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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Most of of your questions have been answered but just want to say welcome to DOL and soon to Perth and Ptolomy details!!
  2. Ozjen that looks so awesome!! I wish i could do something like that!!
  3. Weims have high prey drive... the really strong working lines I mean... they were bred to bring down large game! It's alright, though, we all know about your closet love for gundogs now :D
  4. or, if you want the ultimate in diversity, i'll put you down for a weimaraner
  5. come on Mirawee you know you want to get yourself a working gundog
  6. The German judge at the recent Weimaraner national asked us to do just this... walking out and back and then around, all at a walk with a loose lead. Ari sniffed the ground almost the whole way around!
  7. Um... yes I do... all three of mine get cold water from the hose and then a bucket of warm water over them after the final rinse... although I bath them less in Winter and in Summer the water from the hose is usually warmer from the sun for the initial soak!
  8. It's probably all about the country of origin... it was a long battle to get the german weimaraner club to accept LH weimaraners, and even now, it's incredibly difficult to breed with them in germany (or mainly mix them with SH weis).
  9. As far as I know there are no others... but there are some countries that require less time than others. Look on the AQIS site for details of the classes of each country. Countries like the UK and Sweden require less in terms of testing before they leave the country, and can be imported earlier than others. Importing/exporting from and to NZ probably depends on the size of the animal you are moving... no one can give you a rough cost if they don't know what size the dog is.
  10. The Longhair in Weimaraners was also once a disqualifying fault... it just wasn't part of the standard.
  11. Thanks for all your feedback I have taken it all on board and went with the approach of giving my friends a bunch of contacts and a bunch of questions to ask, with as much advice as possible. i also just told them to be honest and tell the breeders they speak to that it is their first time buying a registered purebreed and that they have had some help from someone in regards to the questions they are asking... I hope that they don't find it too daunting... I'll never forget the first time I spoke to a breeder - i was 18 and really nervous about talking to people I didn't know. I got through it all anyway and ended up with a great dog!
  12. perhaps all dependent on breed as well but all my girls (ALL weimaraners) have been much easier to housetrain than my boys (both English setters)
  13. I also think it is a result of todays lifestyle... and all clubs are suffering... Busy lifestyles and longer working hours restrict our free time. It just isn't worth being part of a club anymore. It isn't always even necessarily about incentives to be part of a club... i just think that free time is becoming more precious,and there are less chances to do things even i f the desire is there.
  14. I can imagine showdog it's such a shame! Good on you for being so upfront and honest though... no doubt that weeds out many of the undesirables!
  15. I take it those people didn't get a puppy or were spoken to further?
  16. Not that it matters for this "debate", but if I get into showing, it won't be with a Labrador I do hear you about trying to get a good show dog, especially a bitch. That is why I am open to a dog as well as a bitch for my next dog I got Ruby's papers a week after she came home, but knew they were coming because her breeder asked me for my current address so that the papers could be sent there. Which leads me to another question (genuine one! I'm very interested in how all this works!) To those breeders who withhold papers until desexing with the contract, do your puppy buyers know up front that they won't be receiving the papers and at what point in the process are they informed? It's just that I assumed I'd get them with Ruby (which lucky I did), so I never actually ASKED. Is it a case of if the breeder doesn't mention not getting them, you will, or is it a case of breeder doesn't mention papers at all and they are still withheld until contract condition is met? If I buy a puppy in the future and I don't mention receiving papers (which I wouldn't have thought to do so until this topic came up), how much of risk am I at not receiving them and the dog being in my name ASAP if neither party mention it? I can only answer the bolded part of your question... as far as I know, it's quite a high risk at least in WA... apparently, it is a rquirement by DogsWest to register every puppy, but it is not a requirement for every puppy owner to be given the papers. I think in NSW and QLD, the requirement is there that every owner must receive their papers, but here it perhaps is worded differently. either way, as part of my research on breeders, i would be asking that question from the beginning if it wasn't told to me upfront... it shows the breeder you have done the research on how it all works.
  17. Thanks Aziah - i thought of that... but the intention is there really just to help narrow down some breeders for them and then they can call them themselves and speak to them. I will see what they think, they might just want to contact them themselves anyway!
  18. Rubystar, I think generally breeders are fairly experienced in working out who is genuine and know what they are talking about, and who is not. I totally agree with you, though, and I see myself asking them the questions should they approach me asking for full papers. I dont think it is too difficult to work out the suss ones because I think they usually give themselves away at some point (however I can see there would be a lot of people out there who have done enough research to pull the wool over even the most experienced breeders eyes as well).
  19. I have a friend who is looking for a puppy. A good while ago I managed to talk them into purchasing a puppy from a reputable, registered breeder... After a bit of research into breeds, they are finally ready for a puppy. They have asked me for some advice as to whom some of the best people are to contact. So, my question is, do breeders like it or hate it when people email/phone breeders on behalf of friends (for the initial research). I am just not 100% sure that my friends will ask all the right questions, and I want to help them narrow down the number of breeders to speak to (it's a fairly popular breed). I thought that maybe I could do the legwork for them, then refer them to the list of breeders that I have narrowed down for them to speak to directly. So, is that annoying for breeders or not? (I plan to be honest and tell them that the puppy is for a friend and I am researching on their behalf).
  20. I would call them - things get done faster when you get on the phone...
  21. There is an Irish Setter Club in NSW... Irish Setter Association of NSW Inc President: Rescue, Referral & Puppy enquires: Jenny Finch 02 94510609 Email: [email protected] Secretary,& Membership enquires:Carrie Pain 02 62382432 email: [email protected] They might be able to do something... This is a very sad situation
  22. I don't think the prayers will help valley my reliable sources are fairly certain it will rain But the undercover is booked for Sunday... it's more pleasant for the GDC show anyway, as it's not crowded with the other groups.
  23. While I can see the conditions placed on not receiving papers until the pup is desexed, I am not sure how easy I would find doing that to a puppy buyer... I think it really does depend on the person, and talking through it with someone, I think most puppy buyers would understand... but I wouldn't want puppy buyers to rush to get the dog desexed either, particularly in my breed. It's sort of a catch 22... I actually like the idea of a refund once puppy is desexed... a good incentive...
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