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Wazzat Xolo

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Everything posted by Wazzat Xolo

  1. at least the dog is in your photo! I have no shows in some of mine! PS is the Post Title a deliberate oops? as in it says OPPS should it be OOPS! lol
  2. At home as much as you can noises, people etc and positive always. I have enlisted the help of foster carers for my puppies ( after 3 months) and the local primary schools for the critical part of the socialisation period, I can vouch that ( in my breed anyhow) a missed social period can lead to shy dogs and a lot of work to catch up on. Bearing in mind they were in a kennel environs for nearly 12 months, which really didnt help.
  3. I have some more info on the PH score system I believe that virtually all the breed councils and clubs have stated that they are going to follow the FCI advice. ( earlier post) Also the AVA and their New Zealand counter part, the NZVA, are having a meeting next month to discuss the issue but the reality is they will probably follow the ANKC decision. I think ( just my opinion based on reading ) the driving force behind the push for PennHip is that it has been rejected by Europe and most other countries and has not been widely accepted in the USA. Australia is seen as a "soft touch" and a last hope. They are even telling other countries that PennHip will become the procedure of choice in Australia in the very near future. I guess this is like most things these days "economic" and business that push too much and can ruin things good or bad. Its a sales Pitch by the company in the USA I believe ( maybe MM can say more as why its not taken off in the USA) :D
  4. They put mine in Utility as well, I think its just the place where all those that dont fit directly ( according to who ?? I dont know) go! Overseas countries have the luxury of more groups! Maybe it would be best to email some breeders here they would know what the go is with the ANKC workings.
  5. Thanks for the tip. I did call but I spoke with wife? I belive. We had a very interesting talk. She knew of this vet in question and suggested that I don't dispair, do get a second option just first wait for Dr Wyburns assesment (via teh vet) and if I have any conserns on his notes to give him a call. She assured me notes will be printed on the orginal form (not post it notes) so they can't hide any notes. Thats good, and I can only say UI have found them both to be so great a help, and yes the notes are on the forms if any, just thought I would tell you my experience and sounds the same as yours so far, good luck.
  6. Having had my dogs hips and elbows completed in the last few months I may be able to comment here. I was told by the vet there was a shadow on the elbow but dont worry the Xray examiner would explain it all ( Dr Wyburn) After a week of waiting I received the results from Anne and Ron Wyburn on both dogs and all clear on both NOTHING at all on elbows. I would wait for Dr Wyburn to score, you can email him or call if you are worried, they always reply, dont forget they are going on five weeks leave beginning of May so get your x rays in pretty quick. I have spoken to Ron a fair bit the last few weeks and I think a call to him re the comments on the Penn hip would be very useful and he would be interested to know.
  7. My thoughts are with you at this sad time, run free dear Bear at the big bridge in the sky. Hugs
  8. There are three 24 hour/emergency vets in Perth: Murdoch, Balcatta & now PVE in Osborne Park In country areas in WA you can usually get the local vet out on a call out. I remember doing some work prac for a tiny, family owned vet clinic a few years back who would take home any animals that needed overnight care......lovely place Thanks Willow yes my vet will come when called but I didnt know re the emergency clinics here in WA, I shall have a look at them, I am off to Murdoch next week for some tests with the dogs. Thanks
  9. Good news, back to bed JLC and hope you have a speedy recovery. Hugs
  10. Hi and thankyou Wazzat Xolo Yeah i know vets generally do their best, and I've been mostly impressed with this particular vet, and I know 'accidents' can happen, and I glad they were upfront about it (as most would probably not have said anything!) but I still feel a bit upset about it. I'm not blaming anyone. It would have been nice had they given me a reduced price because of it, but that's not the issue. Wonder what happens if there was ever a fire in those places that don't have a vet on the premises?? I was ok initially when they told me the vet would be checking in regularly, but it appears he only came in once at 10pm, so it seems from what I understood. She was frantic, thats why she was scratching at the doors and walls! I do go out sometimes, and leave them alone at home, but its usually only for a few hours at a time (and its in the comfort of their own home with music on etc). If we go out longer than that, I get my parents to dog sit them. Cavaliers especially, do need/require the extra attention.. I've had other dogs (and Joey) in the past that have been ok overnight at the vets, but then they have had procedures/op done, and have been sleeping it off most of the time because of the sedation they were given. Renae had nothing, so would have fairly fully aware of being alone for all those hours. Anyway she's on medication, is drinking some water, and eating tiny bits, and is sleeping again close by me Thanks for the hug too xxx Thats good news she is home and eating and drinking a bit, its so nice to hear the "nice" stories makes up for all the sad and bad ones, I am a big sook and love the happy endings lol! I know in the USA they have emergency 24 hr vets and mini hospitals, I am not sure if they have them here in Aus or WA ( luckily I have never needed one) Seems in the USA they have so much with animal treatments etc.
  11. Jules what an awkward situation to be in, I am sure the vets are doing there best, we all want whats best and I am sure it was just one of those things, I do hope you and the dear mite are all ok now and on the road to recovery. On a good note, gee what a great mom you must be for the dear old gal to escape and try to get to you, that is true doggy love!! Hugs.
  12. Thank you , Thats what I was told Kostalot but I couldnt find any documentation on it, ( ANKC ) I am waiting on a report from the FCI when it is published I shall post it here.
  13. i cant really say anymore but there is a report being released from the FCI as soon as that is released I will let everyone know. MM has by the sounds of it a rough idea on the popularity of the PH system in the USA which is what I have been told, from memory was there a court case with the CKC and Penn hipp ?
  14. This thread a while ago has some prices of dogs not sure if a GSD breeder is in there, I would contact breed specific clubs and go from there, work out what you are after and you have the breed experts all on hand. Try some chat lists for the breed as well they are very informative with info on the breed and lines etc! Good luck http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...p;hl=cost++dogs
  15. oh ok thank you so much for that Angelsun and sorry to Andisa, I warned you I am not a computer whizz. Thanks again
  16. This has been discussed here on Dol before somewhere. At the ANKC conf late last year this was bought up. 2.3 Kangal Dog and Anatolian Shepherd Dog Delegates resolved that the ANKC try to resolve the situation with the Kangal Dog and the Anatolian Shepherd Dog by sending a letter to all registered Kangal Dog and Anatolian Shepherd Dog owners outlining the following: 6.1 The ANKC resolve to have all Kangal Dogs DNA tested to ascertain if it is a separate breed to the Anatolian Shepherd Dog. If the DNA test shows that the Kangal Dog and the Anatolian Shepherd Dog are the same breed, the ANKC resolve to declare that the Kangal Dog and the Anatolian Shepherd Dog are the same breed. All Kangal Dogs to be re-registered as Anatolian Shepherd Dog and recognised as a single breed (not even as two varieties of the same breed) and treated as a single from 1 January 2010. The standard for the breed, to be the current Anatolian Shepherd Dog standard. 6.2 The two breeds to remain as two [2] separate breeds. Should the DNA test show significant differences between the two breeds, then the ANKC resolve to declare that the Kangal Dog and the Anatolian Shepherd Dog are two [2] separate breeds with no inter breeding between the two breeds. To resolve that a moratorium of five [5] years be declared before this policy can be reconsidered. Kangal breeders are to be advised that failure to respond by 30 June 2010 may result in the Kangal Dog no longer being an ANKC recognised breed.
  17. Thanks Andisa I have used that one before, but I want to put a pic of each dog in the pedigree on as well, no forms I find will allow me to do this.
  18. slightly OT but may be relevant, but I was told the ANKC had rejected Penn Hip scores, and I believe the FCI has just recently had meetings and the recognition of these scores is considered no longer viable. Sorry I cant help with the topic, but thought this may be of use. Wow...well that is very interesting. It certainly is recognised by the OFA in the US and therefore the AKC. Can you advise where you heard this...is it on a website or through a Canine association? I would love to get further information? I have sent a PM, as noone else seems interested!
  19. I dont Oakway, I shall have a look, thank you. I need a program thats easy for a non computer person! lol
  20. I dont Oakway, I shall have a look, thank you. I need a program thats easy for a non computer person! lol
  21. Thank you for that, really it was no hoops just a lot of paperwork, wasnt as hard as I thought, the worst part was the language barriers with the FCM in Mexico and the siestas they seemed to have every day all day! lol The fact the Xolo is not recognised in USA or UK to be shown was a bit hard, Australia will be leading the way with showing in this respect. Trust me anyone can do it, I only wanted the dogs for the breed, the showing is only as I want the public to see the breed, the health is my main priority as I am sure with many.
  22. Not sure if anyone can point me in the right direction, but, I have searched high and low for a pedigree template that allows photos of dogs to be used on it, I only need a three gen type. Any ideas? Many thanks in advance.
  23. slightly OT but may be relevant, but I was told the ANKC had rejected Penn Hip scores, and I believe the FCI has just recently had meetings and the recognition of these scores is considered no longer viable. Sorry I cant help with the topic, but thought this may be of use.
  24. Andisa This is all new to me and many vets as they have nothing to go on from previous tests! The FCM ( Mexican kennel Club ) has just made it mandatory for all Mexican Dogs who want to gain a Ch status must be hip and elbow scored which I think is a must if one is considering breeding. What tests do Rotties have for eyes? Just curious as mine are only being tested for PRA good thing. Thanks Wazzat - that would have been great but Rottie have their own paperwork. I have just sent off my dogs details and hopefully I will get the necessary paperwork back next week and will have them done asap. They have their hips / elbows, mouth and eyes done at the same time. Will get the DNA done while there too. Looks like I am up for an expensive week. Plan was to space them out but now the pressure is on to have them done together.
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