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Just Midol

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Everything posted by Just Midol

  1. Difference between what? If I tell him to go in the crate he will go in. But if it's quite obvious that he prefers sleeping on my bed then why would I force him to sleep in the crate? I'm not on some power trip...
  2. No, I just don't care if he sleeps in a crate. He WILL be crate trained, but I am not crate training him for sleeping. I am crate training him for car trips, when he is injured and when I go on holidays. He will have a CHOICE on whether he sleeps in my bed or in the crate.
  3. PAX, wouldn't bother me if it was dominant anyway, I was just wondering if the behaviour is dominance related. Persephone, if he doesn't take to the crate then I won't force him in it.
  4. If I refuse to he doesn't really care, he just goes to sleep. Same as if I pull it away, he might look at me with his stupid "wtf" look but then just goes to sleep. ETA: He does always sleep close. Usually touching me. Chop, he is a rescue dog. I estimated 3-5 and the vet estimated 18months-2years and her estimate is probably better.
  5. Gizmo was $240 or something. Axle was closer to $1000. Initially it was a touch over $400 as he was also desexed like a girl :cool: Then he had complications. If I ever get a dog from a breeder again then I will not be having it desexed. I won't go through the dramas I went through with Axle again. However, if I fostered a rescue dog then I would desex it before rehoming it, go figure?
  6. Gizmo sleeps on my bed (He'll be in a crate soon but he is on my bed for now.) Anyway, he'll grab my arm/hand with his paw when I am reading so it goes out across the bed then lie down on top of it and wiggle his head till it is on top of my hand. Just having trouble trying to figure out why he is doing this particular behaviour? He isn't a very dominant dog to me, but he gets a bit dominant to Lily.
  7. Ebay are wankers when it comes to prongs. They won't let you list them because they can't stop someone in NSW from using them... They sell sharp swords so I ask how they manage to stop people from stabbing other people and they ignored me -.-
  8. Thanks guys - will look at those sites Doesn't have to be identical. I just want something tough that'll last.
  9. Trying to track down a tough crate similar to this one: http://leerburg.com/1093.htm Does anyone know where I could source one from in Australia? If not I'll see if my local metal shop can make me one.
  10. Damn. I'd have come if I knew it was on Sounded like fun though.
  11. Spot also would be interested in stuff on making the dog look at her (her words) She was too scared to post it so I am for her. ETA: She does do ToT already so stuff past that.
  12. Yeah her ear is really ugly When I saw it I thought they screwed up as blood was everywhere but they explained that they can't really clean all the blood off. Just being shaved makes it ugly. Huskies without fur ANYWHERE is not right :D She slept all of yesterday and is still sleeping today. She wolfed down her brekkie though - I just hope I didn't feed her too soon. Gizmo is also being nice to her for once. Usually he wakes her up every 30 mins or so but he has left her alone.
  13. After pics! She doesn't seem very impressed
  14. You guys were right Vet said I noticed at a decent time, wasn't too late. She is getting it fixed now. Isn't costing near as much as I thought it would.
  15. Booked in at a different vet for 8 tomorrow morning
  16. Hrmm, Quick google search seems to agree with you. Lilys is bigger than any of the ones I find in google images though. ETA: So it's urgent is it Staff? I'll have to get onto my other vet tomorrow then (I see two different ones ) Thanks
  17. Lilys ear has this weird red lump. This is the best picture i can get. It is red, about the size of a 50c coin and is big. It almost completely blocks the passage down into her ear. Her other ear is a normal Husky ear. Sorry for the bad pic, she won't stop moving as it must hurt when I touch her ear. Ohhh, she is seeing the vet on Monday for it (Giz needs to go so she is tagging along to get it checked.) Any ideas on what it could be?
  18. Ahh, yes, I thought that it might do something to their drive. That was the only reason I could think of that we don't do it. So it isn't possible to train them to avoid things at a young age and have their drive remain intact?
  19. Been watching some of the NDTF dvds again tonight and had a thought. Since training in the socialisation period is considered to be almost permanent how come we don't train puppies whilst young to avoid things such as snakes and breeds like huskies to avoid things like cats? Surely it wouldn't be that hard, and since so much emphasis is placed on how important it is to get adequate socialisation in through weeks 3-14 then wouldn't it be the perfect time to do some kind of aversion training? I assume there is a reason it is not done though, so why isn't it?
  20. Yep, and unfortunately from what I can gather the new laws coming in will only stop new idiots coming in, but won't get rid of the current idiots. Companies views on dogs also need to change. IMO business owners (security businesses that is) should be required to undertake some sort of intro to dog handling course - then maybe they wouldn't have Huskies working for them (not mine.)
  21. 95% of security dogs I've met so far don't know sit or drop, I think bite work is beyond most of them :rolleyes:
  22. Do you treat her for getting it right? My Border Collie will do anything for a treat, if not he looses interest. In the NDTF course we've been told never to give a dog a reinforcer after it has disobeyed. So if it disobeys and then you reissue the command and it does obey we shouldn't be giving it a treat. Something to do with teaching the dog that if it disobeys then obeys it always gets a treat where if it obeys the first time it will only sometime get a treat?
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