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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. welcome Jodie Beagles are lovely dogs. My friend and her partner got one last year. It is her first ever dog and they are coping well with those beagle traits! i know it's quite difficult and a tad scary, but be open and honest about your family, living situation, ask if they have any litters coming up. Tell them you are happy to answer any questions they might have about you and why you chose a beagle,a nd make sure you include that you have researched the breed and decided it was right for your family if you are emailing first, ask them if there is an appropriate time to give them a call as some of them like to speak rather than converse by email, then it's usually easier to ask how much after discussion on the rest. I went to BP&G to wash Charlie a couple of times... i don't use their shampoo (too soft) and I only wash whites (basically head, legs, front half of body and belly!)... it cost about $18 but the hydrobath is soooo much better than a hose!! in saying that though, i used the dryer but only to get some of the sogginess out of his coat... we take him home and dry him with the big dryer (except that has now gone to Jersey so i am back to two small dryers! ) I washed the setters a couple of times and cost about $12 using their shampoo and conditioner plus the dryer.
  2. far out how annoying for all those without power!! last night at canine most people went home and then around 7.30 the power came back on.
  3. RS if you can't do much about it, is there a way you could put up some kind of temporary netting to catch the berries that might fall on your side of hte fence?
  4. LabRat I dont think we have met yet - i'll have the big OES boy but will likely be hanging out closer to the gundog ring.
  5. A little while ago a friends stud dog was used by a breeder. The breeder wished to use a stud master. The stud dog is proven and experienced enough, and had assistance the last time with the same stud master (the breed is not an easy one to mate and the breeder prefers using a stud master to increase her chances) The bitch was only semi interested, and although she would stand for him, the dog failed to penetrate despite him doing all the right things and with assistance from the stud master. The stud master basically said that in her experience (which is obviously extensive) that there was something going on with the bitch, as the stud dog was not getting the right signals and penetrating all the way. She advised the owner of the bitch to get some tests done, as she felt that it was rarely the stud dog (particularly an experienced one) and more often the bitch that is having an issue. She seemed to think the was not ovulating properly due to the circumstances.
  6. can someone tell me who judged the general specials? Yay for Debbie and Priscilla for Baby in Show Congrats to ALL the winners!
  7. we need to scan the schedule onto this thread so people know when the breeds are on they want to see. I can't remember if GSPs are split or if they are on with the rest of group 3.
  8. Charlie the OES gets attention from everyone, all the time. People slow down in cars, stop and stare, run up to us, change directions to walk past us - you name it. i think most people are in awe some his size and the fluffy coat. Funnily enough, teen and young men tend to really go nuts over him! The English Setters seem to attract a bit of attention - mostly people who are curious about their breed. The weimaraner gets a little bit of attention but some people are a little wary.
  9. I've stopped kids once running around with a young GSD pup along a path in extreme midday heat. I told them to feel the concrete and tell me if it would be comfortable to run around bare foot on the concrete with a fur coat on. they understood and left for home quick smart.
  10. OES also have to lean on you I can't think of any quirks for Wei's or ES...
  11. Weimaraner BOB was Ch Bromhund Madison Avenue... Weimaraner LH BOB Bromhund Kiss Me Kate
  12. Brutus - what a hero I hope he is ok oso - perhaps he barked because he knew it was more of a danger to the rest of his pack
  13. not sure... but there is a cat thread in off topic
  14. yep Rach it is the last night show until December I think. That's awful about your sisters/nephews cat how very sad...
  15. I had issues with my weimaraner and crate training when she was a pup. She would work herself up and my OH was always concerned about the neighbours so we had to try something else. She is quite happy to go into her crate during the day if it's open and she loves her crate at shows...
  16. I'll be there Saturday and Sunday for OES and Weimaraners... I wish i could get down to watch some agility but the OES takes a lot of day before and before ring preparation and usually by the time the OES are out of the ring I'm just about ready to go in for the Weims!! Has anyone who is showing received their envelope/numbers back for the show? I haven't received mine yet!
  17. Oh I dont know which judges i have... but I hope that the Judge from Greece is ok.
  18. Thankfully my setters have never been interested in their own or other dog poo... but yes they would happily sample the kitty poo when they had access to it!
  19. Starts at 6pm... aussies are close to being on first... just keep checking back though - i could be wrong with the breeds as some of them occasionally are split for the monday or Friday.
  20. Ravenau I don't know what day Great Danes are on... I hope someone with a schedule will come along soon!! but i am pretty sure the Aussies are on Saturday and Sunday nights... which is Group 5... unless of course they have been split. Mas same with Labs... unless they are split, they are on Saturday and Sunday... can someone please confirm for me as i am only going from memory!!
  21. Hi Ravenau1 what breed are you wanting to see? The Western Classic is comingu p on the labour day weekend and it is split, so if you tell us what breed one of us can tell you when they are on.
  22. My turn to answer... Are you a member of your local breed club (if there is one)? i am a member of the newly founded (but as yet unaffiliated) Weimaraner Social Club of WA I am not a member of any English Setter clubs - there are only two in Australia and not in WA. I am a member of an overseas ES club though. If you are a member, what kinds of activities take place that you are involved in? The social club does not yet have shows (won't until we are affiliated - the old club folded in early 2000s, so we are slowly building up a memberbase), but we do 3-4 social meets a year.. So far this year, we have already had two, with another this weekend coming up (fundraiser). Last year we held a garage sale fundraiser, several BBQs, etc. This year we are very excited about holding a Tracking Day for Weimaraner members - this is in conjunction with the Tracking Club and all proceeds from the day will go to the tracking club. We hope to get members interested in activities. Later this year we will be holding an obedience/clicker training workshop and an agility workshop. it seems without shows to run, we can do a lot more for our non-showies. We also hope to sponsor a neuter class later this year, as we have a few members interested in showing their neutered ex showdogs. If you are not a member, why not? I am not a member of the ES clubs in Australia as I have been slack and not joined. What kinds of activities would you like to see more of in your local breed club? I am sure that there are other activities we can do with our members, but I think we are doing a pretty good job of getting our pet people involved in the club. We started out with the main goal that we would not lose sight of pet people as they are the main population of WEi's in WA. We only have about 2-6 weimaraners showing every weekend so hardly worth a main focus! When affiliated and waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the track I would like to consider running a tracking trial, obeidence trials and maybe even an ET for weims only. Is your breed club involved in Breed rescue? Yes Wei rescue is unfortunately a huge part of what our club does... hence why we have to have so many fundraisers.
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