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Fit for a King

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Everything posted by Fit for a King

  1. I'll be the nutter running (or limping) around with a Briard....
  2. I can vouch for redlands at capalaba - nice people and careful to keep people in line in terms of animal treatment.....they have a website with all their info....
  3. Thanks bordacollies4me - have already enrolled there and we start on 1 July. It should be fun. I watched a class the other night. I'd like to do obedience and trial this girl as well hence the search for the best obed club in the area.....
  4. ah okay - thank you - it's been years since I trialled in another state and you did have to be a member of an accredited club...things have changed obvioulsy....
  5. Thanks Cala - a question for you re Teamwork - are they recognised? Can I get accreditation through them to go on to trial?
  6. anyone have any first hand knowlegde of this club? Good points? bad points? Any alternative suggestions for around that area......
  7. And that's fine CNR - we each do things differently. Having had someone try to poison my GSD's at a show many years back I want to be absolutely certain that I can take anything from my dogs when I need to and in a split second - be that food, toy or even the water bowl.....and I can
  8. IMO you HAVE to be able to remove something from a dog - what if you are walking and they pick up a bait? Or a cane toad or something else that could potentially harm them? And reality is that you may not have something at hand to trade up - by the time you do get something it may be too late and they have ingested whatever it is..... From an early age (8 weeks) I start taking food and/or objects from my dogs - be that removing the bowl with the food in it or removing food/object from their mouths if they don;t "give" when asked. If I have treats with me they get the treats and often the food returned. If not they get verbal praise for their efforts. I would rather that than a trip to the vet and a stomach pump.....
  9. Have you only taken the pup to vets? What about a visit to a canine physio? I had a dog that my vet swore had spinal issues - turned out to be twisted tendons in his toes picked up by the physio after only 5 minutes - HUGE difference......with all things mechanical or skeletal I start at the physio first... Have you also spoken to the breeder to find out if he/she has experienced anything like it?
  10. ANY puppies in my opinion - not just large breeds....while their skeletal systems are growing and developing the jarring of landing or possible damage through falling on ANY breed could be irreperable.....
  11. I agree Ahona a futon wouldn't be an issue but if the OP has a bed - and a high one at that, it could be an issue.....
  12. "is he just being a gutso dog or could it be his diet?" From your avator he's a lab? From my experience ALL labs are gutsos and will eat while ever food is around......
  13. Did the breeder who sold you your pup not warn you about blowing coat?
  14. http://www.globaldial.com/~aegis/tetanus.htm - interesting read...
  15. I don't have an issue with dogs sleeping on beds (mine do) BUT at 8 weeks I would be worried about them jumping up or down from it.......I would be insisting they wait and be lifted up and down until they are older/stronger etc...
  16. Fantastic - will go have a look. Thanks very much ML
  17. Anyone know of a good supplier of BARF patties in northern suburbs of Brisbane pls?
  18. chicken was alone on the course but the trainer had dogs and cats as well - all clicker trained....
  19. I have a clip somewhere of a clicker trained chicken doing agility - was the strangest thing.....
  20. My response was - go watch him....I have on a number of occasions - him and his wife. Would I use him? No. Would I use his wife? No. Their style of training goes against my grain. One can only judge after seeing or experiencing hence my response.
  21. Megaderm....fabulous stuff...taken internally....omega acids etc....
  22. Better still - go watch him and his wife "train" and then decide for yourself.....
  23. Wipe thoroughly with Listerine then dab zinc cream on the area...twice daily...I had results within 24 - 36 hours.....
  24. I've been telling my neighbours that for the past 6 months - they have a 8 mo JRT that when he gets loose runs as far from them as possible...they chase and chase until they catch him then belt him and stick him back in a crate....and wonder why he doesn't learn.....they don't get that he HAS learned...the hard way......
  25. I'll be blunt Frank - quite honestly I don't care what happens to you or your family because YOU will be solely the one to blame for being so bloody stubborn, pig-headed and a gaint twat. On the other hand I DO care about your poor wretched dog so for the love of God contact the breeder or a rescue organisation, give up the dog and go get your kids pet rocks......
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