognize me for while but he did eventually. I vowed I would never ever rehome him again. Oliver lived the life of laziness and lived for his food, he was not a social dog with other dogs and preferred to be under my feet or on my pillow, usually bottom in my face as I woke up, or head peeping out from under the covers. After all no one told Oliver he was a dog, he believed he was human, and to me he was! Life just went on as normal until a visit from the Rangers, a vexaious neighbour complained about my five dogs (actually there were six!! but Rangers were never known for their brain skills!!) I had had an old rescue bitch put to sleep and I regrettably rehomed Oliver with a family in Como. Delivering Oliver to his new home was very challenging and it was only the threat of Rangers seizing my dogs and destroying them that I once more broke this little dog’s heart. Delivering Oliver and walking away was what I considered at the time "the hardest thing I have ever done". Oliver was well loved by the family who also had another crested, life seemed good. However Oliver developed a stress condition where he chewed his feet constantly and scratched his ears. After numerous visits to different vets, countless tests and sterilization there was no improvement. I received a phone call to say that it may be better to Euthanize him as he appeared distressed. As he was my dog and my responsibility, I again collected Oliver and bought him home, this time his eyes were not bright and his spark had gone, although his tubby tummy remained. Oliver still believed he was not a dog but he was not the same Oliver as before. Oliver had the howl of a wolf and used this tactic to gain attention, it ALWAYS worked and after a stern growling from me he would look at me with those Jet Black eyes and I swear he would wink and grin. Many vet visits failed to determine the cause of his feet chewing and as he was not in pain he just had regular medication to help with his skin problems. He lived a life of food, sleep and dopiness!! Oliver bought me great love and I could never imagine a more loving creature, I was truly blessed to have experienced this. I once read that Chinese Crested Dogs are the only breed that can die of a broken heart if rehomed, I never would have believed it until Oliver!! After moving to a new house, where I even thought the new grass would help his feet heal, I was hopeful would see a difference, but within 10 days I lost my best friend and my heart was torn. Oliver was never one for great excitement, exercise or anything, he never ventured more than two feet away from me on walks, and always had to jump on my lap when I went to the loo!! Oliver was quiet at the new house, but that was not unusual, he always loved his sleep. He did venture away more than two feet on a walk after we moved, I thought FINALLY things were getting better and he would be a normal dog. This was not to be, he was very dopey he appeared depressed and after a few days I took him to the Vet and that was the last time I saw him, he never came home. I will always remember the Vet saying the words "Billy Ruebens" and I thought Billy who ?? I cried and I was assured he would be fine. I called the next day early and he was stable and the Vet was happy (he had been up all night with him keeping an eye on him.) I was advised to call back at 6pm; I was in Perth that day with my beautiful fiancé Colin when I received a phone call. "Hello Jacqi its Alan McGregor" (The Vet), my heart grew heavy and I started to shake, the words Pulmonary Odema terminal shock rang through my head and I cried and cried. Oliver was euthanized at 2 pm on March the 8th, I could not be with the little man when he needed me and I WILL NEVER forgive myself for that. I will never forgive myself for not taking him to the Vet earlier and I will never forgive myself for breaking his heart!! Picking Oliver up from the vet that day was heart wrenching as he looked so perfect, his grubby little toes and his matt hair, I had hoped on the drive there that the Vet was joking or had made a really bad mistake, it COULD NOT be Real. I cradled him as we drove home and reminded Colin he needed petrol, just to hold Oliver for that bit longer. I recall when my beloved Ricky died 17 months ago ........It was the hardest goodbye I have ever said, I could not hold him long enough, I could not do enough, I secretly wanted him to just get up. I took some cuttings of his hair, I kissed him softly one last time and held him, never wanting to let go, I cried and my heart hurt one last time, or so I thought. I wrapped Oliver in a plastic bag, and another and another, then two one at each end, just in case. I placed him in the freezer gently and so he was comfortable and not squashed, I felt so guilty with IF ONLY!!!!!! I had taken him earlier and if he had not been such a lazy little fellow I would have noticed his demeanor, a grand old lady of cresteds (Phillipa my guru) said “He was never really right health wise and he wasn’t". With that I closed the freezer and part of my heart that shall forever be Oliver, I love you my little man and thank you for the love you gave me so willingly and I am sorry I could not be there when you needed me the most!!! I love you Oliver. xox. Jacqi Oliver died from over powering bacterial infection and massive toxic build up, probable initial site was thought to be the Billary Tract- Gall Bladder Rainbow Bridge There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many splendid colors. Just this side of Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush, green grass. When beloved pets die, they go to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other. There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So each day they run and play. Until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches. The ears are up! The eyes are staring. And this one suddenly runs from the group. You have been seen! And when you and your special friend meet, you take him in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together… … Never again to be separated.
  21. Ricky I still miss you and it still hurst just as much, always remembered my sweet boy. (11/03/1997 - 15/10/2006) leased to Jacqi from Phillipa Cracknell (DosAngeles Chinese Crested Dogs NSW) 16th August 2002. Ricky came into my life after I acquired my first Chinese Crested and just had to have another one of these wonderful little beings. My first was a bitch, Belachi Bare Witchery from Sheree Richards in 2002, Jenny Stembridge was instrumental in my introduction to these wonderful little dogs and I was told of a young dog in need of a pet home in the east. After contacting the person and numerous telephone calls about the puppy, I was asked if I would l would maybe like a rare opportunity, an ex show dog called Ricky was possibly available to a special person. After a thorough vetting I was so excited that I was to be entrusted with this dog who was the pride and joy of Phillipa Cracknell and also a titled Australian Champion show dog. The flights were organised and I travelled to Perth awaiting the arrival of the flight, my parents were also there for this occasion, which meant so much to me as he was someones best mate and they had picked me to look after him. The plane landed and all the pets were off loaded, I craned my neck to see and all the pets were collected, but one cage remained, a small black old Miniature type Kelpie was left. I thought maybe the lady Phillipa was not that sure of Cresteds and in fact Ricky was not a true Crested ( because he just had to be there didnt !he after all someone had promised me a dog). I called Phillipa and stated he did not arrive, Phillipa was devastated and very upset, so two crying women had many a phone conversation about a lost dog flying around the airspace somewhere. Shortly after Ricky was located and the next flight he arrived in his crate, I was so eager to see him and give him a cuddle I opened his crate and rushed in. Ricky being a very mature gentleman and very offended at this stranger intruding into his space promptly replied to my invasion with a swift light nip to my hand, to which shut the crate door having been put in my place. Welcome to Western Australia Ricky.!! This little man slowly (the drive home) wormed his way into my heart, he was the most majestic and proud little man I knew and I treated him as Phillipas and on loan to me all the time. I always referred to him as my adopted baby and knew one day he may go home to Phillipa, in the event she may wish to breed from him. I kept regular phone contact with Phillipa , and although I have never met the woman, I call her each week and regard her as a close friend. I used Ricky twice to breed with my bitch Angel and the puppies were all placed in pet homes on contracts that they were to return to me if they were to be rehomed. I had a few shows in the West with Ricky but neither him nor I enjoyed it much, despite lots of help and encouragement from Jenny, Kim and Lynn Williams, but they sure all tried!! Ricky was always a bit wary of strangers and walks were always exciting when I first got Ricky. At the park I would let Angel off to run and play and assumed Ricky once he knew me would stay and play as well, NO. Ricky was the fastest little scrambler I knew and would disappear and run the 1 km home, with his Fabio hair flapping behind him!! before I could say “No Ricky stay" He would always be sitting on the front verandah on the couch gazing around like Lord Muck! as if to say “where have you been ". One of the funniest memories I have is at the park, when the two dogs were playing ball with my husband and I, a Labrador type dog came from nowhere and Ricky bolted, I went to chase him and fell over, got up calling his name and fell again, yelled and screamed at my husband” Do something, get him, do something dont just stand there”. I was that scared for Ricky my legs went to jelly, but scrambler bum was long gone, I still don’t know to this day whether my husband was wracked with laughter at the debacle. But I sure can remember the other people at the park laughing in amusement at the funny looking dog, the lady who couldn’t walk properly and was yelling at her husband, I still laugh thinking about it, and yes Ricky was on the verandah! I Ricky lounged the back yard with the other Cresteds here eating anything he could find and his favourite pastime of rolling in cat poo! That was his favourite trick and usually at the worst times (not that I can think of a good time lol). The last two years Ricky started to have fits and although they did not last long and had no pattern, I was warned to brace for the fact his time may be coming to an end. Phillipa must have got tired of the blubbering me on the phone every time he had a fit in the later stages, I could not bare the thought of losing him, he was not going to go I had decided that. In a way I must have known, as I always called him when he was sleeping just to see him move. At times I would just look at him in awe and burst into tears, he was such a beautiful dog, always majestic, always proud, he was so special to me. It was Sunday and that meant walks at the beach, there was always great excitement when I grabbed the leads, much hurry, squeals, and three mad cresteds jumping up and down, with Ricky just watching! With the crate loaded and the dogs on board I called Ricky, he didnt come, which wasnt unusual but I had to go and find him, he was back inside the house and came on the third call. Ricky had been resting on his inside bed. The walk along the beach was the same as usual only I didnt pick Ricky up as I usually did when dogs approached as he didnt seem bothered on this day and didnt want to fight everybody . I played chasey with the others as Ricky putted along, for some odd reason half way through the walk I placed my hand on his chest, to check his breathing (I had never done this before). I cant say for sure but I dont remember Ricky panting as much as he usually did, and he definitely stayed by my side more than usual. Back at the car everyone was toweled off, Ricky dived in early to the car, to his spot behind my seat, the others clambered into the crate. In the car on the way back home I stopped to get milk, didnt think much of it but in hindsight there was no excitement when I stopped the car, no race to get out. When I returned to the car, a quick check of the dogs and calling of names......... Ricky didnt move, I yelled and screamed at him calling his name over and over. Ricky just lay there head on the footrest. The nearest vet was arrived at in two minutes and upon arrival an on site vet came down to help, inside the vet announced that there was nothing he could do, I asked him to shock him, do anything, please just make him come back. He stated he was gone and it was probably a heart attack, but could not tell for sure without an autopsy, he offered to keep him there, I vowed I would never leave one of my dogs at a vets and I bought him home to be placed in the freezer for cremation later. At least here I felt he would not be far away, and thus he wouldnt panic, Ricky always panicked when things were unfamiliar. As I placed him in the car the other dogs were silent, I then made the dreaded phone call that I never, ever wanted to make, I dialled Phillipa, her mobile didnt answer and I was relieved I didnt have to tell her. I phoned my mum and dad and blurted out that Ricky had died, my poor parents have lost many dogs, Wolfhounds being the most recent. I called Phillipa at the land line and spoke to Betty, who immediately must have known who the blubbering mess on the phone was, "Ricky has died" I said Betty said she would get Phillipa, "Please dont tell her" I said and I heard her footsteps, she ran, Betty should not be running at her age I thought and I worried she may fall. Then those words I dreaded, " Oh darling" it was so hard to tell Phillipa who had entrusted me with the life of her beloved Ricky four years ago, Phillpa knew, she always knew what was best and what to do. I echoed the events hoping Phillipa would make it better, Ricky was in my heart and not the body that was with me, I will remember that for ever. It was the hardest goodbye I have ever said, I could not hold him long enough, I could not do enough, I secretly wanted him to just get up and scare himself by farting like he always did. I took a plaster mould of his foot, some cuttings of his hair. I kissed him softly one last time and held him, never wanting to let go, I cried and my heart hurt one last time, or so I thought. I wrapped Ricky in a plastic bag, and another and another, then two one at each end, just in case. I placed him in the freezer gently and so he was comfortable and not squashed, writing this now it seems strange, but I would do it all again, and not change a thing, maybe hugging him for a while longer. I had trouble in going out near the freezer for a while, but I remembered what Phillipa had told me, Ricky was indeed in my heart and not the freezer. The other dogs seemed no different although Angel has been a little more cuddly, I really notice that Ricky no longer checks on me every few minutes to see where I am (or if the offer of food is there!) I havent found an Urn worthy of his Lordship yet, however I am searching to find the ONE that is him. I shall always remember joy this little dog bought me in so many ways, the great people and many friends I have met through him. However I shall never forget the pain etched into my heart from the loss of my best friend. Thank you Ricky, I shall never forget you. Jacqi Rainbow Bridge There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many splendid colors. Just this side of Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush, green grass. When beloved pets die, they go to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other. There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So each day they run and play. Until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches. The ears are up! The eyes are staring. And this one suddenly runs from the group. You have been seen! And when you and your special friend meet, you take him in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together… … Never again to be separated.
  22. Emmylou Hugs to you and family, Eugene may you run at the bridge and catch all the biggest mice and biggest rats and have all the best looking gals to play with. Its so hard and hurts so much, but the memories that are etched in our hearts remind us of the joy wee are blessed with by having them in our lives. Hugs to you
  23. Oh Bugger I thought I was strong enough to come back in here after losing my boy six weeks back! Jesomil what a sda sad story, how brave you are and I hope the birth went well and all is happy, what did you have Hugs to you all
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