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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. I havent done it but there is a lot of communicaiton and timing involved,and of course money. It can be particularly difficult if you are communicating with a country who's first language is not English. There are different rules for different countries regarding Quarantine into Australia. Some are easier than others, such as the UK, Sweden etc...
  2. Sorry to be the dippy downer but I agree 100% with the above statement. Conformation showing is ALL ABOUT assessment of breeding stock imo and that is how it should remain I feel. To advance the sport/hobby ,I have no problem with having Neuter classes and sweepstakes in the shows, both champ and open, but I dont believe they should be eligible for challenge points or Best In Group/Show titles, but rather Best Neuter in Group/Show as per Baby In Group/Show, not eligable for points but still included. They could be removed as are the baby puppies in the Chalenge line ups and even best in class could go through to General Specials but not be included in the Best In Show Line up. I think most people would be happy with a similar solutuion if introduced, what do you all think? would you be happy with something like this?? Hogz Hogz they aren't eligible for the challenge points that entire exhibits get...they get points the same way but only against other neuters. They don't compete at all against the other exhibits (entires) but have their own which is essentially the same set up as a normal show but against neuters only.
  3. I think i usually fast my dogs once or twice a fortnight... it doesnt hurt for them to skip a meal... it is now at the point where they no longer expect to be fed although my oldest boy is probably the worst if it is a night time meal that i skip...
  4. Hey RS if you know what's good for you you'll get into the setter thread and look at my latest photos... not that i am trying to tempt you or anything
  5. I can't make it to the workshop anymore... ;) I have to work. I am SO bummed about it!!
  6. Hey Valley it did work!! (the video i mean - thought it didn't work!)
  7. fetchin that is great advice i'll definitely give that method a try I don't think i'll make the training days this year... so much keeps coming up and I haven't once had a chance to get out there... so annoying!
  8. Freaking moron and typical response as well... defensive because they either refuse to believe it is true or know it's true and dn't like being told off...
  9. ness that's weird that a new book hadnt been sent out yet... i usually get a new book when i have about 20 cheques left!!
  10. I happily am one who didn't do the squeaky toy thing... i also did a lot of short retreive sessions when she was a baby and she has always loved it... except when she is in public with a bunch of other things going on she kind of forgets her head... The one thing i never focussed on is her not dropping it!! ARGH! fetchindawgs... is it true that when training for comps etc it is best to have a group of people to train with? Valley and I have discussed this and it is one of the main reasons why we haven't gone ahead. Also, were you at the GDC last gundog trial of the year in 2010? if so, I was there taking photos for the GDC! i had a weim with me... i think most people thoought i was a bit nuts
  11. The fact that they are refusing to promote it just shows how little respect the ANKC commands and is given, and this also reflects on the rest of Australia as a National body...
  12. Hi Mirawee, Would you consider your property for use for a retrieving trial ? I compete in retrieving, and judge, and we are desperate for new sites to hold our events. Biggest problem has been water, and it looks like you have heaps. By the way, to those gundog owners saying they have to toss up between obedience and retrieving, or agility and retrieving. You don't you know. There are several of us who do two or more disciplines, including retrieving. Training for retrieving trials is the same as training for any discipline, consistency, building confidence, gathering information, and training often. If you do obedience, you will have no problems with retrieving. Get a toy cap gun and get your pup/dog used to the noise (at a distance at first, then closer), then practise steadiness at heel, then a retrieve on command with a return to in front position. There is lots more of course, but if you have the basics, then go to the training classes, talk to people who trial for advice and suggestions, and have a go. You won't ever have as much fun with your dog, and, your gundog will be doing what he/she is bred for. Hey fetchindawgs do you mean using Mirawee's property for training or comps? I remember speaking to someone once who had a good body of water on their property but the club insisted that they required natural bodies of water in order to use it... is this still the case? The biggest issue i have with my "retriever" is that she can't keep the freaking thing in her mouth!! she likes to drop it as soon as she returns, and no matter what i try (albiet little and not often), she just doesn't know how to make that connection between the hold when i hand it to her and the hold when she returns! ARGH!
  13. i agree t-time... there is no where in that statement that you can really see where having a neuter class is against the rules.. in fact, the opposite... by having a neuter class you ARE promoting breeding and exhibition of purebred dogs, and the fact that they are not entire means that they were bred with improvement in mind, but will not be bred because they are not necessarily an improvement (or were neutered for other reasons)... just weird...
  14. Oh no!! how very sad and annoying for your brother Faol... I hope that insurance covers it all however it cant always replace the irreplacables...
  15. What the? I thought that it was Dogs QLD who set up and was trialling the whole thing?
  16. I am really sorry you have found yourself in this situation FD... I know nothing about RE etc and it seems plenty of others have given you advice on that side, so from another POV... has your OH spoken to his mum and sister about Coco's living arrangements? Perhaps sitting down with both of them and establishing what this issue is would help ease the tension. Is it his mum that has the issues, or is it the sister? Is mum not saying anything because she feels bad, but really doesn't want the dog there, or is the sister just being demanding and unfair because she doesn't want the Coco there? Perhaps also telling them that you are trying very hard to find a solution to the whole issue so you can have your dogs again, however a little patience would be appreciated would probably go a long way. Perhaps offer compensation for Coco's stay, in any form you feel comfortable, plus of course feeding costs etc.Perhaps mum doesn't even know about the sisters threats and by sitting everyone down it would certainly clear the air... just a thought - i really hope it all works out soon.
  17. bmp - skunk hair... black and white stripes kind of like Cruella
  18. I heard the Amstaff won - but have no idea!
  19. That is so awesome PR - congratulations a fantastic achievement!!
  20. It didnt cover when she bent over Yes i do have a classic photo of that, but I don't think i should post it... lets just say it wasnt the most flattering outfit... *cough*skunkhair*cough*sheer seethrough tights*cough*
  21. Good on the judge who stood up and said something... Bullies deserve no place in showing and should be reprimanded accordingly.
  22. Fantastic!! Congratulatios!! the photo is teeny though
  23. Ari would have to be a supermodel... extra long sexy legs! James would probably be a dole bludger Spartan would be a very fat food critique.
  24. Well as much as it is a shame it was probably always inevitable... and since the battle was lost before we thought about fighting it there isn't really a lot that can be done now... It'll be interesting to see how many prefixes will be transferred out of WA now... I am pretty sure that the legislation may have been rushed given the blatant, in your face tactics that some were using with regards to docking and showing in other states, which resulted in a lot of attention from certain organisations. Btw, I am pro-docking and pro-choice, and like clemevi i would do it if it was legal but it isnt. I own and show a traditionally docked breed.
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