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Everything posted by sheltiesrule

  1. Kasper loves cheese I'll look out for that one...hope it's chicken and cheese though as he turns his nose up at anything fishy
  2. Hi Burlof I give Kasper about a 1 1/2 inche block cut up into little pieces...the only way he will it is if he is absolutley starving...I don't get it, the neighbours dog came over the other day and saw it sitting there and wolfed it down (the birds love it too)....I really want Kasper to eat it as I believe it's a good product but I guess you can lead a horse to water.....
  3. Well I'm still having trouble getting Kasper to eat it...but after reading the last few posts maybe I'm giving him too much in one meal
  4. Yes it will dry...it took me a few goes to get the right consistancy...I first tried to make it quite a dry paste like blue tack but that didn't stick, kept falling off, so now I make it a little sloppier..you also need to put enough on so that they droop a little more than you want as they tend to spring up more when the paste is removed.
  5. This is so weird as I was going to post a similar question in the next couple of days as my Sheltie is now 6 months and when I got him a friend of mine who's husband was a vet recommended Ecopet but when I tried Kasper as a pup he didn't like it so I put him on raw. But the last couple of weeks I have decided to try a modified raw diet and bought the ecopet to try him again, he doesn't seem to thrilled with it so this morning I decided to mix it with raw chicken mince as it seems very dry on it's own.....I will let you know tomorrow it he ate it...as far as how good it is - my friend says it is the best dog food you can buy out of all of them cans, dry etc.
  6. I wish I hadn't looked at this thread too ;) but Shelby was blessed to have spent her last years with someone as loving as you
  7. Hi Bridgie cat I'm the one who first posted ;) this thread and I found using glycerine with talcom powder the best...Kasper is 7 months now and and I haven't used it for about 5 weeks...one ear is tipped well but the other is almost straight again so I intend to keep using it on a regular basis.
  8. Hi Doglicious I know exactly how you feel...Kasper and I have just finished Puppy school...Kasper was scared of the other puppies at first but now it has turned into a full blown fear aggression...on the 2nd week we were all asked what we feed and I was the only Barf one and got the same spiel about not balanced enough etc...it's very embarrassing in front of all those people to be told your doing the wrong thing (even if you know your right)....mine wasn't a vet rooms either it was a training school held in a park....if I was you I would look elsewhere when it comes time for obedience training. :p
  9. I'm in the same boat so to speak the club I have just finished puppy training with insist on choker chains....there is no way I will put one on Kasper's little neck....so now I must look for another club
  10. Putting his own poo there didn't stop Kasper...he kept diggin but seriously the only way you can stop a dog from doing something it catch them in the act and you have that advantage as you know when he is going to dig.....so next time he does it give a loud argggg or squirt him with a water bottle....hopefully he'll get the picture
  11. Just thought I'd share today's drama with everyone Today was Kapser's last week of Puppy school, so my daughter, Kasper and I set of for Albert Park lake which is about a 15-20 minute drive...as we are driving there I wonder if I should have rung to make sure it was on as I had missed the previous week....so we get there and no one is there (great) so I say to my daughter well we will just go straight home, no use getting Kasper out-let him play at home...we get a few minutes down the round and Kasper ;) in his car carrier and the smell was unbearable so I drive a little way (by this stage the windows are fully down with me and my daughter's heads hanging out the window LOL and I see some council workers working (yes I know hard to believe) and they had a running fire hyrdrant...so I full up next to them and out flys the dog and I run up to the fire hydrant and begin to wash out the dog carrier...I'm sure they must of been wondering what this lunatic with a dog was doing but believe me there was no way any of us would have made the 20 minutes home with that smell anyways Ill be trying those Junket tablets the next time I take a drive with Kasper
  12. They're not as floppy now (teething) but I'm tipping them so hopefully we he stops teething they'll stay tipped
  13. The only way I could afford $101 a month is if I didn't have kids
  14. LOL Ok your onto me......your Sheltie looks like a grown up version of Kasper LOL
  15. Yeh, my friend who's husband is a retired Vet said He saw alot of throat damaged dogs due to this...especially the smaller petite dogs.
  16. Whilst we are on or arguing about the subject...I'm looking for an obedience school for my Sheltie who don't use choke chains as the one we currently go to for puppy school do and I do not agree with it. I'm in the western suburbs.
  17. Hi OBS I use Sentinal Spectrum on Kasper...I did my research before I bought them as I knew of the sensitivity.
  18. I agree about the Chicken....Kasper has been fed mainly Chicken so far and he is only 11 1/2 inches and hes 5 months
  19. Kasper's eyes are worse his coat is thickening up and both his eyes are pink around the edge of the eyelid...he is also blinkin alot...I have looked but cannot see any eyelashes that could be annoying him...i don't know hether to take him to the vet now or wait until his coat had finished growing ;)
  20. Kasper wasn't as bad last night...in fact he harly barked....I spent alot of time with him playing when I got home...I'm starting to think it's a bordom thing.
  21. OMG the last coupld of night I have ahd the same problem with Kasper...I think it's all the cats roaming around at night...I've tred spraying him which stops him for a while but then he starts again...Kasper sleeping in the laundry but has a doggy door so he can come and go as he pleases...I closed that off a few times last night too. I'm worried the neighbours will start complaining
  22. Oh I just been drying Kasper with a towel and letting him run around to dry...should I be doing something different?
  23. Would like to hear how often other Sheltie owners bath their dogs...some of the books I have say not to bath them often as this washes away the oils which are good for their coat.....Kasper's a digger so he gets quite grubby.
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