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Wazzat Xolo

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Everything posted by Wazzat Xolo

  1. Everyone has there own view on crating, but cant the breeder suggest what is best for the dog you are buying, generally the breeder is the best approach! J This is how I have done it!! But I dont fit in a crate! Crate training is really like the old style DENS that dogs are instinctively used to, like a darkened nesting place where they can feel safe, and their own space. Crates are not a PUNISHMENT and should not be used a such. Crates can be good for dogs that have separation anxiety, or house accident problems as in young pups. A dog of any age can be crate trained. Make sure when introducing your dog to the crate a lengthy desensitization period is used, praise and rewards MUST be associated with the crate, and plenty of patience. Remember, if you make the crate a good place your dog will see that too. Select the correct size crate. Leave it somewhere so your dog can investigate it at her leisure for a couple of days with the door removed. Sometimes taking the top half off as well helps.. Try leaving a favourite treat inside it or a favourite toy, If you have to, coax her in using irresistible treat, or when all else fails (and the crate is big enough), climb in yourself ( have camera ready!!). Once they been in and out of it a few times, start to feed them in the crate, with the top half back in place, but the door still removed. Praise and reward always. Start to close the door and open it again gradually increasing the time. Then close the door, and shut your dog in, DO NOT make a fuss. Best done when they are eating, point, you can either stand there and wait or walk away, but not so far that you can't hear. If they start to cry, do not go and let them out, wait until they settle and when all is quiet, then you can open the door and let them leave the crate. Continue this for a number of days. Best to have the crate close by at night for the start of the pups new home life so you can get up and take them out to avoid accidents in the crate. Once you are past the first two or three nights, both you and your puppy should be comfortable with the crate, and your nights will be easier. It won't be long before your pup and you are as one!! Good Luck
  2. Triumph through Love or the Latin Triumphus per diligo J
  3. "There is no better STRENGTH than love itself" J Its a lovely photo too! J
  4. Thats really great news, you can come cry with me in a few days ( October 15th) when its my Rickys three year anniversary, and yep, everydsay I still remember him ! J I just want to say thankyou, I went and saw my dr who helped out . Previously I was too embarrased but after listening to you guys/gals made me realise I am NOT the only one (even if it feels like it) Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Some of your words were fantastic and yes I am still sitting here crying while typing this but I have a little smile(of sorts...) from reading some of your feedback. THANKYOU each and every one of you.
  5. Sheridan There is an old link on DOL J linky
  6. Cant comment on research but my breeder has been feeding Kibble only for over 30 years and all her dogs are fine, my two have Kibble only and are doing very well, ( Ok they have Carrots as chew toys!) but thats it! An odd Vege Pig Ear as a treat J
  7. PD I am so sorry for your loss, Feral obviously loved his mommy heaps and told her all the time, just to make sure push, shove, meeeeooooow, its me me me me me Cats ahhh they are just as you said but tear our hearts. Feral had no doubt a great life with a super owner RIP dear fellow. Feral my cat my beautiful friend I feel you still here, it cant be the end. Slinky and shiny your coat gleams so bright Majestic and calm, in day and through night. I still can still remember the first time we met You were loud and annoying, I’ll never forget. You were a bundle of mischief, a real little rebel I’ll love you forever, my own little devil. We shared so much within our two hearts We were an obvious match right from the start. You were loud and vocal all through life Annoying and a trouble maker always in strife. Pushy and demanding from morn till night Always wanting everything just right! Loving and affectionate, cuddly and a friend I’ll miss you my annoying cat, Feral to the end. When I close my eyes I still see your face Those cheeky eyes and that strut like pace. You are here in my heart, remember forever I know that love for you will never sever. The day has arrived, time to say goodbye, Remember to spin your magic in the sky. I’ll never forget you my Feral, my friend Just a new beginning, not really the end. Hugs J
  8. Pumpitdog I remember that wigglebum JR will always be close to oyu. and you know why?? The old spit in the mouth trick!! She will always be there right in your heart! J she was a really wiggle bum dog... for those who don't know a wiggle bum dog is a dog who wiggles her whole bum and not just her tail... and when i got home from work she would be standing at the window and her ears would go down and her whole bum would start wiggling you could tell she loved me just by the wiggling bum and then she would bark non stop until i took her for a walk scrub dog you were the best
  9. Dont you ever feel stupid! We all feel the same way on the loss of a pet and who knows how long it affects us for, although we all have different leves of coping and levels of loss perception we all feel the pain you are feeling. There is a great chat group on these links Message board Pet loss J i feel so stupid but i am really suffering i might try lifeline. who would've thought a dog coould cause so much grief???? stupid dogs who would have them????
  10. It took so long Because...... as usual the Law that all are goverened over whether State ,Local or Federal it is a process of fact finding investigation and the rules and regs that govern a particular incident. Its not all cut and dry as we would all like, hopefully the powers that be have enough fact and evidence to launch a sucessful prosecution. J is
  11. :D You guys should put together a Pure Breeds Quote Book by JJ Public! I bet all Pure Bred Owners and breeders would buy it up in a flash! I have some shaved nut sacks and some peenies! ( dogs that is) J Ah yes, the old disguise-a-Shiba-as-a-Dingo trick... ;) In 2001 I was at the Royal showing a Shiba bitch - I got BOB with her and a friend of mine, being a smart arse, loudly proclaimed as I got back to my bench with dog & ribbons in tow, "WOW, look at what the baby Dingo won!!!!" Within seconds I was SWAMPED by people wanting to pat a real live Dingo I could have killed my friend - he thought it was hysterical... just wandered off back to his bench and left me to it! :D
  12. Orbit is lovely is he yours ? J did anyone notice a particularly handsome doggy on that website? The one with a toy in his mouth?? On the homepage, the main image that continuously changes. One of them is Orbit!!
  13. Thanks Jacobite My parents have had Wolfhounds ( have a rescue xbred at the moment, sadl;y all have died of cancer way to soon, they are beautiful dogs, Good luck for the future J Certainly not offensive. In the 19th century the IW became almost extinct and the Deerhound was one of the breeds used to re-create them, I think the others were the Mastiff and the Great Dane. I would think though that the IW and DH have a common root in some far off Celtic hunting dog. Pam
  14. OK, Do tell, which one and why ? I think you mean the puppy ?? J did anyone notice a particularly handsome doggy on that website? The one with a toy in his mouth??
  15. National Desexing Network Try this one www.ndn.org.au/ J
  16. Wazzat Xolo


    Juice Sympathy to you and the family. Run free and chase all those pesky Rabbits! J xox
  17. Beautiful dogs, Question to all hope its non offensive, Is the Scottish Deerhound and Irish Wolfhound in any way realted ? What are the differences? J
  18. Donna On the ABC Catalyst program the vet ( I think it was him) stated in the UK the SB has a life span av of 4.9 years is this true? Whats the average in Australia, it seemed awfully short Thanks J
  19. Yes, I can't imagine any personal protection scenario that would require my dog to drag someone out of a car windows! Well if someone was in my car and they were not supposed to be there it may help!! J ;) Sorry I just had too!!
  20. Just come top WA where the dogs used to be trained by a non qualified trainer and they lose the Police Dogs on Man work they do! Nobody I believe was in fact making the direct reference to Police dogs ( who believe it or not are not the be all and end all, just trained dogs, and yes I have the ability to quote on this.) I think the post was in refernce to dogs in general! J I wouldn't call that a cleaver practice to believe that you can dominate every cranky dog and remain uninjured. Try out a police K9 GSD next time you see the squad. Ask the officer if you can give his dog a yell and run to see if it backs down. Most dog handlers would be glad to oblige and let us know what happens.
  21. I personally would not say that any 1 PARTICULAR dog breed itself is protective and or non aggressive, same as any 1 dog breed is not always sweet natured and cuddly. This is too broad a question and too many variables in the real world, get some chem agent or personal protection . J
  22. AS others have said YEARS of training is needed for a dog to be protection trained and thats daily training and still they are always an animal and will have the instincts of such. Best protection is to have some self protection device, whistles ( not sure what Laws are in your state re chem agents, mace , spray etc) in WA it is an offence to release a dog on a person, insite an attack and can result in heavy penalties. Even the best trained Dogs (as in service dogs not pets trained as pretend body guards) can revert to instinct at times. Maybe protection devices, alternate routes, and a partner to accompany you would be the best course of action, than putting yourself in danger and the dog at risk of being labelled a DD. J
  23. PointeeLab My dog once had an awful mass on her ear, vet drained and we had antibiotics just in case of infection. The other option they would use was a multiple incision op where the ear was cut and pierced many times to relieve the mass if the first aspirations were not working, or refilling. Only my opinion but I would get a check to see if there is any underlying ear infection just to be on the safe side and avoid any Cauli ear from any unusual nasties. Good Luck J
  24. Hugs Lucysmumma Please dont feel guilty, radiation therapy is not nice, I watched my brother suffer horribly through it and cried in horror at many others pain. I vowed I nor any of my pets would ever be put through that discomfort, for a little bit longer, better to have quality time and remember that than the suffereing and no guarantees. YOU are doing the right thing, you and only you know whats right for your own, never feel guilty, be happy to have had the time than to never have had the wonderful opportunity to meet your beautiful girl. Hugs J
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