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Wazzat Xolo

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Everything posted by Wazzat Xolo

  1. My dogs do it all the time but they have been debarked, just a thought in case yours has been debarked. Hope all is well
  2. Great news Ptolomy Toller glad you finally got the puppy, I have a free time till later this year and am expecting a puppy through, gee the price hike is doubled! lol Drumbeat the qtine visit times were changed late last year I had mine in thereJuly Aug and they were five days then, just after that they changed to three days. They feed Advance at q tine but I am sure Julia and the girls will accomodate any special requests.
  3. It was my weekend project, couldn't afford the ones I saw on the internet so decided to give it a try and that way I could make it look more like Jenna (that's why it has the two white spots on the back of the neck).Googled on the internet to see how they did it and what I needed and then went from there, I am quiet happy with my first attempt but I can see plenty of room for improvement with my next one. Yes it is felting, mind you I broke 10 needles the first night so went out and bought a whole pile more and have only broken one since, so I'm getting the idea. Gizmo is my next project, had trouble finding the little noses and eyes and then when I found them the lady in the shop gave them to me for free, not just one set, I think I had about 10 or more sets, it was so nice of her. Now I know they are the right size might have to go back and get the rest as they were a good price even paying for them. Size wise its about the size of a CD case. Lovely I am half blind but I thought it was real at first Its beautiful, new business coming up! :rolleyes:
  4. You have done all you can Rach, you are a good person and their loss if they dont heed, hold your head high as a Xolo friend lol! :D
  5. I emailed you heaps of pugs looking for homes and FROM proper breeders! Rach, Good Luck You can only try your best, in the end it is entirely their choice and their money, but remember that, they will choose, you can only offer to educate and always nicer when an education not a harp harp harp. Good luck
  6. No No No isnt that what Don Burke promotes I mean who wants what he has got ? what about a purebred ex show dog ( already passed the annoying puppy stage, house trained and so much more bonus points) I am sure there are heaps of breeders on DOL who have ex show dogs and WHY pay all that money for a crossbred dog that may have a myriad of health problems ? A pugalier dear me
  7. Thanks You're welcome wazzat [TBH I can't remember what I did do for you ] Helped me with a background and cut out private pm I sent you a while back
  8. Ravk You are amazing, Thank you for the help you have given me as well, you should set up a little business I for one would use you to fix photos! What great work.
  9. To be honest, I haven't lit a real one; I just keep returning to the website for the virtual one. Having had my own fire a couple of days after Jed's in which no real damage done, (but I have already paid out nearly $7,500 - hopefully the insurance company will be as fast at paying bills as I am - replacing metres, etc) the idea of even a little candle burning is too scary for words. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=195996 I am sorry to hear Mother Moocher, I am glad you are ok and my thoughts are with you as well as Jed and her family xox
  10. Oh FFS I thought you guys were lighting REAL Candles, I wondered how you kept lighting them all the time, after 4 candles I gva eup on the real ones! I am blonde !
  11. Well said, the bad sportsmanlike people are just that in all that they do generally Bad loosers, with second rate dogs and a very basic out;look on life itself. The negativity of these people os there in all their spheres of life not just the dog show world! I for one can not talk highly enough of all the help the ANKC New Breeds com has freely given myself, and many other breeders who I have never met given me wonderful information and help.
  12. I know for a fact that some of the dog registrations are not correct so maybe other breeds are in fact wrong!
  13. Sometimens Council will not release the dog until the demands issued in the first instance are complete ( In this case I would say a corrext enclosure that conformed to the DD laws) This is a very sad tale all round for all concerned, even the most evil/ negligent ranger would not PTS a dog knowing it had an owner, thoughts to all concerened and may their be a lesson learnt from this! J
  14. Wazzat, I do hope Angel is OK. I understand where you are coming from. Gorgeous photo of her reading the paper. Thanks Dyzney they are all Ok after ingesting Ratsac at a workshop! OMFG I said ! all five to the vets but all good now ! Thanks God!
  15. It is none of the Vets business, they are NOT local Law Enforcement Officers. Thats right eithical, welfare and Legal are all different matters and rarely cross territories, however anyone can report someone for having over the prescribed number of dogs! Someone reported me once as I had five and I had to rehome 1 and PTS the other! I was an ACO and my boss knew of my animals ( was trying to rehome the excessnumbers) I live and never work in the same municipality! That's rough Wazzat, given the amount of people I have know over the years get away with over subscriptions and no registrations. lol I know but its the law and the old girl was ten years old and lived her last few years with me and in total peace ( albeit no teeth!) I know she was in a good place when it wa s time to go! I have a permit now for all my dogs but being an ACO people always want to fight you! lol
  16. It is none of the Vets business, they are NOT local Law Enforcement Officers. Thats right eithical, welfare and Legal are all different matters and rarely cross territories, however anyone can report someone for having over the prescribed number of dogs! Someone reported me once as I had five and I had to rehome 1 and PTS the other! I was an ACO and my boss knew of my animals ( was trying to rehome the excessnumbers) I live and never work in the same municipality!
  17. all dogs I have owned have been wonderful and worth their weight in gold, the most wonderful are the least expensive but the most valuable to my heart. Just yeasterday at the vet after a rather unfortunate incident I said to the vet "Whatever you do save Angel ( my 11 year old crested) who is worth so much to me, I value her more than my Xolos as I know my time with her is limited. Not that I dont adore the Xolos, but all my dogs have been and always will be wonderful and etched in my hear! J Angel, (Crested) Duke ( PAD Dog)
  18. +1 here mine at 10 weeks and had an eye out to 9 of her head not the other end!) She is now eight years old and appears normal apart from only one eye!!!
  19. There was a Rottweiler with suspected parvo when I was at the vet on Wednesday . That was Midland area to. Parvo last week in the Bunbury Pound too
  20. Agree,we have a vet chain here that is notorious for these package deals & over kill & if you question them my god do you get abused. A good vet clinic doesnt do package deals as such they should be treating each dog based on breed or risks associated & going from there. It shouldnt be like picking a holiday package I personally wouldnt patronize these "vet chains" and give them the satisfaction of business, thats what keeps them going! Luckily my vets are charging a cheaper rate for any litters ie the puppies at 12 weeks of age with the vaccs, I guess it may be something you build up with your vet, I give mine lots of money!! so he looks after me ! lolol0oloolol
  21. Agree,we have a vet chain here that is notorious for these package deals & over kill & if you question them my god do you get abused. A good vet clinic doesnt do package deals as such they should be treating each dog based on breed or risks associated & going from there. It shouldnt be like picking a holiday package I personally wouldnt patronize these "vet chains" and give them the satisfaction of business, thats what keeps them going!
  22. LOL Secrets in the dog World hahahahahahahahahaha have a great Birthday Julie, from all those who you have given so freely to and us here in the West Jacqi and the Xolos! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
  23. It depends on why you have imported the stud. Just because the progeny doesn't always win doesn't make the bitch line inferior. Importers are often looking at second generation and beyond, and the quality of what the daughter of the import produces when bred back to the line. Do you show dogs? Do they give you a ribbon for last in show? History is what determines great imports. Not the sales figures of the import's pups. How very true HISTORY is behind all great dogs and breeders blood sweat and tears! \ I am hopeful mine will produce quality puppies but I am well aware of lines I need to import with the limited gene pools avaialble. I guess every breed road is generally the same but depending on the availlability of gene pools can be an influencing factor..
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