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Fit for a King

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Everything posted by Fit for a King

  1. I hope you have been keeping the real estate agent aopprised of your dramas - would hate for them to blame you and say you brought the fleas to the property......
  2. Westie I have mine titred every 3 - 4 years - mine haven't been vaccinated since 14 months old - last set of titres showed high levels of antibodies - even had my vet impressed - he stopped sending me vaccination reminders!
  3. As noone else has mentioned it I will - there is also the hygiene issue - having urine or feaces stuffed up one's nasal passages is not hygienic and can lead to serious infections etc. As others have said it's a puppy - it may take weeks or months to be fully confident that your dog won't have an accident in the house - if it is going to irriotate your husbad so much then perhaps an older dog would be a better option and rehome the pup.
  4. A friend of mine lost her beloved Chance...this is for her.... :p "A Loan From God" God promised at the birth of time, A special friend to give, Her time on earth is short, she said, So love her while she lives. It may be six or seven years, Or twelve or then sixteen, But will you, till I call her back, Take care of her for me? A wagging tail and cold wet nose, And silken velvet ears, A heart as big as all outdoors, To love you through the years. Her puppy ways will gladden you, And antics bring a smile, As guardian or friend she will, Be loyal all the while. She'll bring her charms to grace your life, And though her stay be brief, When she's gone the memories, Are solace for your grief. I cannot promise she will stay, Since all from earth return, But lessons only a dog can teach, I want you each to learn. Whatever love you give to her, Returns in triple measure, Follow her lead and gain a life, Brim full of simple pleasure. Enjoy each day as it comes, Allow your heart to guide, Be loyal and steadfast in love, As the dog there by your side. Now will you give her all your love, Nor think the labor vain, Nor hate me when I come to call, To take her back again? I fancy each of us would say, "Dear Lord, thy will be done, For all the joy the dog shall bring, The risk of grief we'll run." "We'll shelter her with tenderness, We'll love her while we may, And for the happiness we've known, Forever grateful stay." "But shall the angels call for her, Much sooner than we've planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, And try to understand." ..... Author Unknown
  5. I agree with Leopuppy for MOST breeds 12 months and up but the larger or heavy breeds I would wait a little longer to do ANY jumping. While the growth plates are open - no jumping is my personal rule. I used to argue with a guy I trained with - he would let 3 month old pups train for agility INCLUDING a-frames, jumps etc - I quit as I really didn't agree and IMO he crippled a very young Llasa by letting it start so young with very inexperienced owners and the poor thing fell off a dog walk - was never the same - very, very nervous and they would get cross with it, I'd get cross with them in turn then he would have shots at me that the dog should know who's boss and should be FORCED to walk the apparatus. I walked out of training one night and never returned. Bloody idiot of a man. I often wonder whatever happened to the poor thing. Clueless trainer, clueless owners, not a good combination.
  6. Who said that? We were asked our opinions about the suggested course the new owner was intending to take...far from ideal in some people's minds...but noone said anything about the dog ending up at the pound....if you choose to put words in other people's mouths CK then YOU are the one with the issue....
  7. Sorry but I don't agree - big, small or indifferent - just plonking an 8 week old pup in a backyard is IMO negligent. Miranda - you say you put your pups out at 4 weeks - do you then just leave them out and go away for 8 hours at a time? I certainly wouldn't. if I get a new pup at 8 weeks into the house I take time off and acclimatise them and over time leave them for short periods then longer periods - but I am talking over the ensuing 3 - 4 weeks and mine have other dogs for company. A pup at 8 weeks left alone in a yard with a neighbour just plonking food down every few hours is NOT IMO good practice and I'm sure you may end up with a pup that barks. whines and makes a pest of itself at su=ddenly being in such circumstances.
  8. Thanks ML - used to go to another Greencross vet but left them for Calamvale...phew...
  9. ML - is that the calamvale vet surgery you are leaving? If so could I ask you to pm and tell me why - I have just moved all of my animals to them....
  10. Just my opinion but until they fully ascertain that she is not sick I would not let the vet give her her second shot - defer it for a week or so..if she is ill her immune system could be compromised and a shot may be detrimental.....but have the vet check her thoroughly for illness first....
  11. Not greenies pls - if you must go that route then go the dentabones or try pigs ears...not greenies....
  12. Looks like it could be a contact dermatitis - has she been anywhere in long grass or shrubbery or have you put in any new plants in the garden?
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