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Jefe's owners

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Everything posted by Jefe's owners

  1. LOL at the spit on the dog's food theory.... what's next? are we supposed to pee on our backyard to mark as out territory? how many marking spots are necessary for a 20 by 15 backyard?
  2. Just make sure you add a just a piece of bungee to one end of the leash, just to absorb the shock of the leash, or the recoil will be too much, which could injure little Divani.
  3. Now I'm all confused... I though the tie up was on TOT not on drive building??!!!! :D I see me booking another consult with Steve shortly
  4. Myszka 23 1/2 spare hours on a dog's day? I don't think so. 30 min TID 15x2 min for meals 15x2 min for aftermeals relief activities That leaves 22 1/2 hours While you are sleeping, say 7 hours, your dogs are likely to be sleeping. That leaves 15 1/2 hours The dog wants to be with you... so Walking around the house following you, sitting next to you, etc, easily another 6 hours. That leaves only 10 1/2 hours. Note that you are away from home 10 hours... Now, of those 10 hours you are away, your dog is more likely to be sleeping 8 hours... so that leaves 2 1/2 hours left on the dog awake on his/her own on a crate. Is it really that much?
  5. What if I want to train my puppy for schutzhound work... or bite work and I decide social class would go against the training I want to imprint on it, would you not sell a puppy to me? :rolleyes: Also, a three month old rotti would be entering its first fear period. If I enroll the puppy in this class you want and some dog attacks my puppy, would you give me my money back if the dogs becomes fear aggressive towards other dogs?
  6. Ours arrived today... Last time at Steve's place Jefe was really curious about one... So I ordered one... ... He just wen't nuts with it... now he sees me and he's almost immediately in full drive and waiting for the ball... I'm so glad the "Secret spanish phrase" Key word to initialise drive still works.... but I can see from the dog's attitude we will be forever known as "the people with that cool ball that is available 15 minutes only so I better do as they say".The missus was a bit esceptic initally when I ordered it.... I'm now known as "the man that makes the right decisions when it comes to choosing dog toys" Come on people, get your entries now! these are really cool prizes!
  7. That kind of statements are the reason why I didn't take my rotti to my local dog club. The way I saw corrections being applied to dogs, where dogs would literally were given a correction that "lifted the dog of ground, on the air, and make a 360 degree around the handler", just in front of the trainer... that only means they support this kind on harship on the dog. I won't say wich club was this, but I live on Epping, NSW. ;) Trust your gut... stay away from that class. You are doing good trying to teach the dog the right way to behave around other dogs by positive methods.
  8. How much do you sell that puppy?!!! too adorable!
  9. I reads like a rank issue to me. The way I read this, specially the quote above is that she sees you as a lower member of the pack and is tryint to tell you to "stay away while I eat"...Somebody else has already suggested the two things that I had in mind when I first read your post: Start her on K9Force's triangle of temptation program, and Go and see K9Force Ah... and also plently of exercise. however is she is having agression issues, I would not go out until those are sorted. Hope this helps.
  10. Man, I sure got inspired by those videos!... they reminded me of my younger days as a power metal guitarrist... so I just picked up my axe... and man I STILL ROCK THE HOUSE!!!! I don't think the neighbours agree with me though
  11. did they have on a prong collar? or was this happening on a flat collar??? Thanks Gillian Jefe did. My brother's dog has a Matingale (?). Although I have to admit I tried him on Jefe's prong collar and the results are a lot more effective on the prong, there's definetly less pulling from the begining.
  12. LOL... it reminds me of Jefe on his first session with Steve. Although that is not my dog, I have similar footage on video and all you can hear is "Oh my god", "incredible" and a bunch of coursing in spanish! . I can vouch for the afirmation that it takes only 10 minutes... jefe took like 5... and my brother's staffy another five!!!
  13. Again, triangle of temptation will do the trick. You'll notice change in no time. Another suggestion is that you book a behaviour assestment with K9 force.
  14. I made mine, cost me around $10 a 7 mts line. Sailing or climbing rope is really cheap and really strong. And a SS bolt snap (marine grade), $8 from my local dive shop.
  15. Triangle of temptation will help A LOT. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=64101
  16. at what age? We have no Idea. we were told he was around 18 months when we adopted him. but judging by the dog's character and also by the transfer of dog registration documents which states birth date as 01/01/2003 (which to me is not accurate) we think he's anything between 4 to 6 years... not that we really care about it. I have to admit the dog has always had great character. in the words of our vet he's "confident, well behaved dog".He likes to play rough, as most dogs do, but he's not a playful dog (that's why I think he must be older, he's certainly not a puppy). He's never been aggressive to other dogs... well, only when Toqui was biting his ear!... ah.. and once when Toqui was playing rough with my wife and he (toqui) growled at her, and then Jefe jumped in her defence. :rolleyes: He's got a very strong pack drive. Thanks K9!
  17. you better!!! :rolleyes: Jefe will be very happy (and is not that they don't see each other often )
  18. than there is a chance, especially if he was done when he was young. He was done sometime in February this year. Just look at him.. he's just a lovely little dog...
  19. Not anymore I think that's a good point. That's got a lot do with the character of the dog. I think is a good thing for dogs, and I would not hesitate to desex our next dog. even if purebreed and pedigree. I don't plan to breed dogs... they also look nicer. :rolleyes:
  20. Well, almost every Sunday we take Jefe to one off leash park in Galston Rd. Hornsby. What we love about this park is that it has a main door that alows you and your dog to come to the park and stay inside I will say 2.5mx2.5 area that is still separated from the main park. In this area the welcome committee can come and HAVE A LOOK without any contact. We can see how the other dogs react and also Jefe. This gives you the opportunity tu sense around and if you don't like it well is easy to leave. If it is not far away form you, we can meet there any sunday about 9 in the morning :rolleyes:
  21. You just know, its your dog. Nobody can tell you if you should come or not, that is your decision to make as the dog owner. We'd love to see rex get along with jefe, yet we can not garantee that will be the case. We don't know your dog. I know my dog and he won't have a go unless provoked. or if your dog is white-fluffy-rabbit-look-alike... which I know rex isn't. We could show up early as well, I know my dog will wag its tail and say hi, all introductions on leash of course.
  22. Well you could go by yourself and check first. You will know inmediately if these kind of meeting are suitable for you and your dog.
  23. Well, I think going to an off leash area with or without 100% recall is a managed risk, although a very high risk, and I see it as a must if you want to do off leash work. I'll explain why. Think of this: time > distance > distraction I see off leash areas as AMD (Area of Massive Distraction) We've been working on Jefe's recall. and I can centainly say that at home he's 100 reliable to come. Specially when very high in drive. I have starting to add distraction by introducing another dog, Jefe's play buddy Toqui (my brother's staffy that you all met)(yes, the black 'run like a rocket' staffy that all dogs were chasing). . And Jefe's recall is still reliable at home and my brother's place. Now, that is all well and good, but the way I see it is not enough distraction. So you still need to expose the dog to the world. The way I see it, if you never work with the dog on its recall, on a big area, where there are other dogs around, you will never achieve that 100% recall. So you start by taking small steps, say, off leash areas really early in the morning, when there's no or just a few dogs around... and so on... So far, when working with jefe on off leash areas (maximum 5 other dogs), the dog is always looking at us before approaching to another dog, before play, looking for approval, as at that stage we are still in control, and at that moment I could call him and he'll come. I still don't think he would come if he was running like hell with other 20 dogs. But we will get there. Another risk has already been mentioned. You could have the best neutralised dog in the world, but someone else hasn't, and then your dog gets into a fight. As the dog owner and trainer, it is your choice and responsability whether you take the dog to and off leash area. My trainer does not recommend it, yet I think is a process you both, the dog and you, must endure. Jefe is a very relaxed, sociable and non aggressive dog. He's not affraid or people or other dogs. He will ignore most dogs, except Toqui , and will not start a fight. Yet I'm not saying that could not happen. and there is where dog insurance kicks in. Having said all that, we'll try to be there on the next DOL meet. :p Disclaimer: Jefe will not have a go to any dog, other than small-white-fluffy-barking-rabbit-looking-critters-dogs that don't go into submission immediately. If that is your dog, then I make no promises, nor garanties on my dog's behaviour.
  24. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?s=&s...dpost&p=1024114 Just noticed that in the 4th photo from the top, the third person from the left (lady in purple) was the one who started the whole issue with my dog. She was the one who initially aproached us and told us that the prong collar WAS ILEGAL and that "...WE WILL BE IN TROUBLE..." If any of you know her, please explain to her what a prong collar is and what it does, eventhough she was trying to help all she just did was ruin our day. By the way, I finaly received confirmation from the RSPCA, reafirming what they initialy told me over the phone: PRONG COLLARS ARE NOT ILEGAL IN NSW.
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