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Everything posted by wayrod

  1. Ditto.i wouldnt lump them all in the same basket.However i would not use dogtainers out of Brisbane.I used them several times and there were issues and lies told to me about what was supposedly done and it wasnt.Several other people I know have had similar experiences with them.I still use Dogtainers just not Dogtainers Brisbane. Dogtainers Brisbane is Head office for Dogtainers.
  2. Qantas have recently altered their protocols. INTERNATIONAL ANIMAL TRANSPORT WITH QANTAS – GENERAL INFORMATION When planning international transport for your pets the major considerations are the welfare and safety of the animals. Puppies and kittens are accepted for travel and MUST BE 8 weeks or older for flights that are 14hours or less and 12 weeks or older for flights that are greater than 14hours. All puppies and kittens must be weaned prior to travel. Where possible, arrangements for travel should be made well in advance of the planned departure. Note: Where flight times are quoted that includes stop overs.
  3. From all accounts the flooding is gone. But according to weather bureau possibility of rain tomorrow. Luckily the show is indoors. Heres for a successful show!!!! Gates open at 6.30am. From BOM website: Forecast for Saturday Cloudy. Patchy rain developing during the afternoon. Winds northerly averaging up to 35 km/h increasing to up to 55 km/h during the morning. CityWindy. Little rain developing.Min10Max15 Around MelbourneGeelongMin7Max14 Mount DandenongMin7Max9 Yarra GlenMin6Max14 LavertonMin8Max14 FrankstonMin9Max13 ScoresbyMin7Max14 TullamarineMin8Max14 WatsoniaMin8Max14
  4. Car Park Flood 12 August 2010 Upon arrival at KCC Park this morning, DOGS Victoria staff were greeted with Detour signs directing them to the pavilion car park. Once we parked our cars and walked up to the office we realised why . . . The office has been turned into waterfront property. It's been dubbed the Skye Riviera and it should just be a matter of time before deck chairs and cocktail glasses start appearing on the islands. It is mostly sunny and a bit windy today so we hope that Mother Nature will have most of it dried out before exhibitors begin arriving at the weekend. And the groundsmen will do what they can as well. Jo Cerda Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive DOGS Victoria Locked Bag K9 Cranbourne Vic 3977 T: 9788 2510 F: 9788 2599 Email: [email protected] DOGS Victoria is a registered business name of the Victorian Canine Association Inc AOO23882W
  5. I have found over the years of transporting pets that nearly all pups travel really well, better than some of their owners. There are a couple of things that you can do to help in your pups transport. If possible get the sender to obtain the transport crate some time beforehand and allow the pup to walk in and out of the crate, socialisation will help make the pup fell comfortable with the surroundings. Obtain a new airline approved crate like a PP40 or varikennel. These are more enclosed and makes the pup feel safer than an open wire crate. Avoid use of hire crates. The price difference between a hire crate and the purchase a new crate is minimal, plus you can resell the crate and recoup some of your costs. New crates lessens the possibility of biosecurity issues, especially for young dogs/pups. Lessen the risk factor of cross-contamination. If you are organising the flight, on long flights try to get your pet onto a direct flight, if not, speaking with an pet transport company they should be able to come up with a suitable alternative and take some of the stress out of the transport for you. Afterall that what we do. Ask the sender to feed the pup 6-8 hours before the flight and get puppy to empty (bowels) out before the flight. It is better for them to travel with less in their stomachs than to have more in their stomachs. The main thing is water. Ask the sender to include a frozen water bottle in the back of the crate, as the bottle thaws, the pup will have the ability to obtain fluids from the condensation off the bottle. Also ask the sender to include plenty of paper and possibly a towel in the crate, this will help if an accident occurs during transit. If an accident does occur, don't worry, it cleans up. Once you pup arrives avoid taking your pup immediately out of the crate, if you must take it to an area away from the freight centre, unfortunately not all pets being transported may be contaminate free, again this lessens the possibility of cross contamination. Once you have your pup, enjoy!!!
  6. Virgin Blue Passenger Livestock rates are: For bookings made ON or AFTER 24th September, 2009 Size Weight Fee (AUD) *GST Inclusive Small Pet 0 - 10 kgs $55.00 Medium Pet 11 - 20 kgs $75.00 Large Pet 21 - 30 kgs $100.00 Extra Large Pet 31+ kgs $100.00 + $4.00 for every kilogram over 30 kgs with VB you require an airline approved crate which has a minimum of 4 nuts and bolts to hold both top and bottom sections together. If they do not have the 4 nuts and bolts then they can not travel with Virgin Blue, as baggage or as freight unless you use an approved wire crate (purchase or hire), which normally does not afford much protection for a young puppy. Add to this your airline fares and possible accommodation, sometimes unless you are wanting a holiday and a couple of days break it is not worth the transporting as passenger baggage. As a guide: Hobart Airport to Brisbane Airport (Airport to Airport) for (10kg pup and crate) around $140.00 plus price of crate. I always have puppies transport in new crates, this way you can ensure that you pup has the best, no damaged crates, clean crates, less biosecurity concerns. As Ellz has mentioned from Hobart you normally have to be at the airport early as later flights (late morning) normally have food Product from NZ; and pets are offloaded. Qantas rates seem to vary from staff member to staff member. Jetstar and Tiger Airlines do not carry pets, planes are not equipped with heating in cargo holds.
  7. Recently moved a pup of 18kg from Perth Airport to Brisbane Airport for $286.00 (which included wire hire crate) For me I would buy a new kennel once in Qld, travel crates are not normally the best units to make into permanent housing. Good luck with the move!
  8. Dogs normally have to go in the onboard kennelling facilities. They are not normally allowed to stay in cars/trailers although there have been cases of this ocurring in the past.
  9. I suggest to check with the airlines before booking. Reason being that weight and size restrictions do apply, Virgin Blue has a weight limit of 65kg including crate, an adult Leonburger maybe between 45-76 kg plus allowing 17kg thereabouts for a hire crate may put this dog over the weight limit. As a guide for freight: Airport to Airport individually a dog of Leonburger size (with maximum weight including crate of 65 kg) should cost around $645.00 Perth to Sydney +crate a dog of beagle size (with maximum weight including crate of 25 kg) should cost around $275.00 Perth to Sydney + crate both as one consignment flying as freight: it should be around $880.00 + crates As a guide for passenger travelling with a pet: (based on Virgin) individually a dog of Leonburger size (with maximum weight including crate of 65 kg) should cost around $240.00 Perth to Sydney + crate a dog of beagle size (with maximum weight including crate of 25 kg) should cost around $100.00 Perth to Sydney +crate Savings can be made by travelling with pets but there are limits of number of passenger animals on a flight plus total package price may alter based on additional personal baggage as well.
  10. DSO, Three airlines (Qantas/Virgin/Rex) offer a comparable service, (Jetstar and Tiger do not have the capabilities to fly live animals) sometimes the final decision of using a particular airline is made because of: airlines not flying pets into that destination the times of flights that are best suited to your needs prices being offered by the airlines or pet transport company. If your dog/s (pets) can be attached to a passenger ticket financial savings can be made. However, if your pet/s need to be transported as freight it is probably better to have a pet transport company organise this for you. Pet Transport companies are offered discounted rates by the airlines for their business, it then comes down to the PTC to offer the best rates to their clients. Shop around, you may be surprised that large or small PTCs can offer some competitive rates cheaper than you can buy dealing directly with the airlines. As for crates I am not in favour of recycling crates/hire crates especially for the PP20/PP30/PP40 range especially for the transportation of puppies/small dogs, you don't know what has been in them beforehand and I am always conscious of cross contaminations because I do not believe that the crates can always be sterlised/disinfected to the best levels if crates are not removed from the airport for treatment.
  11. They are a UK based (Head Office) organisation: Head Quarters Animal Airways Ltd. Premier House 43 Ealing Road, Wembley HA0 4BA United Kingdom +44 20 3051 4087 [email protected]
  12. Try http://www.petmove.com/ Pet Express in the US is owned by the the same person that owns Jetpets in Australia and Jetpets in the US is not connected to Jetpets in Australia. As for details of importing into Australia they can be found at: http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/cat-dogs
  13. Try http://www.petmove.com/ Pet Express in the US is owned by the the same person that owns Jetpets in Australia and Jetpets in the US is not connected to Jetpets in Australia. As for details of importing into Australia they can be found at: http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/cat-dogs
  14. I have new airline approved crates for ANKC members/breeders in Melbourne at: PP20 $39.60 PP30 $49.50 PP40 $55.00 Pick up price incl GST. Unfortunately boring blue and white colours. The flambouyant colours are by special order of quantities of 200 units or more and are usually made on request.
  15. I am with you on this Steve! I am not in favour of recycling crates/hire crates especially for the transportation of puppies, you don't know what has been in them beforehand and I am always conscious of cross contaminations because I do not believe that the crates can always be sterlised/disinfected to the best levels if crates are not removed from the airport for treatment. When a new PP40 can be picked up for around $55-75 compared to hiring at around $45 the additional money is money well spent for the added protection.
  16. Let the TCA know...!! They are simply not interested at all... Simple as that. Waste of time and effort besides that when the crunch come the support will dry up so quickly. Funny that..! People can complain but when it comes to the crunch they'll all withdraw in case they offend someone in a [supposedly] higher position Long may we complain because no one will get up and be counted and Lord help them if they do! Unfortunately if nothing is on the ANKC agenda it will not be dealt with! The status quo will remain. You can only try and you may be pleasantly surprised that TCA will take up the fight for you especially if they see that the membership is in favour of the change/s, afterall the members of TCA council are elected democratically aren't they? Lobby the other states for support, they can also have the item placed on ANKC agenda. If you do not want to go down this line why not go along to your Breed Club and build up support to conduct a National in Tasmania. Maybe then the other states may complain of the 1000km rule and the rule gets changed.
  17. And the new puppy arrived safely and incredibly easily with the help of another DOLer! Thank you again wayrod for your excellent service. I'll be recommending you highly to whomever I can!! The new puppy is settling in nicely thank you. She's feeling somewhat overawed by the bouncy Staffords but she is starting to boss them around a bit now so I know she'll be just fine! She's SOOOOOOO cute! :D You are welcome!!!
  18. Congratulations on the win. A good day for you on Saturday! plus a new puppy. BTW: How is the new puppy?
  19. Based on the information that has been presented in this forum plus other information that certainly would be discussed around the shows and breed clubs, let the TCA know your feelings, lobby/petition them to have the item placed on the ANKC Agenda, if need be get WACA involved also, although there have been National Shows conducted previously in Perth for other breeds. This does not just relate to GSDs so get the other breeds involved. State your case either for the right to conduct National Shows or reduced distance for no CCs to be awarded. Unfortunately with the location of both Hobart and Perth even at 1000km chances are it will only be adjoining/close by states that will be affected unless ANKC change the ruling whereby no CCs are awarded within Australia for that breed/s when a National Show is being conducted on that day/s.
  20. Crates to house dogs for vehicles should be insulated. This is why many are made from sandwiched styrene panels as this adds insulation factor especially useful for vehicles left out in the sun for long periods of time. Ventilation is also an important consideration.
  21. Whilst I am not disagreeing with your statement, I am wondering how would this explain the number of ANKC Members being low? 1 member 1 dog; or 1 member 15 dogs still works out to be one member.
  22. Just my thoughts!!! Could it also be that we have taken the shows away from the general public/local communities. I believe that if we are not out in the public eye we soon become forgotten and become insignificant to a level that other more "pro" publicity organisations can then take control as experts and we begin to loose our voice in the community. We used to have shows in Victoria like:Whittlesea KC @ Whittlesea; Yarra Valley @ Hurstbridge to name two. At each of these venues there was lead up and follow up publicity in the local newspapers and I can recall the numbers of "locals" passing through looking at all the exhibits. We also had a lot more agricultural shows (up until 1980s) than we currently have and again more general public passing through the dog showing area, some would then purchase a purebreed dog and some would also venture into showing. So why is Sunbury so well partonised? Would Sunbury have the same appeal if it was conducted at Bulla (only fifteen minutes away)? I believe atmosphere plays a big part in drawing in the public. Success breeds success. Even the biggest opportunity to publicly display dogs in Victoria is at the Royal Melbourne Show: what have we learnt! The dogs are locked away in an area with limited public access. Benching pavilion still crowded and there is not enough seating/standing areas for the general public and General Specials is conducted either between the buildings or inside (wet weather) not on the larger grass area that would be better suited if it was provided with more tiered seating for the general public. Again, just my thoughts!!!
  23. 20 kg and 13 weeks OMGoodness. :D :D I hope that included the crate Adult GSD female 5 years 59 cm and 26.2 kg Own crate Launceston to Melbourne $125.00 Adult Weimaraner female 3 yrs, 26kg Hobart - Melbourne $187.00 (owner supplied crate) As a guide: Hobart to Melbourne age 13 weeks up to 20 kgs (New PP40 crate from airline as do not like using hire crates for puppies) (Weight limit of PP40 crate is 20kg) $179.00 (includes new PP40 crate) Adult GSD female 5 years 59 cm and 26.2 kg Own crate Launceston to Melbourne $111.00 Adult Weimaraner female 3 yrs, 26kg Hobart - Melbourne $120.00 (owner supplied crate)
  24. Driving or flying, Bailey should travel quite well. I normally find that owners have more reservations/concerns of moves like this than their pets. A couple of things to consider: How settled will Bailey be when you begin to pack up your existing premises for the move? Pets normally pick up quite early on when routines begin to change, especially packing boxes and strangers (removalists) coming and going. (Time to lock up Bailey so he doesn't escape through open doors). Try to keep the routine at home as normal as possible. If not, placing Bailey in boarding (with friend, family or commercial establishment) may be a suitable alternative. Also most people become stressed if unforseen events occur, and your pet picks up on this, this is where your forward planning pays off. Have it written down in an exercise book and include things like copies of Baileys vaccination papers, microchip papers etc, emergency contacts. Make sure that Bailey is wearing suitable identification on him whether driving or flying, including contact phone numbers. If you decide to drive, how full will your car be? Packed with family, personal luggage and so on...ensure there is enough room for Bailey. If driving, avoid feeding before travelling, occasional tit bit and water is normally key requirements. Once at destination ensure Bailey has access to food, normally in moderation, just helps the tummy to settle if he is not used to long travels. Plenty of water from your existing home. In that way when you get to SA you can mix the water, this will enable Bailey to get used to the different tastes of the water. Sometimes you can expect to see loose bowels for a day or two whilst things get back to normal, to some dogs it makes no difference. Will you new residence be ready to walk into, fences, furniture etc? If not, what arrangements have been made for Bailey whilst the move is completed? Sometimes it is easier to board Bailey and fly him in when you require him, the flight in total takes and two half hours from Melbourne to Adelaide including pre-flight (loading)and post flight (unloading) times. This method will allow you time to take possession of your new premises and ensure the new premises are suitable for the arrival of Bailey. ie no holes in fences etc. As a guide: Airfares for a Corgi size 10/12kg dog Mel/Adl should be around $120 including crate. Air flights are conducted by the commercial airlines (VB or Qantas to Adelaide) which all dog transport companies use for flights and operate as brokers. As for which dog transport company, the big difference between them all is the prices and what additional items/services they offer: i.e., personal service, meeting with your demanding schedules, pet boarding, pick up and delivery and airport lodgements (fees vary for weekday or weekends) and so on. The final decision of driving or flying is a personal preference and financial choice. As long as you feel comfortable with the decision you make you will feel relaxed and this will make the experience so much more stress free. Good Luck with your move!
  25. I'd love to know who this is with.....I couldn't get prices like that for my puppies this year!!!!! If you PM me, I will get back with details. BTW: Perth Airport to Melbourne Airport 11kg dog in hire crate $137.
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