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  1. G'day, I thought I could offer my experience with fleas. Many years ago I started bathing my pets in the bath under the shower. The fleas that were present then, were killed by the Shampoo and Conditioner (pantene). It seemed like any eggs and flea bodies were washed straight down the drown. This seems to have worked as Tonka is now four years old and has never had a Flea. I believe that all flea eggs have gone down the drain and off the property. This seems to have prevented reinfestation. Admittedly I only have Tonka atm as his grandad was pts jan05. But there are no problems with fleas and I do have a sandy backyard. Tonka does'nt have problems with human shampoo as I only use a small amount and the shower seems to rinse his coat well. Also I don't have an added expense of pet shampoo or flea treatments/poisons. santos l helper
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