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Jeff Jones

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Everything posted by Jeff Jones

  1. That is correct. That is the difference between mantrailing and tracking. Sardog would be able to give a better reply.
  2. I agree moremals, I should have worded my reply better. The point I was trying to make is the dog isnt casting to find various different clues he is literally following the persons foot steps...
  3. I think you and squeak have answered the questions. A good book with loads of information is Scent and the Scenting Dog: William G. Syrotuck The reason why Schutzhund dogs look more accurate whilst tracking is because they are only following the scent of the crushed vegetation. They do not follow the scent from the person on the ground.
  4. on a bike maybe, but highly unlikely over any length of distance. Training a dog to track a motorcycle or car = impossible.
  5. I think you have answered well enough for both of us. :p Bitework is definantly not beyond Cramets dogs capabilities, cramet has a very :rolleyes: rotty partner.
  6. To all the books Tilly has mentioned. The only other book I would add for tracking enthusiasts to read is Scent and the Scenting Dog: William G. Syrotuck.
  7. You cant beat a good leather lead for durability.
  8. Have fun Sparty, it looks like you are going to have a good time. Just out of curiosity what is the name of the club that is holding the comp?
  9. I have never heard of them either, it would be interesting to see if it is the same people as you have dealt with in the past Winterpaws.
  10. Great work Seita, Thanks for posting the video it was a great to watch. :D
  11. Lablover I would shoot Reg Worth an email asking if you can register your dog early I doubt there would be a problem with it. [email protected] Good for others but not good for me I doubt I will be able to attend the seminar on the new dates unless it is after August.
  12. Good work Bellasperson, it is great to read your progress and keep updated on how you are going.
  13. How will he make it over that jump! Ooops willow is a she?...
  14. Contact Erny who is a member on this forum, if she is not near you she will be able to recommend someone who is closer.
  15. It was a typo! I ment to select the sad looking emoticon Welcome back.
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