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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. wow that is just crazy!! I'm assuming this is either a different aircraft or a different area to where the dogs usually go in the cargo area?
  2. oh well glad I am not missing much then!! Love that last pic Amypie - hope her footsies get better soon!!
  3. gosh people who judge what you name your dogs really just need to get a life We've always had a mixture, and never thought anything of it. P.S I have picked out at least 3 names for my next dogs... and they are all human names!
  4. hope all the doggies are on the mend soon Spartan is fine, btw - no lasting effects from the honey and fruit and nut binge! have you all received the latest dog news? I haven't yet but was wondering when its due?
  5. I started out by not showing her in season... but then she decided to come in on all the important ones - Royals, Nationals etc. Last year and the year before she was in at the start, on the day of the royal - so i entered her anyway and we benched her between two girls - was no problem. At the national last year, we travelled to Adelaide. She decided to come in earlier than she usually would, which just so happened to be about a week or so before the national. She was standing the day we arrived which was hard enough as we had travelled with a male! but it turns out, there were several who also had bitches in season that same weekend.
  6. A-K Talion (as in Battalion) Hawk Nam (as in Vietnam)
  7. Hi Theresa am not sure who you mean, but keep in mind, if there is a litter of puppies there, the breeder probably has quite a bit more to do and might not be able to get to her emails quickly. if you are unsure, just give them a call and speak to them. if the litter isn't there yet, ask if its possible to come around and see her dogs, or if she goes to any shows that you can come down to to have a chat. A breeder listed on the CAWA listings does not mean that they are a reputable breeder, unfortunately... however based on what you say, being in southern river does not necessarily mean puppy farm! The Southern River area and some canning vale areas are both kennel zones and as such, a lot of breeders live there because its virtually impossible to have a kennel if you can't have more than two dogs in normal suburbia. good luck with your new puppy.
  8. well we had an interesting day yesterday. i woke up to some some very quiet dogs... came out and found that spartan had got into the pantry again and had knocked over the tub of honey and polished off a bag of fruit and nut mix. He vomited it all up (I am off those honey nut bars for a while), and I called the vet (mostly worried about the raisins of course) and as he had vomited what appeared to be the whole honey nut ball, I just had to keep an eye on him and take him down if he showed any signs of being sick. He's fine today so I think his size and him eating the honey in conjunction with the raisins helped him vomit it all up... Sorry to hear about everyone's bad luck this year so far... totally sux - i hope it just gets better!!
  9. I'd be freestacking him - using a clicker works really well for this.
  10. just cos i don't want Ari to miss out and... spartan
  11. well GR see it was entirely my fault!! I was cleaning out the fridge and he is mighty quick and very very quiet (years of experience counter surfing and not getting caught!). that's horrible about the laced catfood... why are there such rotten people out there? on a different note... has anyone else noticed that lately the free shipping stuff on Clean Run has been decidedly smaller items and mostly food/treats? Me thinks they have one too many international customers!
  12. CC I am so so sorry to hear about Daisy - glad to hear that she is improving and I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed for a full recovery. As Ptolomy says, dont beat yoruself up. i was in a similar position last year when Spartan stole a nearly whole block of cooking chocolate out ofthe fridge. Luckily i was home and caught him finishing off the last of it from the wrapper and got him to the vet quickly (put me off chocolate for months, mind - the smell of it coming back up is not so good.. GR, another DOLer had two weimaraners find some kind of unfortunate remnants of something that contained cannabis (not 100% sure but she thinks it was vomit) at a park. She had them both at the vets and had to dose them up on charcoal as well. Not her proudest moment i can assure you!!
  13. oh my handsome boy... but to prove a point here are some less than attractive photos of him...
  14. Did he get exhibotors to mouth their own dogs? or not look at all? Many judges prefer exhibitors to mouth their own dogs these days. Re "touching dogs" ... I've always wondered why some judges find it necessary to spend so much time going over an exhibit .. except of course to look for the "finer" points of the standard. Surely "on the move" is where you will see construction faults. cheers I'd be extremely concerned if a judge didn't touch my OES.
  15. Thanks RS I'm bummed that some of the photos turned out a little out of focus... but I'm so happy that I got some good photos of him.apparently, he is quite photogenic when you have a good camera and some talent!
  16. without trying to insult your vet at all, not all vets are wonderful at observing and understanding animal behaviour... (and I am not saying yours isn't, however I have been slightly tainted after hearing some interesting views from a vet who's assessment and treatment plan left a LOT to be desired) if you do not get the answers you seek from your vet, perhaps you could try a reputable behaviourist consult?
  17. were you handling the weekend just gone?? i saw waht looks like this boy very cute That sure was me emery a friend of mine was also handling a little bitch (the one with the tail) who is a littermate they are so much fun to handle - real clowns... plus you don't need to do much yet, to take them in there!
  18. Page two! Hope all the dogs that had to go to the vets are ok. Poor Jenna i hope she is over her Phantom soon... Ari's aren't that bad but she drives me insane as well thought I'd share a couple of pics that my sister took of James for me before she left...
  19. Well he isn't mine, but I'll be handling him this year... he is already 15 weeks, but I only have a pic of him close to 7 weeks! He is the son of my sisters OES boy, Charlie. terrible stack shot too - the best I had!!
  20. Not that long ago, there was a shortage of rabies vaccs... can you ring around and see if anyone wants to purchase it? what about trying some of the travel companies to see what vets they use?
  21. I haven't had a chance to read the thread for the last couple of days but just wanted to say a huge WELL DONE to Rusky for organising the fundraiser. i am sorry I couldn't make it down - my sister leaving on Sunday meant dinner on Friday night and no time to come down to the canine... it's a shame as it sounds like it was great fun!!
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