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Wazzat Xolo

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Everything posted by Wazzat Xolo

  1. well i am entered but might have to see how daughter is as the last two days she has been having epileptic drop attacks again was hoping she was gonna grow out of it cries Oh Emery I saw that on your Facebook and made comment BUT here is double hugs to you both, hopefully she will grow out of it! J
  2. well done, what a thrill that must be, I cant even imagine the feeling! BIG Congratulations again.
  3. many forget that the history and function of the breed is paramount for judging the breed. well said and OMG so true!
  4. Hello all had a read through threads and adoring pics of all dogs! Hope some are coming to OUTBACK Bunbury this weekend for their small countryshow! Come and say hello to the Xolos and I if you are!! J
  5. No, of course not but but a TRUE person who is aiming to better the breed would not show an example that was not worthy!! and in any case the judge does not have to put a dog up!
  6. Hugs and strength to you Valley CBR It is indeed a very dedicated and caring Dog Professional that can make the TOUGH and RIGHT decisions, Well done VCBR, you are a champ. J
  7. Betterment of the breed in my case as the breed was a total of 70 dogs in 1950s, is an attempt to get the purity back to the breed and eliminate the parts that were manmade rather than naturally selected( as the breed should be) . I do not think the terrible exaggeration of the standards in some breeds ( man made breeds) has been of any benefit to the breed or the Dog World. We as Xolo owners are responsible for brining the breed back from the brink with pure specimens and eliminating the lines that have had input from other breeds. The breed has a CPR registry where pure Xolos can be registerd from the deserts pending DNA samples and proof of input. I believe one can always strive to a breed standard ( maybe betterment is a tough term) but in my eyes there is no perfect dog that matches a standard, let he who has a perfect dog stand up!! JMHO and why we all strive to better the breed ?
  8. Geez I golly hope so!!! mmm not sure why I had to clarify that! My mother asked as to how a tick got under my clothes! lol ( I think)
  9. Lab Rat thats just what I said to you after my visit with him, dogs generally dont have the problems, it is in fact US that need the training and the corrections! lol I have had a few people go to him who have been very happy, good to hear!
  10. He is amazing isnt he LR, so glad you went I owe him so much for my dogs!
  11. How'd you know and how'd you get it out!? I probably wouldn't know a tick though I was drying myself and thought mmm this fluff wasnt coming off, then I asked my hubby what it was and VAVOOM it was a tick! I wear clothes to work but somehow it was under my shirt in the middle of my back, I posted pics to FB, as I couldnt believe it!@ Between the nail varnish remover, dencorub, acetone, clear varnish, vaseline to get it off someone then told my hubby to light a match and burn it off! Considering all the flammable stuff on my back I decided against the possible spontaneous combustion! it was small but you could see the legs and the engorged body!
  12. To make you feel a bit better, shows I have entered next year interstate will cost thousands! lol ( dogs and helpers!) Try living in WA and every Interstate show is $$. But in reality better value than some of the country shows here at six hours away by car, the same travel on a plane and an Interstate comp! J
  13. I think all of us did It might have been a good thing that we did wag since I hear 2 cars were broken into and things stolen - so just a reminder - lock your cars when at K9. Also 2 agility dogs back from the Susan Garrett seminar in NSW are at Murdoch with tick bites Fingers crossed they are both OK. Did you wag too, Ptolomy? Stupid thieves All this talk of ticks and stuff makes me too scared to move away from Perth, even though I've considered it on numerous occasions! Like last night again LOL I copped a tick on MY BACK last week bloody filthy little bugga! rather me than the dogs though! lol
  14. bahahahahahahahaha i got the same thing but i do the c5 then no more lol. i am still getting letters in the mail saying she is overdue. all the i hoope you aren't taking her out and about as parvo is running rampant oh no i don't says i who has already had pup at parks, peoples houses, shops, show grounds etc rofl. she reccomended the heart worm jab too i was like no thanks i do tabs well i don't but she don't know that lol. i also only advocate every two or three months or if she seems to be getting itchy never had fleas though. wonders if its the same vet???? I still vaccinate mine every year and use the yearly Heartworm vacc, also keep up the Rabies vaccs for the pups health ( over seas pups) But its up to each to do as they feel best for their dogs!
  15. It is true in some cases I am sure. I can only be guided by the experience and great mentors I have in my breed, but unfortunately they are all over seas based! The almighty dollar and the blue ribbon has certainly over run the bettering of any breed in a few instances as we lose the "mature" and experience to this! I am fortunate as I have "excellent examples" and as the only two the blue ribbon, but the satisfaction of competition is costly as I have to import more to compete against myself! But I consider this to be advantageous in the betterment of the breed itself for Australia and I am hopeful the breed, as guided by the knowledge of the true Xoloistas worldwide. Knowledge cannot be bought it must be respected and earned. JMHO
  16. You might be thinking of the Australian Bat Lyssavirus. It is closely related to rabies and can be carried by bats within Australia - fruit bats and insectivorous ones. It is transferrable to any other mammal, including humans - by bat scratch or bite. Prevention is with normal rabies vaccine. Wazzat and SSM there would likely be more stocks in the US where it is used more widely. Perhaps it could be sourced from there? There was a decent supply in the ACT last year when there was a bat population boom, with hospitals, doctors and vets. I don't know if there would still be some around or if it may have been recalled to this overseas emergency. Yes I think some people are confusing the two, thanks for the info.
  17. There have been a few parvo cases at my vet here in Ellenbrook and I saw a thing in the paper about some in Midland awhile back. I do hope the start checking ALL dogs vaccinations/or titre tests at Dogswest, it wlould be interesting to see how many can actually provide proof of up to date vaccs and be a safer place for those responsible enough to vaccinate( and or titre) J
  18. Sorry to hear Moselle, Run free dear Sophie. Proud to see the DOL community with all the "good" love that DOL can turn on for members in need at such a sad time. what a great bunch!
  19. I wonder if you can import the vaccine through another country and have it sent to a vet for use? I realise its a Sched 8 drug and the strict requirements but dioes anyone know of any short cuts to get the vaccine here ? Happy to pay whatever it takes to get some here! Thanks in advance ?
  20. I dont use them!! so I cant really comment I have a dog sitter when I go away! I can reccomend some great kennels in Southern River area though ? if that helps or Amherst kennels in Mt Helena but I guess thats not close either lol Well done Pty and Strauss way to go
  21. Gere I hope this is not true as I am wanting some in the early new year for a few dogs. Hope someone knows the answer
  22. Woo Hoo HUGE congratilations Nanna and I thought that you were going to a dog show today Thanks guys, sorry ( thank you Ptolomy I forgot to say its not mine its a gandson!!) I am on Sunday at Canine ( I think!!) well I am now !! J
  23. Hi all well one last perv at all your goings on!! before spasmodic posts!! Congratulations Tiggy on a birthday and a soon to be new baby to your house! He is gorgeous ( and as you know I am not even a Staffy person!!) Just a bit of news I wnted to share with you young uns! lol I too have a new addition! as always its hairless, but its pink and makes a hell of a racket, doesnt do much but pees and poops, its called Jack!!! Its not quite a Xoloitzcuintle but close!! Introducing My grandson !!
  24. Thats wonderful news Ptolomy, they had a BIG giggle at the DOL antics and the excitement at the CR arrivals that I told them off!! Tiggy sorry to hear about Shimi, just remember things happen for a reason, allbeit very hard. I hope to see anyone who is going at the Canine Show on Sunday . J
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