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Everything posted by magicmine

  1. I am trialling 2 of mine in obedience as well as another in obedience.( who isnt my dog) We are also training for agility and we are starting weight pull this weekend. We also show on weekends too but we pick what we want to do but dont think there is enough hours in the day to do all the stuff i like to do with my dogs. My dogs enjoy anything we do and just love doing things
  2. I use " close " for my dogs and they seem to respond better to that than " heel " . When im helling them i say close too and they get closer to me. Different dogs work for different words. depends on what you like to use and how you use it for the dog.
  3. I have done obedience and agility together and they loved it. The dogs know the difference between the 2 well my guys do. For obedience i use a check chain and for agility i use a flat collar. they know what collar is for what and have done this for ages.
  4. Great photo's everyone. There are some lovely shots. Heres some more from me. sorry for pic overload W for Winner H for Head shot C for Cute J for Jumping
  5. I love taking photo's so thought i would join in with everyone. all the photos look great. Heres my first one E for Elf B for beach and Black Bums
  6. I feed it every now and then for a change. Mine get a variety of stuff like , lamb brest, brisket bones, beef chunks, roo chunks, chicken frames but there eagle pack bikkys. My old girl get the same as that but she gets Bonnie bikkies. My mu feeds her GSD VIP dog roll everyday and he thrives on it. His coat is always shiny and she has never had a prob with him while he has been on it.
  7. Thank you all so much for the congrats and yes onto her OC then UDX. She is very smart girl so hope it doesnt take her long and it was the first time I had trialled at the Royal and it was so hard with all the cow poo .
  8. Just wanted to have a brag that my girl Cassie ( Aust CH Bajed Miss Blackberry UD ) gained her UD title at the QLD Royal last week with a 3rd place. She was soooo good and have never been so nervous in all my life.
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