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Fit for a King

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Everything posted by Fit for a King

  1. I can check with my neighbours re agisting one or more of the horses - any idea how long it will be for - they will ask obviously. I have room but would worry one of my dogs would spend the whole time trying to herd horses..... does she need anything else?
  2. Jed - did not know there was a distributor at B'gary - do you have any details pls?
  3. Sam - an ear infection will not just leave as the ear has been cleaned. he may need antibiotic drops. I would go to another vet and ask to have the ears thoroughly checked.....
  4. a lot of people take off the tops and just bring down to a low level - you shouldn't cop grief for that. If you do have one of the plastic mats down though then do NOT leave it over night or it may be gone next day - that's an absolute nono as they are trying to preserve the grass. The 6am thing was also to avoid people going out the night before and grabbing all the ring space and/or camping whihc is not allowed either....
  5. he claims his wife was assaulted - it doesn't appear the other two women were charged so have to wonder whether it was all BS claims in court to justify his behaviour.....why would you need to call police over a puppy stealing bread???????? another angry man with poor impulse control....sigh....
  6. As the topic implies I want to replace the blades in my mars. have tried a few online places who sell the tools but not the blades. Antone had any luck getting replacement blades? seems ridiculous to have to buy another tool when it is only the blades that are problematic..... Thanks in advance...
  7. comfortis should not be used in breeding animals - male or female - there are still some questions re its effects on reproduction. In some dogs it does cause nausea also. I wouldn't touch the 12 month HW jabs with a 40 foot barge pole.
  8. I was told by an ortho vet recently that TPLO surgery is going out of favour for this very reason - they don't stick. The more popular move now is TTO or TTA I do hope your boy improves. Have you thought of swimming? No weight bearing but would build up the joints....
  9. low in numbers unfortunately. Vaullhunds and PONs tonight so we will probably only have 2 or 3 dogs and no PONs BUT the lecture should be good.
  10. My first show after nearly 20 years out iof the ring - asked to do a triangle - I did but a reverse one - put myself between judge and dog the whole way. He just grinned at me and asked if I wanted to try that agin..... When one of my boys was a minor puppy we had a very tiny, elderly female judge who cooed and whispered to the dogs as she went over them...my boy took a shining to her and before I could grab him was on his hind legs, front paws on her shoulders, licking her from chin to hair....she got the giggles so he responded more enthusiastically ...I was mortified and left the ring embaressed as hell.....she had her hair standing on end looking like that infamous shot from "There's something about Mary"......she did give him MIG though so obviously she wasn't fazed.....
  11. Be grateful Dotty - one of my ratbags dragged a futron mattress up into the paddock asnd ripped it up - spread the foam over at least 2 acres - was an absolute pain to clean up...I have no idea how he managed to drag it that far - maybe with help....I was far from impressed...and 12 months later I still find bits in unusual places....
  12. 85kg for a dogue? Really? maybe if it was incredibly obese.....they are not a tall breed..... still disgusting regardless.....
  13. err I don't think he actually lives at Durack - his practice is in Springwwod i think....will try to find the number for you.
  14. one of those dogs looks more weimeraner than PB.......
  15. There are some kennels north of Brisbane that will not take bitches in season but I haven't heard of any refusing undesexed bitches per se...very odd.
  16. keshwar - I don't necessarily agree with this unless it is within the 12 month rule.
  17. yes - sorry 12 months quite right - my apologies. If judge on panel and not judging your group - no ethical or legal issues there. SSM - in the case you spelled out I agree and would not show either. However if dog was several years old and you have had no contact then legally no problem - I might think twice ethically but it may also depend on the breed. Something "common" and plenty of them vs something rare where the judge would automatically know she bred the dog......
  18. experiencedfun - not running a dog bred by the judge so doesn't make any difference how long ago the handler bought a dog.If you are referring to showing a dog under the person who bred him/housed him/treated him etc it must be at least 6 months....
  19. if the puppy is a supposedly pure bred with rego papers in theory he should be microchipped so may be harder for them to pull the stray stunt. Family or not I would NOT return to a house or have anything to do with people with these attitudes....
  20. try this http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/nationa...c-1225840892878
  21. Thanks guys - I got the impression from the comments that they didn't think it appropriate to look at the dog from anything except full height - I actually prefer to watch dogs come toward me when I'm sitting or kneeling - you can see straight on what's happening with them - I/m guessing this is what that judge was doing but the others didn;t seem to think this necessary..... surely it should be up to the individual to determine their style? I agree re hats, also dark glasses and flapping coats.....
  22. I watched a few people judging yesterday - one (who was very tall) would bend slightly at the waist to watch the dogs come back to him.....I thought it sensible to get closer to a front on shot rather than looking down at an angle but overheard a couple of judges tut tutting saying how they had "told him before to stop doing that" - I couldn't see the harm (apart from perhaps having a slightly sore back at the end of the day)...any thoughts anyone?
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