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Everything posted by sheltiesrule

  1. Hey Yogi Bear I measure Kasper last night and he is 11 and a half inches.
  2. I tried ignoring Kasper last night and it seems to be working...he was jumping up and barking and I was telling him to sit, when he didn't respond I turned my back on him and my daughter said look Mum as soon as you turned your back he sat
  3. He already goes to puppy school...we haven't covered this yet....he know how to sit drop and stay
  4. How do you train a puppy not to jump up at you....Kasper jumps up at the everyone and I tell my kids to sit down at his level but then he licks their faces...what should I do?
  5. Wow I'm going home tonight to measure Kasper will let you know how tall he is
  6. When I first posted this thread my husband looked at Kasper eye and although he could see it he still wasn't confident to pluck it as Kasper may have moved at that moment....and when I asked the Vet about plucking them he siad No, they will just grow back you need to get rid of the hair folicle.
  7. Hi since I posted this topic I have been to a fantastic Vet in Glenhuntly who looked at Kasper's eye and said that it didn't seem to be bothering him at the moment and would like to wait until he is a few months older to make sure no more extra eyelashed appear...one of Kaspers testicles have not come down so we will get them both done at the same time. This vet has done the operation on a friend of mine's show poodle so I know he will do a good job with no scaring. I think the trouble with plucking is the hair will grow back short and sharp which will irritate even more
  8. I'm just curious....at what age is a dog no longer considered a Puppy?
  9. It's the magnesium in the canned dog food that attracts the dogs...they put loads in...not good
  10. You just have to look at your dogs poop to know canned food is crap excuse the pun.
  11. My puppy is on the BARF diet and I just find it easier to fib or hope they won't ask what I feed him when I'm at the vet.......but I'm annoyed that I have to do that and justify myself to all the other people who think I should have my pup on processed food.
  12. My puppy has mostly raw and has no problem chewing chicken necks..he has every night...sometime he will have lft over cooked meat but never cooked bones....when I juice oranges etc for the kids I give my pup the pulp...I've heard carrots and pumpkin are good for their coat.
  13. Hi OBS That pup is the same age as my Sheltie Kasper I hate to think of such a baby boy being sick....all I can say it that a friend of mine had Giardia from drinking contaminated water on a holiday in country Victoria and she has recovered but it took a while....I think they should ge their water tested.
  14. Thanks for the advice but no one has mentioned how to remove the product from the ear...does if fall off?
  15. My Sheltie Kasper gets chicken necks and lamb necks.....I get the butcher to cut down the lamb necks to about 3 inch size. Kasper eats all of the chicken necks but just eats the meat of the lamb necks as the bones are to hard for him.
  16. Wow thanks for all the quick replies and great advice. When using the cement how does one remove it from the ears? Also Kasper has very long fur inside the ears should this be trimmed even if I don't try tipping the ears again. I have tried to put a picture of Kasper on but it says its too big...not sure how to condense it down.
  17. My puppy Kasper is 17 weeks and his ears are now pricked...what can I do to make tip again (apart from japenese taping).....one is quite floppy when he runs but the other isn't...He is replacing his puppy teeth at the moment, does this have anything to do with it?
  18. Hi Inspector Rex Had a vet look a Kaper's tummy...he gave him some anitiotics to clear it up. :D
  19. Hi Michelle The reason I asked it that my puppy has sores on his belly where there is no fur. They start of like pimples but then they get green puss....most of his are cleared up now...i thought he got them from the beach holiday we took him on at xmas...these take a long time to clear up too.
  20. Breeder lives far away but my husband is willing to try and pluck them out....any tips...are square ended tweezers the safest...just concerned the ey might get infected.
  21. Sorry to interupt the topic but I'm new...could someone explain what hot spots are?
  22. Would like to hear from any body (particularly Sheltie owners) who may have had this problem and what they did about it. My 4 month old Sheltie has 2 inngrowing eyelashes that ar rubbing on his eye..my options are a $900 opertion with a Specialist (minimal scaring) or let my local vet do it a lot cheaper but more scaring.....I'm curious as to how much scaring a dog would have when done at their local vet. Also if anyone has had the operation have the hairs grown back....why can't they just pluck them out.
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