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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. hey guys just be wary of giving your dogs "human" stuffed toys... i read an article once (i have to try and find it) about the stuffing being swallowed by dogs and that it just broked down into some kind of tarry mess... Oh here we are i found a Linky Speaking of toys, however, my dogs are generally pretty satisfied with rope toys, and nylabones are always a hit in this house. James' favourite toy though? A plastic bottle - he lives for them, his eyes light up when he gets to have one, and he struts around so proud with it before he tucks in (and i have to take it off him cos he takes the lid off)... Awwww to Dougal too!!! how cute they were born a day apart in the same year You must be so excited about your puppy GR, and don't worry you'll be fine with baby - your breeder and DOL will help you I am sure with anything you need to know!! Weather is very bad here - although does look slightly clearer than 10 minutes ago, i dare say it's not going to clear tonight...
  2. I used to have a nice aluminium craft case from bunnings... but now i don't show the setters I moved to a regular "coolbag" with a front pocket... suits my needs for a breed that doesn't need grooming or prep at the show.. Wehn I went to find the same alumium case for my sister for her OES, i couldn't find anything, so i bought her one of those "tool bags" which is a cube shape with a number of pockets and zips on the outside, and sections and pockets on the inside... it's strong material like canvas and it has both a handle and a strap... it's excellent as you can access everything you need easily but I found that everything is also exposed so might be at higher risk of things being taken if left alone... anyway, about a month after I gave it to my sister I saw so many peopel with them also I have no idea if i started a new craze or if it just started at the same time I got mine! (i think the latter)
  3. Oh yeah - I forgot the other day, so i'll do it now... to my special man spartan - He turned 8 on the 5th September
  4. don't keep it to yourself Valley - one of these days i'll have some money to pay for some of the stuff on there!! I really want the flashing ball...
  5. yeah i'm with Amypie on this one Valley - you are the one who posted it
  6. I heard the weather was taking a turn (good ol' pilots like talking about the weather)... i hate having a window to look out of and seenig the perfect day to be at home snuggled with my dogs!
  7. Spartan's food allergy (allergy NOT intolerance) showed at a young age through similar symptoms to Mas1981 - mucousy, sometimes bloody stool and a lot of stomach upset... he was often on antibiotics but his food allergy wasn't diagnosed until later, maybe 9 or 10 months, when he started showing symptoms in his skin (itchy, constant biting and pustules on the surface of the skin) as well as his guts.. As, like Mas1981 he also suffered from Atopy, it's hard to differentiate the two, but with spartan at least, it's pustules that usually show up in the places that atopy doesn't tend to affect normally... i find them most often on his back, neck and chest and he will bite/scratch them which causes the spread to other areas.
  8. Hey hey LB was it a black 4WD? There are a few weis at tracking but if it was a black 4WD ute type thingo (with a canopy) I know who that is! nup park was definitely Yellagonga - just looked it up
  9. wow well there you go a hairy xolo!! CC - depending on the time of day you go, there is a beach at Kwinana which can be fairly quiet, it is quite long stretch and is a nice clean beach. let me know if you want more details/directions.
  10. sorry I did confuse myself, but yes I get it now
  11. Oooh rockyroad!! Sorry Valley I may have misread - you say Lincoln got RUBOB and that he beat another dog for his points... so he would have had to get DCC unless he got RUBOB to the male who won Dog Challenge? if he didn't get DCC he wouldn't have got points but maybe you know that and was just saying that at least YOU know he beat antoher dog at least once... sorry Im confusing... it's Monday!! Also I'll talk to you tonight about tracking if you like?
  12. Hi guys - wow lots to catch up on!! Han I am so sorry about Lilly... ;) to you and don't feel guilty about seeing Lincoln - he'll help you through your grief... Well done also for his points against another dog!! did he get DCC against his dad?! PD888 well done to you and Buzz for your Baby in Group! RS - Congrats to you and Milliemoo for her first place what a fantastic score and haul!! Mirawee well done with your naughty horsee - you need to take a photo of her with her rug on!! Lovely photos Tiggy!! the sun was beautiful on Saturday and Sunday... plenty of Vit D! (i hope it's D!) Sorry if i missed anyone... i tried! Ari and I went to our first Tracking Training day (second last one of the year!! ) up at Gnangara - we had SO MUCH FUN! Definitely something to pursue... along with Rally, ET, and possibly agility... phew! Wel also had a weim meet up at yellagonga (i think i spelled it wrong) park... it was great! probably about 18-20 weis there and Ari behaved really well... she is the fun police though... she tells off any dog that does that kicking dirt thing after they pee... makes her really mad!! ha ha Ptolomy good luck with the red heads!! CC I'd also like to hear more about your class...
  13. Anyone able to tell me who the English Setter was that went BIG?
  14. Good luck with the baby gate AP Ari just worked out the weak spot and no idea what she does but she manages to move it, then slide out from the join... my poor boys are so good, they wno't even attempt to sneak through a gate so i get home to find her on her own with run of the house! Ari can also clear the gate quite easily so i had to put another gate above it. RS if AP doesn't want the gate, i'll buy it off you.
  15. Yes I saw the sign for Zumba too - but I'm a bit scared to find out just how unfit i am!!
  16. Yeah totally Also about if it's now going to cost $50 a term :D ;)
  17. I'm going to a Dulux Function at the WACA today - charlie gets to wander around greeting people - his FAVOURITE pasttime!
  18. emery stick with it as mirawee says take some time to work out what motivates her. I have a similar issue to you with Ari, she is incredibly distracted especially initially and takes a good 20 minutes to really settle in her surroundings. She watches everything intently and if she is really concerned about something, that's about it for the training session. On Monday I got the first glimpse of what could be with her if I work really hard to keep her focus. I was spoiled too - Tansy was the first dog i really trained and she could do anything. Sparky not so much with me but she did well for my mum. Spartan again was really an easy dog - only had to show him something once and once he had it that was it... however being a stubborn bugger of a setter, he doesnt always listen at home and he was a difficult puppy... James on the other hand - smart in his own way, stubborn as a setter can be, but an absolute joy to live with. Ari - well she takes the cake ... smart, distracted, stubborn... she needs that extra work that I haven't done with her except in the showring... i'm actually a pretty lazy trainer... i should work on that!
  19. ooooowwwww labrat please post photos!! Llamas are cute!
  20. Op shops i have always found my stuff.. but there are some really good online stores and ebay now which i found some nice suits... before i bit the bullet and went op shopping, i used to wear a nice skirt that complimented my dog and was easy to run in, with a shirt which complimented the skirt and the dog.
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