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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. There has been some talk recently of breed clubs in a few threads and it got me thinking... Are you a member of your local breed club (if there is one)? If you are a member, what kinds of activities take place that you are involved in? If you are not a member, why not? What kinds of activities would you like to see more of in your local breed club? Is your breed club involved in Breed rescue? Sorry that this limits those who's breeds to not have a breed specific club... but if you'd like to contribute to the thread in other ways (past clubs, interstate breed clubs, partial group clubs etc) please feel free.
  2. ncarter did you decide whether you'll be showing? She is gorgeous - congratulations!! you've been waiting a while
  3. Huge congratulations - she is really a lovely girl!
  4. hi all I agree with Ozjen about the matching personalities rather than sexes... I had two entire males together for about 3 years before I desexed spartan... no issues at all. Then added the entire bitch and still no issues. I made sure when i got James that he was a different temperament type to spartan and more laid back... they all seem to fall into place nicely. As for Bowen I see Tracy in Banjup which is nice and close to you RS. contact details are on the bowen therapist fedaration website: Tracy Hockley 0414 721 373 She does wonders for mine particularly James with his HD he gets extra tension in his front.
  5. those poor poeple... maybe the body remains was giving the land bad luck...
  6. It's a little smaller,but have you considered a whippet?
  7. wow GR that would scare the crap out of me if something like that happened!!! those poor owners! I suppose they would be dealing with police and everything now!
  8. Ptolomy I'll also be around this Friday so if Rally has to leave early Im happy to help as well if you need it.
  9. retrieving people use wings - i think they salt them to preserve them then they put them in the bumper for the dog.
  10. I would assess each condition in relation to the dog I was using to determine if it's reasonable or not... I know of a stud contract where not only are you only able to put dogs you keep on MR, but you are only allowed to keep a bitch to put on MR, no dogs.
  11. Dogs rely a lot on body language so if you are looking at her, you are giving her attention. This is just my opinion though... you can take what you like from it. I had a behaviourist out for my girl a little while back and the advice above was part of the things I have learnt and it all made a difference within a week of practicing it. if your dog comes up to you and forces you to give the attention by nudging, standing there, pawing - this is all on the terms of the dog. All attention given should be on your terms and this is just an extra thing to do on top of the ignoring behaviour. And no use blaming yourself or anyone else for how this all happened... the dog doesn't care about yesterday, only right now and tomorrow is a new day.
  12. Do not talk to her/eye contact/attention for at least 5-10 minutes before you leave. Ignore her when she is anxious when you are puttin on your shoes etc. By correcting her you are rewarding the behaviour by giving it your attention. When you arrive home, same thing. Wait until she is calm before you address her. This may take a few minutes or it may take half an hour. come in and go and get changed, or make a cuppa - just pretend she isn't there. when you give her attention never give it to her if she comes up to you. ignore her until she leaves you alone and then call her over when you are ready. if she doesn't come over when you call her, and meanders over later, do not give her attention. If you give her your attention when you ask for it, you can give her as much or as little as you want. When you have finished giving her attention, make sure you end the affection, do not let her decide when she has had enough. She needs to understand that you are allowed to come and go as you please and that you decide whether she comes with you or not.
  13. boxagirl is she entire? Oddly enough I had the same issue with Ari last week and i feared pyometra - i even started a thread about it. But this week she has stopped drinking so much and we haven't had any accidents (admittedly hers are always consciously done in the same spot!!) and i am just keeping an eye on her.
  14. only negative changes for me is that his coat changed (might not be an issue for you). personality wise, he stayed the same, but is very much not interested in bitches in season.
  15. ncarter when did you get a puppy, and why havent you posted any photos!! A place veryone recommends for socialisation is Train a Pup Time - a couple of WA Dolers have gone to her and can't recommend her enough. i am not sure where abouts you are though - it might be too far. Congrats on your wins Ososwift!!! ;) sounds like you had a great weekend.
  16. Congrats Mason!! Mim why do you want to shave your cat?
  17. Ok so I have a 3 year old weimaraner... lately, she has been urinating in the house both during the day and at night if she cannot have access to outside (when i'm not home basically). She has never had an issue before and she is most certainly toilet trained. I have noticed in maybe the last week that she has increased her drinking quite a bit, and that she also can't seem to hold it for that long. I wasn't that concerned at first... given it is hot lately... but the increase in the last week has me a bit more concerned. There are no other changes that I have noticed - she is eating well, her food has not been changed, she is not listless or nervous, and there is no discharge (she is entire and I suspected pyo due to the excessive drinking). I also seem to recall that the last time she was due in season (about a month out) she had some issues holding her bladder. I am going away tomorrow (leave at 5.30am) and I am going to take her to the vet next week... but does anyone have any suggestions or think that it's imperative i take her before I leave? My OH is home but he's not exactly that dog savvy and I'm concerned he won't notice vital changes in her behaviour. My thoughts on the matter: -Possible beginning of Pyometra - she has not been mated before, and has come in around every 6 months since abuot the age of 13 months. -kidney issues -Diabetes -Linked to her coming into season (due in April)
  18. I don't expect people to know what my English Setters are... but the most common one is Dalmatian cross... If they do guess it's a setter, they usually say Red Setter, which i find odd if they are looking at my tricolour blue boy. If they ask what he is and i say an English setter, they say "aren't they really dumb/crazy" to which they are of course referring to the irish setter, whom in my experience are exhuberant but not dumb! Most people know what a Weimaraner is, or if not, they guess it's a purebreed and ask what she is. I used to get a lot of kids asking if they were Greyhounds ;) Now I just get people expertly exclaiming what it is with the completely incorrect pronunciation (Wee-mer-arn-er/why-mer something or other ;)) Oh yes the OES is always a Dulux dog.
  19. puppies emery ;) litter planned for June 2011
  20. sounds lovely english.ivy unfortunately i am saving up my pennies and leave for puppy time in June so no go for me - i hope you have a great time though!! seems like a nice place.
  21. dandy they dont usually air it until later but if you are willing you can pay for live streaming on the internet. It was well worth it last year for me as I got to see more of the Gundogs and Gundog working demonstrations than you would see when they cut and paste as little as possible into a TV show - which they only aired in I think December last year.
  22. c'mon CC we wanna see yours now!! Great shots guys ;) my fave is probably the meerkat ;)
  23. CC I was 8 when we got our first Weimaraner and we started taking her to obedience. I wasnt training her, i just went down ;) There used to be a park at the grounds for kids and a bball ring I think!!
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