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Everything posted by Clyde

  1. I also never tether. I'd rather a dog break a leg from falling, than break their neck from a tether. I've never had a dog fall/jump though. You use your body to block weak spots where they could jump and get very good at reading and feeling body language from them. I find tethering, harnesses etc a hindrance and more dangerous IMO. I lift dogs on to my table and in the bath. My back is shot but that is just par for the course with this job and something you just need to accept. I would just let it go TBH. It sounds like they could be more concerned with your handling rather than your back. I let someone go once for hurting a dog, there were other reasons as well, but hurting the dog was the tip of the iceberg. I know the dog jumping off in your case was an accident but it shouldn't have happened. I hope they informed the owner. The dog in my situation was grabbed by its outer legs and forcibly swung over on to his side. He was an elderly Golden Retriever. I was horrified as the poor dog cracked his head on the concrete. There was no reason to have this old dog lying on his side, he would have also obliged and just laid down if asked nicely! I had groomed him for years standing up. When I explained to her that's not how it's done she got mouthy - she'd only been grooming a year or so but 'knew everything' - so I had no more work for her. The worst was having to tell the owner as it was a hard thud and I was worried about any after affects Thankfully they were understanding, the dog was okay and I continued to groom him personally and found a better employee. Ive gone off on a tangent, Im not saying you were rough or anything but employers have to be so paranoid about the dogs in their care, that I have to be honest and say if that happened here I too, would be doubtful about keeping you on as you have been grooming for a while now?
  2. Well, only because you mentioned the roses The previous owners were avid gardeners. Unfortunately I havent kept up with the cottage garden thing but their roses live on. Here's another rose bush.
  3. Copperhead from a few weeks ago George on an icy freezing morning. Won't use his kennel! A wet afternoon close to dinner time! Buff and lemon cuckoo pekin chooks My daughter with Dr Chris! That's me done for another year, lol, no more I promise!
  4. Orpingtons and mixed flock George patrolling the fenceline
  5. My favourite Pekin hen "Soola" Ducks in the water drinking bowl Esme and Alvin Snowy and Forbee chilling out Fonz and Esme playing
  6. Just downloaded some pics from my phone so thought I'd share for those interested in chookies etc! "Fluffy" is one of our farm cats to help keep rodents down Another farm cat "Softy Spider Mouse" Wayne is a Persian and sleeps all day in buckets. Blue Pekin Rooster (sun bleached) Showing his lovely comb! I sold him last week as one of my other roos kept beating him up, hence the blackened wattles FRont garden has gone wild - forgot to cut back the roses!
  7. I have had two different vets from two different clinics tell me that Pugs are prone to MCT's. Not that I'm saying their word is gospel, but they've told me they see a lot of it.
  8. I have a pedigree dog who is a genetic disaster. I think this story is grasping at straws. Not that I advocate cross breeding, but it happens with the pure breed world too.
  9. Oh, drats Although pleased they won't be abducted! Looks like you're doing the drive Jodie, will touch base later in week re sat.
  10. The chicks are coming from me. Happy to meet somewhere (depending on work) or you are welcome to take a travel break here
  11. Not everyone has time for computers. Ive posted on forums before and forgotten what forums they were! Just because a poster hasn't returned it doesn't mean they're a troll. Perhaps he has the situation under control now and doesn't feel the need to come back :)
  12. I don't recall a smell either. We have a Cat Section on here with a few breeders so they will have more experience. Unless you mean when they're older and on solids? Sure, then they will smell a bit IMO. Lots of indoor cats can be difficult to keep the litter smell down - it can be done but you need to be really clean and have them on a top notch diet. A friend of mine bred cats. The first time I went to her house to collect a rehomer I was bracing myself for the smell. I'd only ever been to breeders houses that were something out of a horror movie - stenchy, dirty etc. I prepped my daughter not to comment on the stink, we wore old clothes and braced ourselves. Not one whiff of cat! She is very clean though, and always seems to be cleaning out trays etc so it's proved to me that it can be done. She will need a quiet place away from the hustle and bustle of the household.
  13. I'm struggling to get past that a parent left their child alone with that dog, only pulled from the pound hours earlier Very lucky for the boy and his mother that the dog was able to alert her.
  14. I think he looks gorgeous! I have a dog who needs to go in to lockdown when he has a bone, I just leave him be and give him his space. He's a very loving boy other than this. I think your boy looks pure, lovely colours
  15. Oh goody. More for over worked and under paid teachers to do because another "problem" has reared its head in society. Where did Alison say that teachers need to do it? Why the need for sarcasm? There are "responsible pet interaction" programs already in schools and it would be good if they were extended. They are run by volunteers, not teachers. I organised for a group to go my daughters Kindi. It was terrific, the kids got a lot of it. The Kindi also asked me to take my Rotti in and wash him in front of the class to show them how to wash a dog. Poor boy, I had to do him with a hose, he was most unimpressed :laugh: The kids all queued up so politely to pat him and used their skills from the day before. It was well worth it, I can't remember what the group was called, maybe Fido something?
  16. That's a terrible thing to say! Many people adopt dogs because they can't have children. I groom for a lot of people in this situation.
  17. Fingers crossed for her - you have put SO much work in to Zipp SL, give yourself a pat on the back!
  18. My 8yo always asks people. I just wish though that when people say No if they would gently explain why to the child. A few times it's been said abruptly and my daughter cries because she thinks she's in trouble and gets embarrassed. As a parent we try to teach our kids do the right thing but when someone is scary about it it makes it too daunting for kids to ask down the track.
  19. From memory,, Revolution is the safest to use, if in doubt of prior infection.
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