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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. I'd love to know about aversive snake training also... i wonder if there is anything here? it's a good idea with so many snakes!
  2. Seriously? I have to worry about scorpions as well Mirawee your foal is beautiful ;) and GR how cute is your new boy Congratulations to Mason as well Louis sniffed a Mastiff's butt at the park yesterday Well done Louis!! A lot will be how relaxed you are at the other end of the leash so well done to you too! Well, I have been here for many mnay moons and I don;t think I have ever known we had scorpions here. All I ever worry about arre snakes and Huntsman spiders - the ones the size of a dinner plate - and they jump Have you seen any of those yet CC? ( ) CC they should probably issue a booklet to anyone who is contemplating moving to Austraila to advise them of the fact that it contains the most species of deadly snakes and spiders!! ;) it was a pretty small scorpion, and I couldn't bare to kill it (i hate killing things, and i so didn't want to hear the crunch!), so i made my OH do it.. We've had plenty of huntsman here too - they do like to jump, and even though they are harmless, they scare the absolute bejeesus out of you when you see it on a wall or in your closet (which is what happened last week!). I always rescue them though - and take them back to the bush area across the road (who am i kidding it's probably the same huntsman coming back just to scare me!!) Funny about that article - a lovely lady i work with came in to show me the article this morning, as it's the breeder of her Aussie Terrier... I'm willing to be that she was misquoted - if the writer of the story has little interest in the topic, i doubt they were that interested in getting it right perhaps, with the pet shop thing, she did get the pup from the petshop - if the pup came with papers it would have been eligible to show (no mains v limited back then).
  3. Ptolomy I think that Junior is 9 months to 18 months and Intermediate is 18 months and under 36 months.
  4. Yes I am nuts - and i won't try it again but the snake was so close to my door and so tiny there was no way i was leaving him out there. Remember they are attracted to water/moisture and like to hide under things so keep everything clear and grass short. AP we'd only just moved in and there is bush behind us, so it was easy for him to make an entrance. I'll be keeping an eye out this year also. It's funny not long after the snake i found a scorpion in my bathroom - i was so not impressed!!
  5. GR your puppy is soooooo cute Love the dark ones The name Paddy is gorgeous, even if it is an irish name not a scottish name!! Mirawee thanks so much if you can pass that ticket onto me on Sunday that'd be great, i'll come find you. I didn't show at the Working Dog Club Show on the weekend - our next show isn't until the Royal - thank goodness because Charlie really needs some work to get ready... I'm tired just thinking about it. Rach I hope your sister finds herself a good puppy from a good breeder It's not easy to get a well bred Choccy unless you are willing to look. It wasn't that long ago now that I found a snake in my backyard... it was in the alfresco in the corner - a baby brown snake (i can't remember what it was though!). My two went nuts and I was just lucky i got out there in time to throw them inside... I wasn't risking my babies, so being small, i managed to catch him, get him in a pillowcase and called the snake catcher the next day, who thought i was brave but nuts, by the way, but when it comes to the protection of my dogs, what can i say?
  6. Thanks Mas the best thing about going to the royal alone is that you can wander aimlessly without having to worry about what someone else might want to do!!! it's not that hard to get lost - the entire grounds seems to run in a bit of a circle... eventually you'd end up at a dog pavillion of some sort if you follow the outside
  7. Hi All! Tiggy glad that sophie is ok RS feel better soon Valley Well done on Lincoln!!! so proud of our resident WA Chessie Mirawee if you still have tickets for Wednesday I'd love one Now whats this argument/thread that we are talking about bondi vet and where can i join in?
  8. no results yet? I know a particularly DOLer did pretty well with her young Border!!
  9. Agree - particularly the bolded bit. The fact that most royals expect exhibitors to keep their dogs benched all day long on display to the public, and yet provide no security in the way of suitable benches or barriers seems pretty one sided. If nothing is done and in light of the incident yesterday, I have no doubt that entries will drop next year.
  10. Labsrule without wanting to make this all about you - perhaps you are tired of the lab bashing because you take everything said about labs the wrong way? If I got offended everytime someone called one of my setters dumb (because of the common misconception that all Setters - because most people don't realise that there is more than the red one - are dumb) I'd be exhausted. The world is made up of many different people with differing opinions... doesn't make it a bad thing.
  11. That is horrible :laugh: I really hope he is found - and that the a**hole gets what he deserves...
  12. Yep, I was only reading a website this afternoon that talked about how DDs ONLY inherit traits from the "strongest" and "healthiest" parent so will therefore inherit the BEST of both breeds. And how do we determine what the best of those breeds are? Well, according to this website it goes something like this: Nature relies on survival of the fittest. When two different pure bread dogs are mated together, the hybrid puppy that results takes on the best physical characteristics from the stronger parent. As a result we end up with a much stronger and healthier puppy genetically. For example: The cavalier King Charles is prone to hernias which form as a small lump on the dogs stomach, some of which need to be operated on. However because this is not a health issue in the beagle breed, Sherlock has taken on the characteristic of the beagle, because in this case it is the stronger dog. Hmmmm so let me get this right, according to this information the puppies will take on the best physical characteristics of the healthiest breed? But what is to say that the healthiest breed will be the most asthetically pleasing or have the most desirable features There is just as much chance that the puppies will inherit the worst traits of their parent breeds. Beagle with a Cav coat and hernias anyone? Oh gee, and what about the OTHER health issues that exist in both breeds...? Doesn't quite add up does it? But the website is flashy and professional and the dogs look healthy so they must know what they are talking about. Right. Right?? Getting back on topic; If the Labradoodle is to go ahead and be recognised as a legitimate breed under it's current name without the ALA getting out there and raising public awareness of what their breed is about (and that it is NOT a DD F1 cross breed) then what is the likelyhood that it's going to give even more credibility (in the eye of the general public) to unsavoury DD breeders? I'd say pretty darn high That is all
  13. CC - the higher risk areas are those areas around water (mosquitos)... I treat to be on the safeside...
  14. Maybe we should have every dog go in by themselves, be judged and then go out again
  15. I can see it now - all the DOL dogs piling into the vet for a hydrobath - soaking after a good play!!
  16. pretty sure i'd triple the water usage while washing Charlie
  17. As per the title - does anyone know where i can buy a shorter hose or what the deal is with the extra long hose that came with it? it's so rediculously long it loses blowing power to the point where it is weaker than a hand held dryer! I usually just use the dryer itself without the hose and move it around while having both hands free to brush however it gets hard when there are specific areas that need doing that aren't as easily accessible by pointing the nozzle... Could I cut the hose or would I regret it in the long run for some currently unknown reason... Thanks
  18. Thans Wazzat more of a reason for me to head straight to the brand new hydrobath in Cockburn then GR ta for that information although i'd feel so guilty using their free hydrobath!!! particularly as i am not a customer...
  19. This... I'd rather an animated dog than a robot anyday... (or a mooper, which is the exact opposite of an animated dog )
  20. I'm trying to decide if i should give Charlie a full body wash or not.. i think i will... just shampoo on whites though. RS I am worried that I will have a crowd around me when they see that i am bathing a full coated OES... mirawee I usually bath at home (with a hose!) but once or twice a year when i am doing the greys a really good, high pressure soak is required. I have a friend who i usually go to, but she lives in Baskerville and I can't be arsed with the drive! It took my sister 4 years to realise that a good dryer is a good investment when you have such a coated breed - i'm thinking that talking her into buying a hydrobath will take another 4 years!!
  21. Thanks AP i just rang them too - they are having one installed tomorrow so I wonder if perhaps it's going to be a bit busy on the weekend... I too have pretty bald dogs in comparison to charlie, although I'm thinking about giving James a full wash as well - that will be an interesting exerience
  22. awesome thanks!! i saw one with a hydrobath in Myaree but it looked like someone did it for you? I might give them a call... Just called Myaree they have one yay
  23. right WAers... who knows where there is a DIY Hydrobath SoR? Charlie needs some serious hydrobathing, but i need it to be somewhere where I can do it and use my own shampoo... I have a dryer at home so i don't need to dry him there. I know that some PetStocks have them but there doesn't seeem to be any PetStocks SoR?
  24. Spartan is my only angel when it comes to dog toys... he still had his toys from when he was a baby when he was 4 and I got James... they lasted maybe 2 months more after James came along! holy cow the sky is BLACK!!! nothing is more awesome than looking across an airfield and not being able to see anything!!
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