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Everything posted by Ons

  1. thats what I thought about the pound as well what a large handsome boy he does look sad though I'm sure though in no time he will have a big on his face when he realises that there are some caring humans in the world
  2. I'm presuming that he is vacinated, if so it may be how my vacinated girl was, only sick with kennel cough for a couple of days ;) Good he is feeling better I quarantined mine for 2 weeks but not sure if that was overkill
  3. keener to work if they are half starved - that's from another person that I have heard the life of a working dog on a farm can not be good sometimes on the other hand some farmers love their working dog, they are treated as their best mate, go everywhere with them on the back of the utes. Whilst it's probably not as a good as life that we would want for our own "pet" dogs the dogs are very happy living it. AND I would think that these dogs would give 110% to the farmers when they want them to work.
  4. Nekhbet, I was posting my secnod post when you posted yours. Her theory is that another breeder breeds the same working dogs and her dogs are "soft" and my friend thinks that this is because she allows them to play with toys. I would have thought it would be genetic from the breeding not whether they play with toys or not. The pups are in pens with nothing to do but rumble, no toys at all. Its sad especially when I see how much joy toys give my girl .
  5. its not me Nekhbet, just a "breeder" that I know who has this idea I'm trying to educate her so I just wanted some facts, I couldnt believe that when she told me about the toys I 100% agree with you. My coolie puppy loves playing with her toys by herself or with me, it's a good way for her to get off energy without annoying my other dogs all the time. It's great mental stimulation for her and I also think a good way of her to bond with me when I play tug or fetch games with her and her toys.
  6. do they need to be socialised as much as a puppy going to a pet home? will letting them play with toys make them "soft"? I'm talking about working dog breeds that are going to farms to work on livestock but any thoughts about any working dogs would be good thanks!
  7. I'd go to Lenards too if we had one within a 5 hour drive but we sadly don't I do use pet mince from the butcher however I have chosen my butcher carefully and the one I have chosen the pet mince is not very fatty at all. It was trial and error though
  8. RIP Towser what a sweet looking pup, sad and happy memories of a wonderful childhood dog hugs to you Esky the Husky
  9. oh that's wonderful :D and sounds like everything is off to a flying start with all the research that has been done and the fact that Aunty Liz is on hand to assist when needed
  10. I voted in response to my second golden retriever. Before I got her I was looking at getting a chocolate lab and was making enquiries, some were helpful, some not and were clearly in it for the money as choc labs were flavour of the month back then. I did decide to ring up about a litter of goldens only about 3 hours away from where I was living at the time (which considering where I was living was considered close) and just really liked the sound of the breeder so ended up going with one of her pups and we are now great friends. I would happily get one of her pups again and would if anything happened to my Tilly-Rose. With my oldest golden retreiver I don't have contact with her anymore BUT have always felt that I could ring her anytime and ask questions . She also made me promise that if I couldn't keep Onslow that he was to be returned to her. There is no reason why I wouldn't get a pup from her again, only that I have formed a great relationship with Tilly's breeder Overall I could say that I had very positive experience talking to golden retrievers breeders when I was looking for Onslow I had to talk to a few as golden retriever pups were strangely scarce at that time and all were very helpful referring me to other breeders until eventually I found out about Onslow's litter.
  11. I give Latte some of the Natures Gifts dried chicken bits However last night at training someone gave her a piece of cabanossi (sadly I gave permission) coz she won't work for the chicken bits anymore trouble is if I give her cabanossi it means I have to buy it and I lloovvvvvveeeee cabanossi, by the time training came around there may be be little left I think I'll get a block of cheese and cut it up as well as a bit of cabanossi and also get some Happy Paws treats as well so she can have a variety..
  12. I've only had one experience with kennel cough when a foster had it. She was really sick for about four days with it, then coughed on and off for about two weeks with it. I got her antibiotics as she wasn't in that good a condition when she came to me. Sorry can't remember the name of the antibiotics Tilly my golden retreiver caught it from Stella, but as she had been immunised, although about a month overdue, she only had a few coughs on the first day, coughing badly on the second and as right as rain after that. Not sure about diarrhea although I have had something like kennel cough myself for the last few weeks and I can say yes it does cause diarrhea :D :D ;) not a good combination at all, let me tell you ;) Average duration - I was told about two weeks, which Stella had it for, Tilly for two days. However I quarantined all my dogs for a two weeks period
  13. tell your mum to make enquiries at her vet clinic my mum always gets vet nurses in to mind her dogs and plants when they go away. Vet nurses get paid appallingly so they are normally happy to earn a bit of money
  14. Onslow my large golden retreiver has been referred to as a mareema. My Dad calls him a horse my pup is going to confuse people tremendously - she is an unusually coloured coolie - it will be interesting to see what people think she is when she grows up
  15. my boy was a rescue coolie, he was about 6 to 12 months when I adopted him. At first he was shy and didn't know how to play. With time that has improved and he plays with toys and is now a fairly confident boy except around alot of men but that is from being abused before I got him I think coolies are very smart dogs and adapt very easily to new situations, Flash certainly has. I really don't know where he was living before me, came from Hawkesbury Pound, but he has adapted to a home and with normal sized backyard. He isn't a "high" energy dog as such but does need his daily walk but as Perry's Mum said they like to be busy mentally, he has to make sure that he knows where the other dogs and cats are at all times and not up to mischief. He also has to check out that I'm safe and know where I am so this keeps him very occupied. If he didnt' have all this activity he would be one miserable dog. He just wants to please and at the moment is happily lying on my feet. My new coolie pup is very shy too but i am socialising and socialising her and she is getting better. I want her to be a confident young lady She loves playing with toys and running around. I think alot of coolies are shy and do need alot of work on this but sadly don't get it. The best thing for a coolie is to crate train them, gives them security. My foster coolies have been crate trained and have adapted very well. If these people have only just got this coolie I would give it a bit of time for the dog to settle. As I say, I think coolies are very adaptable but it does take time.
  16. awww what an absolute cutie poor little girl but she looks so happy as if she knows "Im finally where I belong"
  17. I'm really really cruel because my pup is crate trained. "What you put her in that metal cage and lock her in " ummmm if it's that cruel how come Latte puts herself to bed in her crate for naps during the day and at night all I have to say to her "time for bed" and she runs into her crate, lies down and falls asleep without a murmer. the wierdest one was when my darling maltese and cavalier RIP were alive and I was asked if the maltese was the mother of the cavalier and yes I do walk my dogs in the rain.
  18. Abbey Addie AJ Ajanta Akira Alera Ali x 2 Alice Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Aneira Annie x 2 Anastacia (Annie) Angel X 6 Angelina Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella Anouk April April RIP x 2 Ari Arizona Arki Asante sana Asha Ashka Askari Ashleigh Astrid Astro Athena Aubrey Audrey Aura Aurora Ayla Baba Babe Margaret Hoolihan Baci Bailey Basha Beanie Beans Becky Bella x 5 Billie Bianca Bibi Bit Blaize Blossom Bonny x 5 (Bonnie) Bonita Boss Bow wow Bracken Brandi Brandy x 2 Breagh Bree x 3 Brianna Bridie Bronte Buffy Buttercup Cally Cara Casey Cassie Casper CC Cedar Chapparelle (pronounced Shapparelle, and shortened to Chappa (Shappa)) Chalice aka 'Chali' Chelsea x 2 Cherrie Chevy x 2 Chloe x 3 Charley Chanel Charli Charlie Charlie-May Charlotte Cherry Chiko Chilli Choo Choo Chops Cider Cinders Cinta CJ x 2 Claire Claudia Clover x 2 Cleo Cleoparta Coco x5 CocoNut Colour (for a greyhound who's not grey!) Cookie Cossette Cossi Courtney Cricket Crystal Cristie x 2 Crupi Daisy x 3 Dallas Dancer Danika x2 Darla Delilah Delta Demi Dempsie Dexta Diazz Didge Dinky Dixie Diva x 2 Dizzy Durham Dusty Dyzney Ebony Echo x 2 Electra Elizabeth Ella x2 Elley Ellie x3 Elsa x 2 Elsie Emily Emilly Emma Emmy Enya Erin Esky Evie Faith Fame Fanta Feather Feonix Finta Flame Flash Fleur Flossy Flute Frenchie Froggy Gabbie Gabby Gael Galadriel(Gala) Gemma x 4 Genie (not exactly a girly name but I thought it suited my goldy) Genevieve George Georgea Gertrude Ginger Ginny Gina Gita Glitter Goldie Gooby Grace x 2 Griffin x 2 GT Gypsy x 7 Gyrle Halo Harlow Havarna Hayley x2 Heather Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 7 Honeyx3 Honour Hope Imme Imogen - Imy Indi India x 2 Indigo Georgia Ingrid Isabella Issie Jade Jamie Lee Jane Jasmine x2 Jaxx Jay Jay Jazz Jazzman Jedda RIP Jelly Bean Jenna x 2 Jersey Jess x2 Jessi Jesie Jessica Jessie x 4 Jeune Jezebel x 2 Jicin Jindi Jinxy Jodie x 2 JoJo Jovi Joy Juliet Juno Kamikaze Kara X 2 Kari Karma Karmen Kaos Kassy Katie x 3 Katy Kayla X2 KC Keeta Keilani Keira Keirra Keisha x 2 Kelli Kelsey Kenzie Kibah Kiesha Kimba Kiri Kiri-Lu Kirra (agility name Kiz) Kishka (called Kish most of the time) Kisses Kitty Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey x 2 Latte Layla x 2 Lea (lele) Leader Leia Leila Lexi x 3 Lexie Libby Lily x 3 Lizzy Lobo Logan Lola x 2 Lotta (as in Li'l Lotta) Lottie Lucia Lucky (yes, a bit tacky, but I loved her) Lucy x5 Lucinda Luka Luna Luuka Mable Mac Maddie x2 Maddison Maeby Magali Maggie x3 Magic Maia Mallee Marie Claudette Marina Mary Marlo Matilda Matilda-Rose Maya Meeka Meg x 2 Meisha Meggz Merrique Mia X 3 Miekah Migaloo Mika Milky Milla Millie x5 (Milli) Mimi Mindy x 2 Minky Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Minouche Mischa Mischka Misha Missy Missie Mistletoe Misty Mitzi Molly x 9 Molly Coddle Monet Moochie Mung Bean Mya Nala Nandi Narla Natasha Nena Ness Nora Nyima Olivia Ollie Pagan x 3 Panda x 2 Paris Paxy Pchelka Pearl Pebbles Peggie Penelope Penny x 2 Pepper x 4 Perry Phoebe x 2 Phoenix Pink Pip Pippin Piper x 2 Pixie Polly x 2 Popcorn Poppy Porridge Porscha Poung Prada Priah Quince Quinn x 2 Rani Razzle Reba Rebel Reno Rhoda Riki Ricky River Rizzi Rogue Rommi Rose Rosey Rosie x 2 Roxy x 4 Ruby x 6 Rumour Sabine Sabrina Sachi Sadie Saffron Safire Sahli Sally x4 Sarah Sarah Jane Sari Sascha x 2 Sasha x3 Sarsha Satu Savannah Scandal Scarlet Scruffy Serena Sha Shae Shandy Shannon Sharnie Sharon Sharna Sheba Shelby Shimmer Shine Shishka Siann or Cyan Sinta Sienna X 3 Skye x 2 SkySnow Snotty Dotty Sola Sooki Sooty Sophie x2 Sophia Sparkles Springy Sputnik Spook Stella x2 Stimpy X2 Storm Stussy Sue Summa Suzie x 2 Sybill Tait Tamar Tameeka Tango Tara x 3 Tasha Tashi Tassie (with a s sound NOT a z) Taya Tayla Teegan X 2 Tess x 6 Tessa Texas The Divine miss Sophie Tia x 2 Tieke Tikaani Tilba Tilli Tilly x3 Tinka Tinny (tin tin) Toot Tori Tully Tyche Tyra Tyneal Ulla Vada Vicki Vienna Viviane Voodoo Wandy White Whitey Whitney (reg'd) Whitneigh) Winnie Winter Wilhelmina Willow Wolf Xena Xanthe Zara Zahli Zillah Zippedeedoodah Ziva x 3 Zena Zoe x 4
  19. it was her face and shape of her head rather than her eyes that made me think coolie no matter what, Tess is seriously cute!
  20. I feed two golden retreivers, a coolie and a coolie pup and it doesn't cost me the earth. One of the goldens is really sensitive too so I have to be careful about what I feed her and I really notice it if I'm not careful. whether rightly or wrongly and I know some people will disagree but this is what I feed mine and this is what they do well on. Breakfast - Four woofbix bone biscuits for the goldens, two for the coolie adult. Woofbix are from Big W, they are free from additives and preservatives - I know people who have show winning dogs and feed them the kibble but mine did not do well on that. The puppy gets supercoat puppy although I am going to change her to Optimum when the package is finished, she poops too much on Supercoat puppy. Dinner - Supercoat biscuits for the adult - a cup each for the goldens, 1/2 cup for the coolie adult. Then as they don't like straight dry food they have chicken wings or drumsticks - obtained on special from the supermarket or the chicken factory shop is cheap as chips. Do you have one in your area, if so go have a look? They also have chicken carcasses which you need to order in advance but I always forget too. The pup doesn't get this yet, I'm going to have to get her some chicken necks and try not to gag on them. or Bones - obtained again if on special from the supermarket or the butchers. I always look out for the specials. I'm lucky though I have a freezer i can store stuff in or Pet mince - $2.00 a kilo from the butchers. I put it in a big pot and add cheap Coles mixed vegies and cheap Coles pasta, some mixed herbs, a bit of garlic, water and boil it for about an hour. I can buy the pet mince cheaper at $1.50 but it's too fatty so I buy the more expensive stuff. I know people say I shouldn't cook the meat but to be honest I can't stomach the raw meat, it makes me gag - I'm hopeless If I cook up two kilos this lasts about five nights between the four of them. or sardines - I buy the pack of three No Frills Brand - one tin each and they are not expensive. They love their sardines.
  21. I fostered a smithfield at the beginning of this year, he was a beautiful dog Huski, I haven't read the whole thread but have you looked at a Coolie. They tick all the boxes on your post and most importantly hvae an off switch when required to. I've just got a 10 week old pup for the sole purpose of agility and obedience, very excited about it all
  22. teenage years, pack order changed recently, get some professional help My Ons was like that with my Tilly who was very submissive and I sought some help from K9Pro. He is a wonderful dog now with only the occassional reminder to mind his manners. and keep doing the NILIF, you need to make sure that Quinn knows that you are head of the pack and also Triangle of Temptation. by strengthening my leadership Onslow learnt quickly.
  23. I agree with all of the above. and another one who thinks K9Pro is wonderful (but I haven't tried any other behaviouralists) at the moment he is a walking disaster just waiting to happen. He may be trainable and you will need to seek professional help, it will be a long expensive road that will take an enormous amount of time, if you are willing to do that go for it, it could be a very rewarding experience, if not do not feel ashamed, return the dog to the rescue and see if there is another dog that may suit you more, different dogs fit in with different people. I had little dogs and now have golden retreivers and coolies so don't let going from small dogs to big dogs put you off. all the very best of luck
  24. why don't you try obedience training? Your dog would get lots of socialisation there with other dogs in what would be hopefullly a fairly controlled environment. And it would be fun for you and him as well
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