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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Rach you could ask Studio Noah if they have any good places? They have been to so many locations i bet they'd have some good suggestions... when i did my shoot with Spartan it was mostly at my local park and lake - they got some amazing shots but because spartan can't be off lead everything was on lead and it worked fine too.
  2. *puts up hand* i have a lazy (as opposed to lame) allergy dog!! I know the dramas you would have felt by getting Banjo after Kinta i felt the same after going through skin issues with Spartan then HD with James - except unlike you i just couldn't face getting another of the breed so soon so i went with a Weim - who is the healthiest dog i think i've ever owned.
  3. 2.4kg at 11 weeks!! two of the OES babies weighed 1.2 kg at 2 weeks!!
  4. clearly one of each is the way to go mirawee
  5. hey Valley Lincoln is so cute and puppyish still I am anti puppy anyway, at the moment, with a cheeky irish very much a puppy gracing my household, it's hard to want a puppy
  6. Emery the only one i can think of is "Eternal Flame" will it be under your prefix or your breeder? That is very exciting my first litter will hopefully be born around June next year I already have a couple of potential homes lined up one possible show home so i haven't decided if i will run anything on but at this stage it's a no.
  7. Ohhh yeah - associate register... stupid rule...
  8. RnH then you'll have to change your name to three names!! are you keeping the breed a secret?
  9. Poor Kyzer He's lucky he's so cute If you want fail, it's trying to get Millie to play tug She just doesn't get the concept. Bunny fur in the tug and all! Maybe Millie knows her breed isn't meant to tug and is trying to tell you she wants to do retrieving EPIC fail for Ari was losing her game of tug to a 12 month old fairly small but very firey Irish Setter She got her butt kicked in both the game of tug and who can growl the loudest.
  10. Agree with this - if he is happy to be rewarded for food, teach him the word or signal for stand and reward that, just like you did for sits. If you did 12 months obedience with him, you would have taught him a stand... ensure you communicate exactly what you want with your dog and you can reward that behaviour when you get it. I did obedience with my English Setter (extremely food motivated) before i started showing (he was around 9 months when we set foot in the ring) and he never sat, despite already knowing automatic sits by that stage.
  11. Mirawee thank goodness Aeryn is ok! What a scary thing to happen, and in the dark it must have been sooo much more stressful!! hey Ptolomy - Grey goes with almost anything! However, Stubborn weimaraner doesn't, so i don't blame you if you don't want to try Ari on
  12. Yay for claire! Meemo's sister is You Might Wonder :p
  13. I'm only aware of a vet in Kenwick but i was told about that a few years ago and I'm not not sure if they are still collecting... i'm sure someone else will be able to shed some light soon.
  14. That name is very pretty!! speaking of names... what were other names you had picked out for your dogs? Spartan was going to be Tristram or St John (pronounced Sinjin) but my mum came up with spartan and it stuck! James was always, always James... nothing else was considered. Ari (ariane) was going to be either Ariane or Amara - but then a friend had a baby and named it Amari so i went with Ariane - glad i did though... Amara is too pretty a name to go with a bitch like Ari!!
  15. I think the cheats way is buying them already made!
  16. I think you'd need to look at your lifestyle when you move and what sort of hours you would be doing... would it be work hard play hard? I sthat soemthing you want, first of all? if there is a chance you think you might take your dog, what are the quarantine requirements of the country you are moving to, what is the length of the trip? Are you willing to spend some time working with your dog to get rid of some anxiety about flying? My sister moved to Singapore for coming up two years... she left her full coated Old English Sheepdog here with my mum. It's a big ask, leaving a fully coated dog for her to look after, but Singapore isn't a good place for an OES - too humid... and she didn't want to rehome him as she had waited a long time for him, so she asked mum and mum took him on. Now my sister is moving from Singapore to Jersey (Channel Islands) for 5 more years, but this time she is taking Charlie with her. We have just begun the process of preparations for sending him over.
  17. Me too! But I agree, not into the flat toplines, I like my curves! Taint just about looks either. A dog with a topline like that won't be able to gallop like a dog with a rise over the loin. That rise is caused by the muscles that give the dog the strength to run and turn at very high speed. But yes, its hard to understand how judges can get past the description of the dog as requiring "a series of graceful curves" to put up dogs that look like their necks are stuck on as an afterthought and toplines you could play cards on. Dear Judges, please stop rewarding the breeding maxim that "more is more" and reward moderation and balance where a standard calls for it. This sentence could apply to SO many breeds!!
  18. ooooh i miss my cat so much :D i couldn't get a cat now - Ari was brought up with our cat but i'd be worried about bringing another in with her around.
  19. Ari is within standard but right at the top... 65cm she is a big girl!! yesterday while reading the standard for ES, i realised that James, who stands less than 65cm, comes in at less than standard for males and spartan just scrapes in standing at 65cm... So James would never have made it as a showdog anyway!! plus his ears are too short and still won't grow coat on them after all these years! Dump him is right!! he seems to prefer the weis over the ES... which makes it very hard for me to get another ES!! (and way too easy for me to get another weim...)
  20. I was informed yesterday by my OH that he wants another weimaraner and he wants to call it Dexter
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