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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. I don't know if i would be unhappy about it... IF the rules were changed... but the fact is, it is against the rules to show a desexed bitch or dog and people are apparently doing it anyway... go about the proper channels and push for a rule change and state the reasons why it's a fair proposition... then do it.
  2. Nope... i was like if I ever showed over there, if it was a small class I would put myself first, then if the judge cant decide im up front if it was a big class, i would go at the end, then im fresh in teh judges memory good plan! I'll keep that in mind
  3. yes I have heard that too - very odd!!! why wouldn't you line up in some kind of order of numbers?! haha
  4. Aannie Crufts is the biggest dog show in the world... it runs over I think 3 or 4 days, and covers conformation showing, obedience, agility, dancing with dogs and a bunch of other stuff! It runs in March, most years (brrrrrrrrrrr) and is held at the NEC in Birmingham... Some people don't like it - the sheer size etc... but others love it. I, for one, am just excited to see so many English Setters in one place!!
  5. Here is most of the standard for breed 4... General Appearance: Balanced, well constructed, medium sized dog of Spitz type with prick ears and coat in varied colours. Length of coat should be such as to still reveal the body proportions. Medium bone. Important proportions , Length of back slightly longer than height at withers. The ratio of length of muzzle and length of skull is almost equal. Temperament: Self assured, calm, even tempered with high resistance to provocation. Watchful and alert without being noisy. Very strongly developed link to his family. Reserved towards strangers without being aggressive. No hunting instinct. For the full development of these qualities, the XXXXXXX needs constant, close domestic contact with his family and understanding yet consistent training. Head And Skull: General - Balanced, not too broad skull. Shape of head, seen from both above and sideways, is wedge-shaped. Planes of the bridge of nose and the skull are parallel. Cranial region: Flat forehead with distinct frontal furrow. Well defined occiput. Stop: Barely defined. Facial region: Nose: Medium size, nose leather with black pigmentation. Muzzle: Neither too coarse nor too pointed. Tapering towards the nose. Straight bridge of nose and lower jaw bone. Lips: Edges of lips tight with black pigmentation. Jaws: Strong; broad arch to lower jaw. Cheeks: Barely pronounced. Eyes: Dark, medium size, not too deep set nor protruding. Lid aperture slightly slanting. Eye-rims with black pigmentation and tight fitting. Ears: Set apart by about the width of the base of an ear. Medium size and triangular. Prick ears with tips slightly rounded. Tips of ears and centre of stop should form a nearly equilateral triangle. Mouth: Strong, complete set of teeth (42 teeth conforming to usual tooth formation). Bite either scissor or pincer. Upper incisors either fit closely over lower incisors or meet. Pre-molars and molars set in one line without gaps. All teeth must be in vertical position to jaw. Neck: Of medium length, in balance with general appearance. Well muscled. Skin on throat tight fitting. Flowing transition to body. Forequarters: General , Seen from front, straight and parallel in position. Seen from side, moderately angulated. Upper arm and forearm of almost equal length. Shoulders: Well muscled. Slightly sloping. Upper arm: Medium length, well muscled. Elbows: Close to chest. Forearm: Medium length, well muscled. Pastern joint: Strong. Pastern: Medium length, seen from front quite straight, seen from side inclined slightly forward. Body: General , Strong, not too short in back. Withers: Pronounced. Back: Firm and straight. Very well muscled. Loin: Of good length and width, very well muscled. Rump: Straight, broad and strong. Chest: Reaching to the elbows with oval shaped rib cage. Forechest well developed without being too pronounced. Sternum long, reaching well back. Lower line: Slight tuck up. Hindquarters: General: Seen from behind straight and parallel. Seen from the side with moderate angulation. Upper and lower thigh of almost equal length. Pelvis: Slightly sloping. Stifles: Stable, not too straight [moderately angulated]. Lower thigh: Medium length, well muscled. Hock-joint: Not set too low, stable, turning neither in nor out. Hock (Metatarsus): Good length and breadth, vertical when seen from side. Feet: Oval; tight, moderately arched toes. Strong nails with dark pigmentation. Firm, well cushioned, black pigmented pads. Thick hair between pads. Tail: Straight set on, round and firm, of good thickness, tapering towards the tip. Bushy hair. Carried lying forward over back or bent slightly sideways or rolled up. When hanging down, reaching to the hocks. Gait/Movement: Ground covering with plenty of drive and good reach.
  6. right again Stonebridge so breed 1 was a Bergamasco - which stonebridge guessed Breed 2 was a Harrier guessced by Paptacular Breed 3 an OES guessed by Tessiestracey Breed 5 an Irish Setter - Stonebridge only breed 4 left... i hope someone gets it soon cos i'm going home
  7. don't forget some breeders charge to cover costs of boarding the pup until it's old enough to fly.
  8. yay stonebridge!! ok final clues for the remaining breeds... Breed 4 breed 5
  9. those bracco pics are just omg too adorable...
  10. Breed 2 Breed 3 Breed 4 breed 5 more clues from the standards Breed 1 Breed 3 Breed 4 Breed 5
  11. you were close with beagle... a few more to guess and if no one gets them i'll grab some more bits from their standards...
  12. yay the spanish tutoring really did pay off! name the breeds based on the excerpts from the ANKC standards... NO GOOGLING - it's way too easy as it will come up with the exact breed... challenge yourselves! Breed 1 Breed 2 Breed 3 Breed 4 breed 5
  13. i just looked... and my response to that is... OH COME ON!!!
  14. this is so not fair!! who votes we give up and rural pug gets another question?
  15. I give up... i have read and reread the initial sentence but still can't work it out...
  16. their colour? nevermind... it's not that... they aren't british?
  17. My weimaraner would have killed it... James would have set it until it moved... Spartan would have looked at it and then gone to lie down elsewhere.
  18. the correct answer is the Laverack strain... which was the original strain. Llewellin strain later developed using laverack dogs with a larger focus on working ability.
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