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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. English Setter - always from the age of 8 (it was all about horses up til that point)...I begged my mum for one and was temporarily distracted by the weimaraners but I'll never be without one.
  2. My bitch was the smallest in her litter and she has ended up at the top of the standard in height for a bitch. Is it possible that the smaller puppy could be from a different sire?
  3. in the gundog group, I'd bet that GSPs and Weimaraners have the highest prey drive :D
  4. CC and Wazzat i totally forgot you'd be at the shows I would have come to find you!! yes come on DOLer brag away!
  5. RS I looked at next years scheduled events and yes there appears to be two ETs - one in July i think and one in September. I'll be doing the July one hopefully with ari... just have to get a bike, but we've already started to build up our walks/jogs so I think she'll find it easy come July.
  6. I believe that the best possible person to choose your pup is your breeder... yes bonding and shaping takes place at home but you always have to fit around their personality and them around yours... much easier when you have a compatible dog.
  7. Soudns as if she is having a phantom pregnancy Fran.
  8. I like Retravision too - we got most ofour stuff from there. There used to be Rick Hart as well but I think maybe they shut down? Happy birthday Emery!! I am heading to the show tomorrow is agility on the top oval or is it at another location this weekend? I am not entered just getting my fix and giving Ari a bit of time down there...
  9. Purple is a winning colour AP, go with that it'd look so pretty against her coat welcome to the thread chi sorry i have no advice regarding chihuahua's but the biggest issue (some) people probably face is treating them like they are still a dog... if you do that I think you'd be more than half way there OMG i can't believe they are thinking of not doing obedience : that is a bit sad. Good on you bedazzled for speaking up. Please let me know if there is anything i can do to help leading up to it.
  10. That is just plain sad ;) I hope she finds a happy home where people appreciate her and do not treat her like something that can be thrown away A shame Mas that your hubby said no :D
  11. Rach I think she is her own special brand of cute :D I can see a bit of Jack Russel in there for some reason, or something terrier, with maybe some kelpie and/or ACD she's a real cutie!
  12. omg how scary GR!!! naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaughty man!!
  13. RS, how cute is your BIL for doing that slideshow? i know he's a photographer and all but still!! also your niece is really gorgeous!! this is one of my faves of spartan and I... pro shot so won't keep it up for long...
  14. After i lost all my photos when my OH accidentally threw out our computer before I got the photos, i realised how much it doesn't matter if you take too many photos of your dogs, but it really does matter if you don't have enough... both James and Ari take horrible photos a lot of the time, but it doesnt matter. The other day while trying to find a photo of Ari i realised i had about a billion stacked shots of her and barely any cute puppy shots... none of James anymore except the ones i uploaded to photobucket or onto my work computer and spartans puppy shots are pre-digital camera days so all hard copy photos, and again, just not enough!! i do have some video of spartan though, and again, stupid me didn't bother taking any for James and Ari... So.. get snapping people... you can NEVER have too many photos!
  15. lab rat - have you tried lamb flaps? it's all i can give spartan and they are lovely and soft but hard enough to be worth it! spartan cant have chicken or beef another good thing is roo tail but some dogs don't like the meat
  16. well said ozjen!! Glad to hear Gizmo is perky again!
  17. Rusky I don't venture into this area often because I always come out crying but i have to say i am so very sorry for your loss. RIP Rusky
  18. totally agree mirawee hugs to you also R&L
  19. Hope you will visit us DOLer's from group 5, might not recognize Jenna all spruced up ;) and you can get Lapphund cuddles. I think Rubystar, Bdazzelled and Plotomey might be doing obedience that day too. and OES cuddles too ;) Valley sending huge cuddles and lots of positive vibes to your Lilly. Hugs to you too it's a hard time but you are doing the best you can for her.
  20. oh that is so cute wazzat!! when is the baby due? you must be excited?!
  21. Word of mouth is probably the best way to find a good one... I use Bowen for my dogs - one dysplatic and he benefits hugely from this (not to treat his dysplasia but the muscles that he puts extra strain on due to his dysplasia). My weimaraner does a lot of running/jumping and she usually gets a treatment before a big show. I can see how people could think it's one of those "you have to believe in it for it to work" but the fact that it works for my dogs who have no conscious thoughts or doubts kind of proves it's worth, at least for the ones it helps.
  22. So what days is everyone on at the royal and what for? I'll be there on Sunday I think with Char (is that right Mirawee is group 5 Sunday?) for conformation and Wednesday for Gundogs Conformation.
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