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Everything posted by Ons

  1. there must be some difference though My female golden retreiver thrives on Advance yet feeding her Optimum gives her itches, ear infections and hot spots I don't mind Optimum though, the boys do okay on it.
  2. why do I cook the mince no reason really, cept it probably lasts longer cooked than raw in the fridge and indeed if I just feed them raw mince it only lasts a couple of nights yet the stew lasts four nights because it has the other stuff in it, i probably could just cook the other stuff but they do like the liquid from the stew. On the other nights though my dogs get chicken wings and drumsticks, lamb necks and bones - all raw so they get something to chew
  3. I stick in my slow cooker once a week a kg or so of mince bought from butcher or supermarket frozen mixed vegetables water pasta or rice some mixed herbs a bit of garlic sometimes stock powder if i have some and remember and cook it on slow for 5 or so hours if I'm home otherwise all day this feeds with their biscuits my three (two being large dogs) for at least four dinners. they love it ;)
  4. What a beautiful tribute to your father from a wonderful daughter. I am sure that your Dad took such great comfort with you beside him every step of the way Hugs to you Colleen
  5. Pet Deli in Sydney will post Eaglepack to you They are really fast at sending it out too and the postage isn't too bad i've got them to send me cat food this way and also the bigger bags of Eaglepack for the dogs
  6. what a wonderful tribute for such a wonderful dog RIP Poppy - go find my Poppy a blenheim cavalier at Rainbow Bridge, she sounds so much like you and she would have been 12 too. She'll look after you. hugs to you Jed
  7. take him to the vet for blood tests pancreatitis for one I've also heard of a dog having a part blockage which caused vomiting, I would have thought that there would have had to be other symptoms though but apparently there weren't I've just had the same problem with my golden retreiver so I got blood tests and insisted the vet did a thorough ultrasound on her. Lucky everything is fine on that side, I've come to the conclusion that Tilly has developed a severe food sensitiviity but it was good to make sure there weren't any underlying health issues.
  8. what a wonderful memory of your handsome boy's life I'm so sorry to hear of your tragic loss rip Buddy
  9. omg how very very sad RIP Paris and hugs to you Rysup and your oh
  10. My 3 year old golden retriever has now decided that she has a very sensitive stomach, I used to just have to be a bit careful about what I fed her now I have to be very strict. Just wish she wouldn't help the cats raid the pantry and finish of their Fancy Feast biscuits Anyway at the moment she is fine on Advance biscuits, and home made stew - mince meat, rice/pasta, frozen mixed vegetables, water cooked in the slow cooker. That's all I'm feeding her and so far so good although she is going for some tests at the vets on Wednesday.
  11. Onslow raced in to the water at 12 weeks old and swam immediately - he is a retriever after all. Tilly - first time she went swimming she was probably 6 months old. She had no idea whatsoever and was about to drown, I was taking off my shoes to jump in when Onslow swam beside her and encouraged her to swim to the shore - it was the cutest thing ever she still was swimming vertically but made it. She is still a hopeless swimmer but was getting a bit better, we haven't been swimming this summer yet so I'll take her to the river and see how she is. - she also is a retreiver, you'd think they would know! Flash a coolie swam fine - he was one when he came to me so I don't know what experience he had before.
  12. i had a great soft crate that I would put my fosters in at night time and when I went out at night. first foster, fine second and third foster, fine Fourth foster fine until went to Lions meeting one night, put him in there, left my two out. Came home to find three dogs excited at door because I was home, not the two expected. Yep Flashy had chewed through the front part. So whilst they really are great, look better, and much easier to carry around I would be very careful using them.
  13. one of my goldens got his one and only, touch wood, hot spot when he aged over 3 - but it was very humid at the time, beginning of last year when there was alot of rain around. The other golden used to get them alot but I'm pretty vigilant. I'm really strict about her diet, not lamb based kibble and the first sign of one out comes the curash AND it's wiped down with antibacterial wet ones (the ones in the red pack). This will normally stop them in Tilly. I'm going to try the suggestion here though as well thanks :-0
  14. thanks for that - I'll keep an eye on that as well I thought I was pretty safe here from the paralysis ticks, seems not good news is that Flash is his normal self Tick Paralysis is horrible when we were kids one of our shelties nearly died from it, and the vet couldn't find the tick anywhere until the very last moment when it was right down in her ear from memory.
  15. I saw it last night on his nose. I got it out, nothing left behind thank goodness. It really hadn't got hold I think because I only applied Revolution a couple of days ago on him. I'll still keep, of course, a very good eye on him. What was worse was it was one of those nasty coastal ticks yet I live far from the coast. And the only explanation I can give is I bought some plants down at Erina on the Central Coast a few days ago and put them in the backyard yesterday and Flashy would have had to investigate. So the tick survived on the plant despite being frequently watered. Nasty buggers! I have also read in the past that you can kill ticks, and I can't remember whether it was with eucalyptus or tea tree oil. Does anyone know?
  16. my mum always says that many years ago some gardener stirred his morning cup of tea with an oleander branch and died so that's where it's reputation for toxicity came up. As Persephone said there are so many oleanders around yet who has heard of someone or an animal dying from oleander toxicity? I love them especially the variagated ones. The ones in New Caledonia were spectacular, they must be a very hardy plant to survive both the humid tropical climate and the heavy frost climate we have here. But I still would be very cautious with them and not plant them on purpose especially if you have dogs that love chewing sticks. I'm going to admire them in other people's gardens, just not mine.
  17. sounds like she had a wonderful show career and enjoyed it so much. RIP Pebbles at Rainbow Bridge.
  18. what a wonderful little dog and what a wonderful few last years she had RIP Little Dog, My Poppy at Rainbow Bridge, taken four years ago today will look after you sweetie
  19. a couple of years ago living elsewhere I could not get rid of the fleas on Onslow no matter how much I was frontlining and washing him. Took the dogs out for the day (simpler days only two dogs unlike the menagerie i have now ) and flea bombed the entire house - can get the flea bombs in the supermarket Also used Advantix on Onslow and no more fleas, finally! I also found that Onsy weighed about 38 kgs at that time and the frontline was for dogs up to 40 kgs. The Advantix was for dogs weighing up to 45 kgs so I don't know whether that made a difference. Good luck, flea plagues are not fun!
  20. such sad news Run free at Rainbow bridge Sinna and hugs to you griff
  21. crying here too what a beautiful Millie I'm so sorry for your loss Kirty. Please don't blame yourself, you were there at the end for her RIP Millie
  22. silly dogs! You wouldn't think that it would be very comfortable stuff to lie in! I'd probably give them a full bath with dog shampoo just to be on the safe side and a good long rinse. And as your vet says watch out for a rash as well. But I would have thought that if a rash was going to show it may well have by now :D
  23. I am so sorry for your loss, how absolutely devastating for you and your family RIP Odin, run free at Rainbow Bridge
  24. avoid feeding lamb if you do/can that gives my Tilly hotspots and ear infections. Hope Mega is feeling better soon ear infections are nasty
  25. Ons used to get them all the time as a pup too - he is a golden retreiver. He very rarely gets them now, once in a blue moon but it must have been a blue moon the other night. He couldnt' fathom what was going on! hiccuping puppies are cute! all puppies are cute! Where are photos of hiccuping bulldog puppy?
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