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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Lagotto and Bedlington would be non-shedders but not sure of suitability otherwise. would she consider a rescue or does it have to be a puppy?
  2. What bothers me about WA (and probably same in some other states) is the varying rules of councils and the fact that some councils make it easier than others for permits etc. I like that they have a couple of good kennel zones but it's pretty difficult to afford to live in them now if starting out. There are a lot of dog beaches, dog parks and many councils have bags etc all the time. There is a lot of dog friendly accommodation down south.
  3. Yep they are run the same way. It depends on where you enter the show but some states have all the schedules online so you can view to see what you can enter. You can use the same entry form you use for our shows (I think) and the same class you would enter here.
  4. I find the Australian culture of having dogs outside 24/7 more unusual and less commonplace in the rest of the western world, than having a dog that is inside. I don't disagree with having a dog outside when not home, but dogs that are outside all the time with little to no interaction with family just doesn't sit well with me, and i question what the point is of having a dog at all. dogs that are given lots of mental stimulation and given lots of attention even if always outside, is going to be a better owner than someone who doesn't do anything with their dog, even if it's inside... ETA - my dogs are inside when i'm not home, and free to be inside or outside when I'm home. They mostly choose to be inside when i'm home, only going outside for brief periods of sunning or toileting, playing or just cruising around the garden. I do understand that there are certain breeds and even temperaments that would probably be happy or even prefer to be outside all the time, but my breeds are not one of those.
  5. Exhibition in a veteran's class (where they can be desexed) would be proof of life. oh yeah! didn't think of that
  6. having a party today MG :) it's good fun but I can't concentrate on work ;)
  7. Early December Faytiges :) thank you :)
  8. lovely pics, as always, CC!! wonderful subjects too of course!
  9. Been a while since I updated about my pups. Belbracon Seeker Lover Keeper "Lulu" was in her first show in a while on the weekend. She got BOB I haven't entered many shows this year so far, been a bit slack and/or sick and pregnant :laugh: Here she is: JT, Lulu's brother, doesn't much like the show ring, and I don't have time these days to train him. his owners enjoy doing agility and tracking with him so I've decided to pull him from the ring. It's a shame as he is a lovely boy but he is a much loved pet and very happy NOT being in the show ring so I am happy with that :)
  10. I used to keep a file and do a write up of the dogs and the show and how my dog went/what to work on. That was when i was organised. now, I use the DOL pointscore to track my points just in case I misplace any certificates and kind of just forget about the shows where she didn't get anything :laugh:
  11. Congratulations to everyone who received the title this weekend gone. I think 4 Weimaraners gained their title over the weekend. not sure on the other groups but an English Setter, Gordon Setter and 2 x GSP gained their titles in Group 3. :cheer: for all the very worthy dogs!!
  12. :laugh: at do do, HW I have nothing useful or helpful to add, really - sorry!
  13. I'd love to give flyball a go but no way could I commit to it sadly
  14. That ice skating rink sounds really cool!! how long is it there for? have a good time in Mandurah and Point Herron - i haven't been there but I hope you find a good spot for camping! I've got a dog show tomorrow - Lulu's first one in ages as I have been very slack with entries and/or kept missing the close dates! then on Sunday not sure really I had plans to do some stuff around the house but now I'm heading to the OES champ show at 2pm... then i really want to clean out my car!!
  15. What's everyone up to on the weekend? :)
  16. Why is it okay that they 'barely do any promotion of pedigree dogs and of direct members'. Why does everyone see this as OKAY and is happy to accept it? You'll note I didn't say it's okay nor that it's accepted. Any thread about oodles will contain any number of complaints on this point. Any promotion depends on a number of things: 1. Money. 2. Organisational structure. 3. Those involved in said organisation. 4. People willing to swallow their pride and cooperate. 5. In an organisation that relies on volunteers, goodwill and time. Even now there are pedigree dog people who do not believe that they should do anything to promote pedigree dogs even at a personal level. Do you think the promotion of flyball should be reliant on people who can't be bothered to get up and fight for pedigree dogs? I think the flyball community is rallying behind this. As an aside flyball promotes itself to the community (I do believe the AFA membership is on the rise while ANKC membership appears to me to be going down). A quick run down of what a grass roots member of the AFA has been involved in to promote the sport..... The AFA was involved in the World Dog Games a few years ago, goes to the sydeny pet expo when its on, has a presence of most of the 'dog days outs' in NSW either as a Demo or an actual comp. We have comps at the Sydney royal (4 days of competition, and 3 demo days plus a demo in the main arena and we have a great area right near the gates so everyone gets to see us at sydney ) and I think some of the other states do comps and or demo's at their main agricultural shows. I know we also have a comps for a few Agricultural shows. At all these events we have sprukers that are constantly (and I mean CONSTANTLY after 4 days at the royal) telling people to come and talk to members about getting involved because flyball is the sport for every dog. AND for most small events we can put together a demo team (usually people with beginner dogs who want some exposure and bring our racing dogs with us) within a few weeks, not the 5mths that it takes DogsNSW to plan. Part of the selection criteria for our nationals is for it to be tied in with a big event- this year it was canberra royal, last year sydney royal, next years is with the Dandenong show (no idea how big that one is lol). We usually make it into the papers for our nationals, go on morning TV shows etc. It is the amount of enthusiasm that I think the ANKC missed out on harnessing. It probably wouldn't have taken much effort at all on the part of the ANKC or its member bodies to actually engage with its members involved in flyball to end up with a very solid sport and a group of people that are very active and committed to keeping the enthusiasm running. I have also pulled out my flyball dog during lunch breaks to put on obedience and agility demos at the community pet events when the local members haven't shown up- so I certainly know a fair bit about apathy. Doesn't mean I am not going to try and use some enthusiasm to get the ball rolling with other people too. PS if anyone one wants any info about their local flyball club email the AFA secretary at [email protected] That's great promotion to the general public... in NSW/ACT - what about the other states in Australia? what has been done also to get other clubs and individualsinterested and involved that are already within the dog community?
  17. While i agree, to a point, that the State CCs dont do enough to promote their sports and their organisations, I still fail to see how this particular issue is just the fault of the ANKC... or why they should have promoted it based on the information given about the clubs going through AFA to run trials. When Rally was starting up, it was totally out there, many people, particularly in obedience circles, knew about it, and it was talked about. It was talked about as the next thing you could do with your dog particularly if you couldn't/didn't want to compete in traditional obedience. The ANKC didn't promote it like this - the people who wanted it up and running did. This was a NATIONAL effort, and you only have to search DOL to see how many threads were started and how much interest was generated by people putting in the effort. The driver behind rally was that it was another sport that could be done with your dog, and that you could gain titles. There is no one body that promotes it, no one association that runs it - clubs take it on because it was well promoted by those who put in the hard work to get it out there and pushed it through ANKC. There is barely a whisper of Flyball in WA. The only time I've heard about it is when it was talked about in the distant past (PAL superdog team used to do it in shopping centres around 15-20 years ago), or when the occasional person asks about it and whether anyone does it in WA, to which people respond that there is no one here with enough interest to drive it in the state. Does the mission statement of the AFA say they will promote the sport? because if they do, then they are also going against their statements and I dare say, they are in a better position to push the sport than the ANKC is. If ALL of the work has been done with agreements on rules etc, then that work doesn't need to be done. Perhaps the AFA could concentrate on giving it the same level of publicity to get it up and running in every state, get people excited about it, so that when the time comes to re-submit, the interest of the members of the CCs, who want to try Flyball, will be behind the AFA and the clubs that wish to run flyball trials. People will push for their clubs to run the trials, the AFA can become affiliated and also run trials, but clubs can run them directly through the ANKC also. Is the AFA willing to relinquish control of the sport so that clubs can run it nationally and the sport gets the recognition it deserves? ETA: I do believe, btw, that this sport does deserve some good publicity. I watched the sport at Crufts and the excitement it generates is huge. General public love to watch it and cheer on the dogs. This type of sport could actually really help to promote dogs, dog sports etc. It would be a benefit for the ANKC to be involved... however, it's a matter of getting it to that level where it could be promoted australia wide, that I believe should lie with those who want it to succeed.
  18. Sorry I didn't mean the end would taper, I mean that if it's not taken far back, it might still taper from top to bottom quite well and not give away too much, particularly if/when the hair grows back over. one of mine is tipped and it tapers quite nicely and the hair grew back over the tip... although probably not so good is the only time you can really notice it is when she's next to my girl with a complete tail... so not so good when in the ring with other dogs.
  19. I think it does depend on how far back it's taken. if it was taken back only a little, he could appear to have a slghtly shorter tail, particularly if it still tapers... but then there is a risk of him splitting it again.
  20. I'm a little confused here... some questions... * is the AFA a National organisation? * are members of other clubs that compete in flyball competitions (like obedience clubs) still able to gain titles? * are members of the AFA all members of the a state controlling body (ie dogsnsw)?
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