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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Yes the weimaraner was bred to be a working dog first and foremost... they may have bred for colour but even then, if the dog couldn't work it wasn't bred. This is still the case in Germany and weimaraners are very specifically bred with working/health in mind. However, there are immune issues in weimaraners. Possibly from consistently breeding recessive to recessive - both liver and the dilute gene. At one stage it was quite common in the weimaraner - however a lot of hard work was put into ensuring that these lines were bred out and as far as I am aware, we rarely see immune issues in weimaraners in australia amongst the registered breeders. I have had a pup with immunodeficiency and it is ahorrible thing to see. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, and certainly not the dogs. I'd hate to see immune issues start to pop up in other breeds just because they are breeding it for it's colour.
  2. if u put two black dogs that carry chocolate, on average half the pups will be chocolate. sounds and acts like a recessive dilute to me? if you put a blue to a chocolate, neither carrying the other colour of the partner, what will you get? BLACK. again that sure looks like how recessive dilutes act? if the chocolate is added to golds it doesnt make the gold coat brown, it only dilutes black, so all they get is a chocolate nose. seen heaps of labradors with brown noses, again if it turnes black to brown, seems like dilute to me. blue does the same except the change is to blue. at least u dont get alopecia in chocolates... hurray Chocolate is a recessive but it is not a dilute. Dilute and recessive are different things. Chocolate can be diluted, to fawn/lilac. Chocolate and the dilute gene are on different locus. Chocolate is on the B locus and the dilute gene is on the D locus. This site explains it all pretty well - http://abnormality.purpleflowers.net/genetics/ thanks,, so blue can dilute chocolate to lilac? yet from what i have learned the progeny have to have two blue and two chocolate or lilac does not occur. this applies not just to dogs but also to cats from what i have seen with my friends himalayans or is there another that does it? i notice if you put a lilac to a black if it doesnt carry blue or chocolate all the pups will be black hence my assumption of it being a dilute same as blue. if you put a dilute (of either colour lilac or blue) to a black dog that doesn't carry the dilute gene at all, then you won't get a dilute puppy... each puppy has a 100% chance of carrying (but not showing) the dilute gene. I'm not 100% on the percentage of blacks to browns if it was a lilac dog, but i do know that no puppies would show the dilute colour. If you put a dilute to a black that carries the dilute gene, then you have a 50% chance of each pup being a carrier, and a 50% chance of each pup showing the dilute colour. Two blacks together that both carry the dilute gene - each puppy has a 25% chance of being dilute, a 50% chance of being a carrier of dilute, and a 25% chance of not carrying. You can't look at both things happening at once - colour (brown/black) doesn't impact on the incidence of dilute.
  3. Thanks Sandra and Ellz - i haven't seen dilute gene alopecia in weimaraners before.... and didn't even think of it when iwas writing my post! i have heard of it though
  4. I'm guessing you have concluded that the dilute gene being the reason for the skin problems is only referring to the stafford? I am not aware of specific skin issues being linked to the dilute gene in some other breeds - some of which are exclusively dilutes. Could it possibly be that the skin issues are a bigger problem in the blues because the overbreeding of blues has resulted in poor specimens with untested or overlooked issues being bred? and because most of the breeders out there who are doing this are very much breeding for the "rare" blue colour, there is a higher incidence of blues with skin issues? Please feel free to direct me to the genetic research that links the dilute gene to skin issues - I hadn't heard about this except for in the blue staffy threads.
  5. Not disqualifying, just rare Liver Tri colour English Setter
  6. WA for grounds Vic or NSW for breed numbers and variety of breeds shown.
  7. Kind of sux that it clashes with Perth Royal... we don't get many interstate entries, but the ones we do get will no doubt stick with Melbourne Royal.
  8. I just want to point out, if you have a dog that wants to play a little, and seems to be having a little fun, don't squash it too much. I'd sooner have a dog that has a bit of a playful moment than a robot with no animation!!
  9. Valley has some speshy news :D I had an...interesting couple of days... first, I went to my mums to let the dogs out (the setters are staying there while ari is in season) and the garagedoor didn't shut properly... dogs got out and ran down the street - it was like, 7.30am and I was in my PJs!! so i had to run down the street in my very bright PJs to get them!! This morning when I got up (after staying at mums last night) i came out to find that spartan had completed his lifelong dream and somehow got into the fridge and took out the 1.5kg bag of chicken mince (dog mince) and there was about 20g left in the bag!! As you all know this is NOT a good thing... i have no idea how he'll respond to this much chicken... it's been years since he's had that much. He also ate the plastic bag that the chicken came in - which of course is just as bad! because i missed a few pages going back to flyball... I remember about 20 years ago when it was really popular and the PAL superdog team used to go to shopping centres in school holidays - does anyone else remember that? We knew a couple of weimaraners in the team... but weimaraners are pretty shocking at flyball... because they are a little clumsy they always either miss catching the ball, or they decide that it's too much effort to do the jumps on the way back!! They are pretty entertaining though!!
  10. nope not a portugese... i'll put it on this page in case people missed it...
  11. maybe a clue if it's not an ANKC registered breed?
  12. So we have to cope with prickles as well as those little black ants now? Do they want all our agility/obedience dogs to be lame or something Probably, but as long as the pretty ones are fine!! ;) (I know you're a show person too, but couldn't resist ) Hey RS one day when you have your "pretty" ES i'll remind you of that comment :p Anyway, we are lucky i think to have our grounds but I'm disappointed to hear about the prickles... a few weeds etc don't matter but prickles are really not good at all! I have a breed with pretty resistent pads she only seems to get the most rediculous giant ones in her feet! Race ya then ;) Although I can only get to the 13/11, 27/11 and 11/12 (didn't know about the Dec trial). So you will probably get one of your titles at the next two trials OzJen, think positive! She has around 15 months to get it before my 200 dog starts trialling Although take 6 months off if she has puppies... She has gotten 2 passes so far in 2 years so should get the 3rd in another year You'll win that one That sounds like a euphemism :D Well he will be bringing it I would expect? (Anyone heard that song 'detachable penis' ;) ) LOL i haven't heard that song in a while!! P.S I just tried to post this and it told me i had too many emoticons!!
  13. who fought for the changes and can you have input in any future appeals/changes?
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