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  1. Hi all, We've got an 18 month old Shiba Inu that has some aggression issues. We've had Rico since he was 8 weeks old. We took him to puppy school and he got through that without any problems. We used food to teach him how to sit, drop, play dead, roll over, hi-five, 'hi-ten', bow and a few other tricks. He pretty much does anything we want when we have a treat in our hands (read: treat, not his dog food in the bowl). We feed him twice, not sure when to reduce it to once a day.... I guess that'll make him more hungry. Anyway, what we've noticed is we can't go outside without Rico following. If we walk towards our back door he'll jump out of his skin and bolt to the door. Sometimes we sneak out and lock him inside.... he goes completely crazy, starts punching the door and doing this really high pitch yelp with a bit of a cry thrown in. When he's outside he's less controllable, he just gets way too excited. One thing that he loves is when we pick up grass and throw it in the air. But the problem is when we bend down he goes for our hand. If we have grass in our hand he will go for the grass and not the hand, he acts as if we have food in our hand. The real problem is though when we bend down to grab grass with our left hand and try and hold him back with our right. He starts with that high pitch yelping sound and latches onto my arm like those attack dogs. I can literally pick him up and swing him around. He has bruised and drawn blood pretty much every time I try it. He'll do this to anyone who tries it. He never bites like that for anything else. What he does a lot though is gets his mouth around our hand but doesn't actually put put pressure and bite. He'll do it when we pick him up or sometimes go to pat him... or even when we walk past him sometimes(rarely). He gets aggressive when we tries to hump our leg(he has been desexed) or even when we play with him and walk away fast(he bites the back of our legs). Up until last week we used to play tug of war with his toys, he'd drop it, stand over it and every time we went to grab it he'll try and bite our hand. I worked with him for a few day and he doesn't do it anymore, anytime he tries we yell NO and he backs off. But, if we go outside it's a lot hard to get him to do it, he's just nuts outside. Apart from the aggressive issue there are other things I don't want him doing. We have him in our back room and he's blocked by two doors leading to the other side of the house. Most of the time he won't listen to our sit/stay command and just bolt through the door as soon as it opens. He also does the lead pulling when on walks. He'll rear up when we see other dogs but never barks at them. If they come close he'll wag his tail and do a bow thing where he sticks his butt in the air. When the dog comes close he usually smells their butt or touches noses. He has never bitten or barked at dogs we see when walking. However, my uncle brought his dog over and they never leave each other alone. I'm sure they're fighting but they're so bad at it that everyone thinks they're playing. Apart from those 2 or 3 times he's seen my uncle's dog, the few dogs we see on walks and puppy school over a year ago.... that's the only time he has been "socialized" with dogs. I think it's safe to say there isn't much I can do for him without professional help. I'd prefer to have someone that comes to my house so they can see exactly how he is. I've looked around and found these businesses. http://www.ausdog.com.au/ http://www.allpawsforward.com.au/ http://www.dogtraining.com.au/ http://www.wagalotpetcare.com.au http://www.onsitepets.com.au http://www.fourpawsk9training.com.au http://www.barkbusters.com.au/ Is there a business list or one that you recommend that I could use? I'm in the western suburbs of Melbourne so if they can come to me out here it'd be ideal. Also, feel free to post any suggestions or tips... I'm pretty sure I need professional help though. Thanks for your help.
  2. We had our 5 month desexed about 3 weeks ago. He was in quite a bit of pain for about a week. Took him to the vet the day after he had the operation and they took the top layer of stiches out because they were too tight. Didn't relieve the pain though, he wouldn't walk. He's stand up, cry, then fall down. As the week went on, he would try to run then fall over and cry. He wouldn't even goto the toiler often. When he did it was pretty bad, he'd just explode doing both at the same time then lie down and cry. At one stage, he'd stand up and run but then stop and lick his wound. Hekept doing that over and over and each time he did it he squeeled... high pitch screams. He didn't stop until I jumped on him to calm him down, after that he was shaking like mad for a few minutes. The worst part was, I was home that entire week and had to see him go through it all. He has recovered fine but we were really worried. I think he worked himself up too much, he started beathing like humans do when they panic. The vets basically told us he was a bit of a sook and it was more in his mind than because of the pain. I think they were talking a whole lot of BS. Yes he is a sooky dog, but not the type that sits on his ass for a week... which is what he did. I've probably got you all worried but I thought I'd post because if it happens to your dog just keep in mind he'll be fine in time. Some dogs take longer to recover and some can't take pain as well as others hehe. Most dogs I know were running around the next day.
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