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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. can anyone tell me what the approximate amount is per serving (assume once or twice a day with meals?) for a 26kg dog would be? trying to work out how far 1lb would go nevermind just found the answer on page 2
  2. omg no way!!! just not possible... congrats on doing so well with Little Tori on your holiday! sounds like you had a fab time :)
  3. interesting about the hips! admittedly I've never witnessed my HD affected dog do it.
  4. Very gorgeous photos! Cloud is stunning love the markings. Your boys are lovely also!
  5. AP wonderful runs - fantastic to watch (and the commentary makes the vid!), and VERY inspiring!! you must be so very proud of yourself and your little Terror. Well done again :)
  6. I assume you are talking about dutch licorice? I've not had salted black cats before! but agree on the triple salted! and my dogs love it, a mad scramble if I accidentally drop one (because I don't share dutch licorice with them!)
  7. down the bottom of page two hope everyone had a good weekend! I'm pretty exhausted just getting no sleep at the moment... still sick, plus a bit of insomnia and a sick OH doesnt make for a good sleep!
  8. i used to inadvertantly reward my boy for doing this... just by saying hello to him. He's nearly 10 now and no amount of ignoring has him stop his barking when we get home... but I do wait until he's calm/stopped barking before I acknowledge him and he does calm down quicker than he used to.
  9. I think that an afterhours clinic that cannot provide emergency services is terrible, particularly as it was called ahead. i'm sorry for your friend to have lost 2 pups... would have been just terrible if it had been all of them.
  10. I'm surprised the vet didn't know about it!!
  11. Lulu is scared of the vacuum cleaner... but then, it's used so rarely she never had a chance to get used to it! (not because I'm gross, btw, it's cos I have hard floors and sweep mostly) I had a Weim once who had a rediculous fear of boxes... small, big, it didn't matter, she'd run a mile. the noise was enough to scare her but if she saw a box she would run so fast in the opposite direction. it was quite sad - she was born in our house and we could never work out where the fear came from.
  12. Weims don't suffer from dilute alopecia, but they do have some skin issues cropping up now and then, as well as immune issues that they like to link to recessive genes. Weimaraners are one breed which has been bred for that colour for over a century... but from what I can tell they were carefully bred in Germany so perhaps any issues were bred out if they cropped up.
  13. just found out power is back on - woo hoo!! RS want to head out training soon, just work has been full on lately with no chance to leave earlier for a good arvo training session came across a bit of a hiccup on the weekend as we discovered while Lulu goes nuts for quail, she really doesn't like pigeon! could be a problem!! a bit of a brag from the weekend as well - JT, Lulu's brother, got his TD1 with his owners. I'm a very proud breeder!
  14. Emery - poor Tango but I hope that he feels better after his shave and his Antibiotics. CC definitely no quail treats, just some training earlier than I thought I'd be doing with Lulu. Fingers crossed it all goes well with Daisy MG - woo hoo for Gibbs you must be thrilled.
  15. Thanks Tassie. Is anyone else besides me affected by the power outage? has been out since 2pm yesterday. I'm gutted that my frosty fruits are melting, and that my poor frozen quail is slowly defrosting.
  16. I have learned from watching other, polite, experienced handlers and how they deal with crowding or moving behind slower dogs. I had a slower moving dog at one point and never in all my time did the other handler ever crowd me or overtake me, they'd simply take a wider circle allowing me room and allowing their dog to move quicker. in time I learned that taking a slightly smaller circle for my slower dog would benefit us both. I now show faster movers and I am right at the end of the line up most of the time in the groups. I tend to leave a fairly big gap before i enter the ring most of the time even with a faster moving pointer, just to make sure I am giving them space and allowing my girls to be able to move to best advantage them. works for me. The only other issue I've experienced was in a different breed with a notorious crowder and stomper. Luckily the dog I showed was quite bombproof and no amount of crowding affected us and our performance. this person was also notorious for shadowing so as someone said above I'd always leave a nice space in front and wait a bit before stacking my dog because they'd move right forward to stack.
  17. I have two very healthy purebreds, and two who have their fair share of problems. Before that two healthy weims for most of their lives but both died quite young (9 and 7) and before that a very sick puppy we lost at 12 months. I've never owned a mixed breed though so can't compare!
  18. Another one to add to the list, poor James somehow managed to hurt himself last night. He had got off the lounge to get a drink and then when he came back over he was stiff, his tail clamped under his bum and holding one of his back legs off the ground. I suspect he slipped over and really hurt his hip. Luckily deb has managed to squeeze me in tonight due to a cancellation so that is good... but my poor baby is very sore today. Lucky I have pain meds on hand so hopefully it will take the edge off the pain until we can get to the bottom of it tonight. I forgot to add yesterday happy birthday Pippa! CC sorry to hear about Daisy, but at least you know about it now :)
  19. No AP! no rain on Saturday... RV and i will get very wet at the field trial!
  20. not a great pic of them... but here they all are trying to cram onto the same lounge
  21. I don't leave collars on... i do a sign but i just worry about a collar getting caught or something...
  22. Glad you worked it all out. Just wanted to add, I always thought that flying a dog unaccompanied, is more expensive, even through AAE. It cost me a lot more flying my dog return unaccompanied even through an agent, but flying with the dog was considerably less. it was almost worth considering flying the trip with her, because the cost didn't vary that much! So, if I'm flying WITH the dog, I book direct through AAE. If I'm not flying with the dog, I book through an agency, which is definitely cheaper.
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