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Everything posted by oonga

  1. oonga

    The Passing

    Griff, big hugs to you and your family through this sad time :D also a special hug for Sinna, i am sure she is missing him deeply too. love oonga
  2. jumping the gun here am i?? LOL well i look forward to following this new journey of yours :p hey and i promise to keep Maia away from the new puppy, and follow your instructions in how to interact with said puppy, just bring it down to training already LOL plus who knows by the time it all happens, there is a chance that Maia will not be as bouncy as she is ....yeah right!! LOL ok i will keep her away LOL
  3. this is so sad :p big healing hugs to everyone involved
  4. Erny!! great to finally see you back on line!!! Congratulations on your new baby don't really know the finer details, such as name, gender etc... but i hope you will bring him/her down to Rotty training so we can meet him/her too bet your new baby will just love the bouncy Rotties LOL cheers oonga
  5. Sardog, could you also please tell Erny that DOL is just not the same without her cheers oonga
  6. how much ACV should dogs be getting a day? is it based on their weight?
  7. Hi Bridged, Rotty Club of Victoria run their classes every wednesday 7:30pm to 8:30pm there is generally socialization of some sort for the dogs after class, such as someone rollerblading past the dogs, dressing up in costumes, lawnmowers all sorts of things really dogs may experience in every day life. this part only goes for about 15 minutes or so. it is held indoors, in the big shed, so even in the rainy weather there is no excuse not to attend training LOL with daylights saving coming on some of the classes will be outdoors, so that should be fun and bring a whole new range of challenges my way LOL anyhow it is held at KCC park i can't think of the exact address right now, will get back to you with it it costs $50 per year to become a member of the Rotty Club, which youhave to do for insurance purposes, then every class is $5 or you could buy a block of 5 training sessions for $15 which works out to only $3 per class. but i believe the block package has to be used consecutively? hope to see you there one day i am the one bouncing around with my dog LOL cheers oonga p.s i just found the link from the Rotty club with the details on the training http://rottweilerclubofvictoria.com/site/index.php?id=32
  8. Hi Bridged, are you in Melbourne? if you are the Rotty Club of Victoria run weekly classes by professional instructors who volunteer their wednesday nights to run the training classes. these instructors are fantastic!! the truly care about, love and understand the breed and their temperament. They are always happy to hang around after class and have one on one chats about any issues you may be having. it would also be a great way to support the rotty club, and in effect support the Rottweiler breed in general
  9. see THIS is what i am talking about!!! i must have done it all wrong, surely there is NO way Pedigree could score higher than the Royal Canin Maxi juniour?!?!?!
  10. ummm ok i am sure i must have added it all wrong!! i only got 45 points for Royal Canin Maxi Junior?!?!?! how can the other Royal Canin's have such a high rating, surely i have done something wrong?? does anyone feed this food to their dogs, if so could you please have a go at adding up the score, i thought Royal Canin was one of the better foods?? cheers oonga
  11. yes and we particularly loved your example at traiing the other day when i asked about Maia's nerves!! HR looked around and found a plastic chair which he went to get and then pushed rapidly on the concrete floor towards Maia. She was not expecting this and as he reached her he started to bang the chair onto the ground VERY hard and loud, Maia for a split second took a step back and then went over to investigate what exactly all the racket was about LOL Seems like Maia's nerves are fine although not much can be said for the chair which HR banged so hard that the armrest broke off!!!!! PMSL
  12. Erny, i feel so sad and happy for you and Kal if that makes sense, sad that she is no longer in your life, but happy that she is free from her pain. i feel sad that you are mourning and grieving her parting, but happy that she gave and taught you so much and you will have such a beautiful bond to celebrate. big hugs and RIP Kal love oonga
  13. Erny, i don't know what to say, so i am just sending you and Kal big comforting hugs. Please let me know if there is ANYTHING i can do for you. hugs oonga
  14. Erny, fair enough about the hearing, i just had to put that in because i come from a family where my grandma, uncle, mum and several other relatives are hearing impaired and i was 17 before i was diagnosed as having a hearing impairment, at school i always got the dreamer thing in my report etc.. although being a human i guess i compensate for it, not sure if dogs would do this LOL as for being modest, i look forward to seeing you at rotty training one day so you can see i really know nothing about dog training!! LOL thanks for the confidence boost though cheers oonga
  15. ok guys this is probably going to sound uneducated in dog training because i know nothing about dog training. i am just sharing this thought because it is something that crossed my mind as i was reading the original post. is there any chance at all that this dog could have a hearing impairment?? maybe he isn't hearing the commands properly and has just given up, whereas with the hand commands he knew exactly what was expected of him? no flaming me for this thought either!! ravensmyst good luck with getting your dogs focuse back cheers oonga
  16. could you perhaps set up a video camera to tape while you are out? good luck with it all, and i hope this is all resolved for you soon with a happy solution for all
  17. do different breeds change from their puppy coat to adult coat at different ages?? or is it a rough similar age for all breeds?? cheers oonga
  18. both you and Molly are very clever!!! that looks awesome!!! i also love the bouncy Eddie LOL cheers oonga
  19. Hi Corine, no haven't been able to organize transport yet, we are in Chelsea Heights, cheers oonga
  20. oh petal79, i hope whatever is happening in your life, isn't too serious and that all will be well soon! cheers oonga
  21. feeling really depressed here, we were booked in to go and have paid, but went to get dinner earlier on and the car died!! when i went to restart it there was a loud BANG, i mean even the neighbours came out to see what was going on!! anyhow can't get in touch with a mechanic, had to happen after hours!!! The muffler has literally exploded it is split down the middle lengthwise, will see if we can get it in to the local muffler place, but they won't be able to fix it in 30mins!! will phone steve in the morning to let him know we won't be able to make it have been SO looking forward to it too!! partner was going to take his video camera and tape it all too! hope you all have a great time!!! cheers oonga
  22. i recommend the Rotty Club of Victoria training on a wednesday night begining at 7:30pm at KCC park. yes it is run by the rotty club and predominantly there are rotty's there although we have had other breeds even a puppy pug!! so my understanding is that is open to other breeds as well. The trainers are all excellent and qualified not volunteers, and always stay back to answer any questions you may have one on one. I can honestly say although we have been going only a short time, we also train at an all breeds club every other sunday and the difference in the quality of the volunteer trainers at all breeds club and the professional trainers at rotty club is incredible. the atmosphere is also much nicer and more caring, personal and the socialization always consists of introducing new things to the dogs such as people dresssed as clowns or whipper snippers all sorts of stuff really. at all breed training socialization is let your dogs of lead and let them play. and just for the record i am NOT a dog trainer for any club LOL far from it trying very hard to learn to train our own puppy LOL good luck with your search Goldy ;) cheers oonga
  23. that is by no means a silly brag, rather an extremely well deserved brag!! well done to Molly on achieving so much in such a short time!!! and good on you for all your effort, and can't forget that spunk Eddie!!! isn't he adorable and a good boy to snuggle up to her and not get jealous!!!! great story thanks for sharing cheers oonga
  24. SHOEMONSTER: it was great to meet you and Eddie today at training, he is such a gentle affectionate boy, i look forward to seeing you other times, and it was great to hear that stuff i am gowing through is perfectly normal, so thanks for the chat felt like a mothers club LOL HERR ROTTWEILER: thanks for the positive feedback! it came at a time when i really needed it as i was feeling like a bit of a failure with Maia, so your comments gave me a boost... good on you for giving back to the community it is truly a great thing to do!! SMOKEYSUE: yes we are fortunate here in melbourne to have the services of HR and the gang at RCV... but lucky for you Ice is such a clever and well behaved boy he doesn't need them oh and Maia is kind of walking on a loose lead YAY don't feel like i am suffocating her dragging her along LOL just need to stop her from zig zagging now... yes i know 1 step at a time LOL cheers oonga
  25. shoemonster what time will you be there? i have to check out the website to confirm what time we need to be there to sign up etc... but if you guys start earlier we will ge tthere earlier to say hi cheers oonga
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