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Everything posted by Devo

  1. What age do they start to get their adult teeth? Devo is 4 months old and i'm SO over thoes little needle teeth!!!
  2. Can pups go to puppy social club after their 2nd vacc or do they have to wait untill number 3?
  3. Is there an age limit for this or can people with puppies come along?
  4. Yes thanks, I gave them a call yesterday and just waiting for them to call back! Cant wait, i'm really excited to start! (sounds so daggy i know)
  5. He always comes with me when i leave the house, except for going to work. I might call the local obedience club (i think it is Northcote) and see what they have to offer.. I cant wait to start more training! We already have sit, drop, stay and shake hands.. he's getting bored of thoes! hehe Thanks!
  6. I hear what your saying with the off leash parks, i myself have never been to one but thought it might be valuable for him. I guess we might wait a few more months. We completed puppy pre-school 3 weeks ago he went great! But i worry that he isnt meeting enough other dogs atm. My vet doesnt run any preograms other than PPS. It sucks not having many other friends with dogs!
  7. I am looking for a leash free park around Fitzroy or surrounding areas to take my 14 week old pup.
  8. Bengal kitten hey.. I'd be more worried about your puppy then! Bengals are certinaly a handfull! They are the best cats but as you probably already know are very very lively (and crazy) My old housemates bengal has chased down many a dog.. and won!! Good Luck with your 2!
  9. Devo

    Dominant Puppy

    Thanks guys.. heres a little catch up on how it's all going... We have been working on me being the leader of the pack (ie me eating first and not letting him get away witht things) and it seems to be working.. He has started to have more respect for me and listening to me (alittle) more. He still gets puppy "crazy eye time" wich is a hoot! but i can see it comming.. He kinda winds up to it, so i just try to puppy proof the lounge room in time.. lol We have been spending more time together and working on obedience. He is such a smart little boy! (proud mum syndrome) We will start obedience as soon as we can. He is 12 weeks, What age can the start training? We have already got Sit, drop, stay and are working on Shake hands.
  10. Devo

    New Question

    Puppies will stick anything in their mouths but won't eat rocks. My pup likes to chew on sticks - and this is not recommended due to possible splinters - I make sure there are lots of toys/chews for him to chew and direct him to these instead. I've never seen a puppy eat a rock, they're not very exciting really. My older dog used to eat apricots that fell from my large apricot tree I asked the vet if this was dangerous and he said no as long as she didn't eat too many pips (they contain very small amount of toxins). Bella has been eating apricots for 2 years and just gets the runs Most things in the garden cannot do any harm. There are some flowers, like oleander, which can make dogs sick - not sure of any more details. I'm lucky Bruno is such a bruiser and can't squeeze under my gate. Your little poodle probably could though! Devo was sitting on the couch the other night minding his own business when i started to hear his tummy grumble.. after a few hiccups he vomited up a mouth full of little stones and rocks!! I'd noticed he liked to put them in his mouth and chew them but i never thought he swallowed them! Such a weird little thing!! :rolleyes:
  11. Devo

    New Question

    My pup has been outside to play on his own since he was 11 weeks old.. He loves it out there! he has more fun playing outside with the birds and his toys than being inside.
  12. My pup was very nice for the first few days.. he was just getting use to everything and everyone.. then he started getting comfortable and a little naughtier every day.. but the more training we do and commands he learns the easier it is to controll him. Untill he has his "crazy eye time" you can tell his about to go loose on the house, he gets this glint in his eye and you know it's on! LOL then he falls asleep chewing something most times.. Sorry i forgot to add that I use the word NO, it seems to be the only word the he really understands and will respond to the quickest.. he knows when he's being naughty!!
  13. I use to feed the coprice brand to my horses.. They are good when it comes to horse feed.. (sorry that really doesnt help you)
  14. We went to PPS last night.. I'm so excited, on the first night Devo wouldnt get out from under my chair. Last night i had to pull him off the other puppies when it was time to stop he was so happy. Also we are doing the best in class with learning commands and he is the youngest.
  15. Devo

    Dominant Puppy

    Thanks bindie! It's all great help!
  16. Devo

    Dominant Puppy

    yes, i have to teach him that inside is a privillage and that he shouldnt expect to be let in when ever i'm home. The Triangle of Tempation sounds good and i will start on that soon.. but really what did i expect, he is a bully breed and arnt they one of the best at being arrogant.. hehehe
  17. Tucker balls are also great for keeping them entertained! THe aussie dog products are great!
  18. Devo

    Dominant Puppy

    I have a little (not that little) 12 week old staffy X puppy. He sleeps outside and plays outside most of the day but when he comes inside he's a monster (but still soooo adorable). He has been part of the family for 4 weeks now and is becomming a very challenging little boy. He growls and barks at me.. gives me the 'stare off' but only towards me.. my other housemates are fine (they dont lay down the law) any suggestions to regain dominance in the situation.. When he gets too full on the only thing i have been able to do that kinda works is put him outside for 10 mins or so.
  19. I am looking for an obedience club soon for my pup.. where is the best place to find them?
  20. well it's been about 4 nights outside now and i think devo sleeps better outside than inside.. he has his dinner, the has a play then goes to sleep in his kennel and wakes up when i go out in the morning with my coffee to take him for a walk & he can go to the toilet when he pleases.. Devo will be able to come inside to sleep sometimes when he's a bit older and has better bladder controll and can be more calm inside.. atm he's still full of puppy beans and it's a little too full on.
  21. Last night my PPS teacher told me that when your pup has accidents on the carpet.. soak it up with paper and take it outside side with your pup.. Put the paper down outside where you want your pup to 'go' and when he sniffs it give him a little praise.. This will encourage him that when he goes in this place you will praise him.. I am yet to do this but has anyone else heard of doing this...
  22. He is 11 weeks.. No i havent.. what is that consist of?
  23. Today i gave devo a chicken wing b4 i went off to work. I went out to say goodbye to him and noticed there was something on his chicken wing.. i bent down to get it and he growled.. i growled back then went to pick it up to clean it and he lurched at my and tried to bite me! I yelled in firght abnd have him a smack on the rump. We have never had this problem b4, i can touch him when he is eating out of his bowl.. What should i do to try and deter this behaviour?! I dont want a angry dog when food time comes around!
  24. I have an 11wo staffy X atm and i work full time. i use to put devo in the laundry but now he has progressed to the backyard which he loves alot more.. I also have housemates that are home sometimes during the day so they talk to him as wel.. but Devo has only had 2 meals a day.
  25. I'm off to PPS tonight.. I got to Fitzroy North vet clinic. The lady there is a little vrazy but she seems good! I think devo and I are there more for the fun factor than learning atm.. we have learnt to sit.. (at home) I find it fun.. (but that might just be my lack of social life!)
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