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  1. Wow! That is terrifying. Your dog did a wonderful job. Something not quite as frightening happened to me once, I heard a knock on my door as I was feeding my dog and so went to check it out. It was a man asking for money (for "petrol"). He was very persistant and kept telling me to come outside as the lights on my car were left on (they weren't, my car beeps if they are). As my dog was outside I felt totally helpless and to make him go away I gave him a few dollars (very stupid to open the door I know). I was most freaked out by him trying to lure me outside. I called my (then very new) boyfriend and made him come over to stay the night to "protect me". Anyway - three months later the boyfriend has moved in, but is at work, when the door knocks again. This time I go out the back, get both of our dogs (mine is a pointer, BF a rottie), before I even look through the peep hole. It's the same guy again, but before he opens his mouth, the dogs go absolutely nuts (very unlike them!) barking/growling and leaping at the door. I told the guy that I couldn't open the door as the dogs would attack him (probably not true, but not the point). He never came back. Love my dogs!
  2. No - I hadn't realised there was a club at Eden Hill! Northern Suburbs is too far away, and Midland meets on the wrong evening for me. Is there a web site for Eden Hill?
  3. Sue was sounding perfect until you mentioned she was out near CAWA! StaceyB - do you mind letting me know what club you are unhappy with? (you can PM me if you'd prefer). How funny that we're looking for the same thing, hopefully someone will be able to help us both
  4. Hello, I have a (just turned) two year old pointer who I have tried a bit of everything with - showing, agility classes and obedience classes. Obedience has definitely been the most fun, and for a while we were attending classes twice a week. While I really enjoyed these classes, I've since moved north of the river and CAWA/Gosnells are just too far away for regular classes. I know there are a few obedience clubs close to me (I'm living in Bassendean) however I can't attend classes on the nights they are on due to family committments. I'd also eventually like to trial, and from previous experience when I had horses, I'm guessing that private lessons will get me there a lot quicker than group classes. Can anyone recommend a trainer NOR who gives private lessons? They need to be someone who will be tolerant of a pointer (who is wonderful, but not a border collie) and not too scary (that's for me - I welcome constructive criticism but don't deal well with being yelled at). Thanks!
  5. Wow, thank you Erny, Skip, GayleK and dogdude for your comments. I have a whole new set of things to think about tomorrow when I'm practising! I'm going to print this thread out as a reference. I'd had no idea how complex (and interesting) obedience training was until the past few weeks. I've previously trained and competed in dressage when I had horses, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that obedience is fascinating me! I just spent $100 (whoops) on obedience books on the Dogwise web site, really looking forward to learning more from reading them, and also from DOL.
  6. Thanks everyone - I'll definitely try the wall/fence idea. Erny, what body language/position mistakes should I be aware of? My instructor last Wednesday said that I'm twisting my body to look at Stella while she's heeling, and now has me working on straightening myself up. Could that be causing the problem? How would I use my left hand to stop her swivelling? Do you mean putting my hand on her left side before asking for the sit? She's pretty straight until she sits - I showed her for a while and she is pretty good about staying straight in her stand. Often she'll sit only a little crooked, but then start moving around in her sit until she is facing me.
  7. My 19month old pointer and I have recently started to attend obedience classes twice a week (two different clubs). They are out first obedience classes since she was a puppy. I'm really enjoying it, and Stella is being an absolute star (I think :rolleyes: ). Probably our biggest problem at the moment are sits. She always sits with her backside out, so her body is perpendicular to mine. I've been shown at class how to step back with my left leg and then lure her with food back around again so she sits straight (does that make sense?), and while that works, I need to do it every time as she hasn't connected that she should sit straight in the first place. Any suggestions as to how I should try to improve her sits? She is trained just in a flat collar, with heaps of treats. Thanks!
  8. The best! I feel like I've made so many mistakes with her training in general (she's my first dog) and it's such a thrill to start to see things coming together. And I love seeing her so happy! She loves it.
  9. I'm a bit hesitant to post these, as I a complete beginner and am probably doing a million things wrong. But I'm just so pleased with Stella, that I can't help it Stella is just over 16 months old. We've been attending agility classes, but have found practising with a friend (who trials with her Pointer) much more helpful. These photos were taken yesterday, just practising by ourselves - so any terrible mistakes are just my fault I've been practising some simple turns to the left and right, and a figure 8 thing where I set up two jumps and I stand in between, calling her back to me after each jump and direct her over the other, but these photos are all over the same jump.
  10. I'd be interested too - I really want to be able to walk on a loose lead (on a flat collar) and a reliable recall.
  11. I'd like to join in too if I can :rolleyes: I've been to one show now, and realised very quickly that my grey suit (even with a bright red top underneath) is waaaayyy too drab for showing I am after a bright coloured jacket (and skirt or trousers if available - but I plan to wear a black skirt otherwise) in a size 12. My puppy is a lemon and white pointer so I think I'm after a purple, sky blue or green jacket - but I'm open to suggestions and other ideas. Thanks!
  12. My puppy has always slept inside - she is a pointer so has a short coat, and she also *hates* water so I really don't want her to be stuck outside if it rains at night. I don't like the idea of dogs in bedrooms, so Stella sleeps on "her chair" in the lounge room until I go to sleep. Then I put her in her crate in the laundry. She walks into the crate by herself, she knows it's her bed. Eventually I'd like her to not be crated at night, as I want her to be a watch dog, and she isn't much use for that if she's crated! But she is still in the chewing phase, so it's safer to crate her for now.
  13. I bought a clicker in my first puppy school class on the weekend. Our homework this week is just for her to associate the clicker with a treat (I think! With all that was happening at puppy school, and with Stella very excited, it's hard to remember everything). I'm really looking forward to learning more about clicker training, it seems like such a great way to train.
  14. Thanks guys. I did go to eBay, and I've bought a large metal crate for $79. As it turns out, my sister is in Melbourne for a wedding, so she will try to pick it up for me. If not, it's another $38 postage, but that is still heaps better than $200.
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