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Fit for a King

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Everything posted by Fit for a King

  1. taperhund - you rant on about hallowed ground and over reaction - my question was simple - what do you want people to do - ignore a dog behaving aggressively? You can disagree all you like I don't give a toss....I meet show and pet people like you unfortunately....a dog gets bitten or rushed and "it's oh well.... they're dogs" - yes they are but it's the human's responsibility to control that dog....you explain to the new puppy owner why their puppy who up until an hour ago was a happy, well socialised creature is now cowering in fear because some tool allowed their animal to rush and/or bite it as they blithely had their animal on an extender lead and were busy gossiping to someone and not paying attention........go ask the showies who have had to retire puppies at less than 6 months old because of an attack that has left them scarred figuratively or literally. ...live in lala land with no rules and no responsibility all you like but stay the hell away from me and mind with that attitude.... Can't help but think that one of yours has been dq'ed at some stage and you think it was not justified...if so why not come out and give us the story.....
  2. could have been on a boat and washed overboard or was thrown....poor critter...
  3. Bear in mind there are many strains of KC so the vaccine may prevent one strain but not a mutated version of it.......
  4. Oh Tapferhund so "in having a snap or go at another dog while on CC hallowed ground" should just be ignored? Are you serious? Yes they are dogs but they should be under control.....
  5. My sister bred bull terriers years ago - kept a mother and daughter and they got into it one afternoon - my sister tried to separate them - ended up having her leg ripped open from knee to Achilles, both dogs lost bits of ears and had terrible scars....they were finally separated using a plank of wood and a hose but it took two of the male neighbours hearing her scream who were finally able to quell the melee. She never put them together again but they lived in adjoining pens for ther rest of their days.....there is no doubt in my mind they would have fought to the death. I have had to move one of my girls to live with friends - after 2 years of peaceful cohabitation she decided she had to be the alpha bitch and ripped into the bitch that was in fact dominant......never happened before in over 30 years of running a pack.....was mortifying at the time but I had to just keep reminding myself they are, in fact, dogs .....and luckily it happened while I was there and could control the damage. She went off the property that day while I sorted out a suitable environment for her...now lives with friends and runs with one of their boys - completely happy.... Show person I know went on hols and left strict instructions his two males were never to be put together - housesitter disregarded this and he came home to find his Gr Ch dead in the backyard ......I believe he put the offending dog down.....
  6. How did the staffie get into their yard? Or was the pom unrestrained as well?
  7. anyone have the full results for gp 6 pls?
  8. yarracully - maybe the owner thought the dog's potential grand might suffer because word would leak out (and it certainly has now thanks to the owner himself) about potential temperament issues and future judges may treat the dog with caution. This SHOULDN'T happen as the dog should be judged impartially on the day but maybe that's what the owner's beef was..... But based on the facts AS WE KNOW THEM - I'm in agreeance with the CCC, the judge and the courts...absolutely the right call.....
  9. what I have written is for Qld - both people in the ring - one stands back and awaits the dog to be turned over to them. It isn't set down in a step-by-step procedure - common sense has to prevail....may be different in other states.... PF - not up to the club - or at least not in Qld - up to the steward on the day......
  10. A vet friend of mine told me the only way to determine if a bitch had had puppies was an autopsy and they could tell by changes to the uterine wall etc that suggested pregnancy at some stage.....
  11. See the steward before the show starts and advise him/her. Stick to the rules ie no discussion between the two of you at handover (that would be double handling) and you should be fine. You do NOT need to supply a medical certificate etc.
  12. Brooke - if you are an ozshow member I would post this there as well....
  13. Pet Network - an online service that welcomes personal shoppers..... http://www.petnetwork.com.au/cgi-bin/shopp...;cart_id=741485
  14. On the radio the other day they were saying tickets were very inexpensive by our standards - $6 for many events - however for the vast majority of indians this may well be a fortune....
  15. err Robbi - you HAD to tell him he had been eaten? Could you just have said he died and went to heaven/somewhere?
  16. Sigh - I would suggest that one of you contact MBSC and get the facts - it was clearly stated the other night that we would NOT be limited to one litter per year etc - however - anyone not having a breeder's permit would not legally be allowed to breed under the bylaws and by doing so would be in breach of DQ laws. Waldem - I have been specifically talking about what MS has done in our shire...if you have specific issues about what has happened in your shire then pick up the phone and call Mark or organise a meeting to see what can be done. I'd like to say that all shires would be as cooperative as MB but that isn't the case. As for the RSPCA hat thing - the reality is that DQ cannot just thumb their nose at the RSPCA - remember the adage about keeping friends close and enemies closer? The more the RSPCA is educated about breeders and what they hope to achieve the better.....BUT that doesn't mean that ANKC breeders should be above the law - there are still an element that will thumb their nose, keep their dogs in terrible conditions and puppy farm.....if they get caught and closed down - good. Steve - I am not at all confused who and what your organisation is - I hear a lot of noise about what you are doing for your members - and you seem to infer that getting involved at council level is one of them - I am just yet to see anything concrete arise from that......
  17. Hesapandabear - if you still need an eye specialist I recommend the guy up at the Specialist Centre at Tanawha - an English guy - very helpful.... I don;t have his card on me but rign here - North Coast Veterinary Specialists (07) 5453 7555 431 Tanawha Tourist Drv Tanawha QLD 4556
  18. Ah Steve - can you not have a discussion without resorting to sarcasm? It appears not - I am not in a fan club of any kind but can see results on the ground for Mark whereas the MDBA in this regard has a lot to say but seemingly little result......... Hogz - you are quite right - at the meeting it specified breeders outside of the ANKC - mini foxies were mentioned but it seemed each case would again be taken on merit. For instance I would imagine someone who has invested 15 years developing a line of Koolies for instance - who has kept all the records etc etc would have a better shot than mum and dad next door putting their GSD with the maltese X down the road so that their kids can enjoy the "wonders of childbirth". Shortstep - it would be up to the farmers of these working dogs to make a case for themselves - if they keep records as registered breeders are required to do and keep their dogs in an acceptable standard then IMO they MAY have a chance.....to try and hide what they are doing and not register their animals would be a mistake....and a potential monetary one at that....I have to say though I don't believe that is the council's intent - the people they are seeking to expose are the ones that are forever sticking bitches with dogs and sending the resulting crossbred or unregistered puppies to pet stores or advertising them on road signs - they don't give a fig about the animals - they are simply a way to supplement their unemployment benefits.....and yes yes I am generalising.....
  19. Well the residents where it is "not fair" then better get in touch with Mark - engage him to start negotiating on their behalf - or are you suggesting we should lose our deal because someone else hasn't reaped that benefit? But of course if the MDBA thinks it can do a better job please go right ahead and prove it......
  20. One of the many reasons I have not joined the MDBA is that frankly the organisation doesn't, IMO, carry any weight within local or state government or the ANKC. I am well aware that the people driving the new laws within MBSC HAVE spoken to the correct people and ARE acting on behalf of DQ members with the correct advice. Disagree all you like - I know you have your barrow to push. If you don't live in the area what exactly is your personal involvement?
  21. Steve - before you do any more "mentoring" in a region in which you do not live(?) and have no personal involvemnet in perhaps you should talk to the MBSC and to the DQ officer Mark Sheppard who has been instrumental in getting this situation resolved for registered DQ breeders. The new local laws have yet to be distributed for consultation but Mark will be in the midst of it ensuring DQ member breeders are protected. The MBSC staff that gave the presentation last night were very forthright with what they wanted and what we could expect in return. Less scaremongering more positive action would be good.
  22. what's also ironic is that 50 yards from Narangbah station is the community centre which was packed last night with DQ members and MBSC animal rangers......if the ranger said what he said I would ring Ann-Marie Boyd at MBSC and have a chat to her about the situation.....
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