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Everything posted by adore

  1. Yes Thanks I did get your email and replied so let me know if you didn't get it and I will update where we are up to with Meg Thanks again
  2. Hi Yes we did get her from a registered breeder and had to travel quite a distance to pick her up,but when we got there we did get a shock at the state of them and we should have turned around then and there without a puppy,but I had my heart set on a Pug and we do love her but she has had nothing but problems starting with mites which she had when we came home.Meg has just come home and her urine is practically all blood and crystals about the size of a pin head she is on antibiotics and the results from the tests we are waiting on so will let you know as soon as I here anything.Thanksfor your interest.
  3. Hi Again Well we have been to vet and Meg is still there,as she had an op on her soft palate but also they found blood and crystals in her urine but xrays show no kidney stones so the urine has been sent away to be tested .I don't know how long this takes but the vet seem to think she has an infection in her kidneys, so we just have to wait now ,I pick her up in the morning
  4. Hi no I have all polished floors ,I wish it was just her breath I could put up with that,Its her body that smells ,but we have just come back from the vet that is I have, Meg is staying overnight for a soft palate op and she also had blood in her urine so we are having more tests done before we come home will keep you posted. Hi I bath Meg in Aloveen every 2 to 3 days and she does smell nice for about 8hrs,and trust me this is no normal doggy smell it is that amonia like it takes your breath away Also the vet seems to think she has some type of infection so after her overnight stay we hope to know more so I will keep you posted Thanks
  5. Hi no her pads are not hot to touch .I wonder sometimes about if she is a pug as she thinks she's human,but she has no energy and always looks so sad and never wants to play anymore and once she drove us crazy wanting to play ,so we are off to the vet now so will let you know how we go Thanks.
  6. Hi I have thought about that but the only time she goes outside is to releive herself and then she is straight back by my side so really the only thing she is in contact with is the grass which is kept cut ,but I do have wandering dew in one of my gardens but she never goes in there.Not unless she doesn't have to come in contact with it, I don't know. :D
  7. Hi Again I have tried her with chicken necks and she got one caught in her throat and collapsed on the floor and it did dislodge but it gave me a hell of a fright and her too as she would not eat them again,but I know her diet has to be changed somehow Thanks
  8. Thanks We are going on Monday to have blood tests done, as I have been to the vet quite a few times with this problem and we have tried different tablets and diets but it still comes back so I hope they can find something with the blood tests I will let you know the results .Also she gets like large blackheads in the soft underpart of her paws, and also they are really red,like if they are infected.
  9. Thanks for your reply I have tried lots of different diets but I have one of those fussy eaters and she will only eat meat nothing else,but I am to blame because when she won't try anything else I feel sorry for her and feed her meat. Thank You I will do that as I think thats the way to go, as they are a special breed of dog
  10. :D PLEASE can anybody help,my 4 yr old pug gets very itchy especially her feet which she bites, also she has this very strong ammonia smell which is overpowering .I have tried bathing her in every medicated shampoo on the market and the next day she smells just as bad Does anybody else have this problem HELP! MEG
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