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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. *crufts* is an event... which follows the general way in which dog shows are run. They have, however, selected specific breeds which will be tested for general good health before awarding their BOBs, this year. I know it's off the back of PDE,but it shows they are doing something. By saying *crufts* doesn't care, you are putting every exhibitor in the same category of not caring. What of those that breed for the breed standard AND health? In saying that, a healthy dog also has good health from sound structure. What of these breeders, who breed two unrelated specimins (maybe of different breeds), who have general good health and even good scores (if we go that far)... but structurally they are poor which increases their chances of being in poor health at an early age? Poor bites, poor ear structure causing bad infections, bad eyes from breeding with a specimen with lose eyelids? Soft toplines, dropped croups, long loins? I'd love to know if these breeders who think that breeding to a standard is not necessary have a basic knowledge and understanding of anatomy and basic structure.
  2. CC hugs to you I am sure Frida is happy where she is - can't be easy though... :rolleyes:
  3. thanks Becks - counting down!!
  4. Megz we are definitely on the same page glad I didn't get it completely wrong!!
  5. Not sure how, directly contradicts the ANKC. One part of the ANKC Regulations says: 4.1 Breed Classes 1. Judge all dog classes in breed. 2. Judge the dog challenge winner from the exhibits placed first, who are unbeaten, in each of the breed classes, excluding baby puppy. 3. Judge the reserve challenge winner from the balance of class winning exhibits and the second place winner from the class in which the challenge winner was entered. 4. Repeat 1, 2 and 3 in the bitch classes in breed. Why would they have that in there if it was not possible for a dog to place second in one class and first in another? That is the beaten dog scenario as I see it. This is based on memory but I believe this is a scenario that we were taught at Stewards Training one of the several times I have done it (my mum was the trainer so I attended with her I wasn't stupid also this scenario says alot more about the judge too but I have no idea who the judge was) A dog won it's class, it was then beaten in the next class. Due to steward error both dogs went in for Challenge. The original dog won challenge (what the?) and went on to win BOB, BIG and BIS. Some egg on the face when that little error was picked up. Needless to say the BIS didn't stand. Not sure I understand... what I typed is in line with section 2 of ANKC? or do you mean they still compete in all the classes they enter, but if they are beaten in any, they cannot go into the challenge line up? I just did the steward training... it's all fairly fresh but I am happy to be corrected.. *Dog is entered in Minor and Puppy class - Dog comes first in Minor but second in Puppy and therefore cannot compete in the challenge line up in either class Please correct me if I am wrong!!
  6. Thanks Ptolomy, ncarter and RV Ptolomy mum leaves on the 26th March - not long now!! Thank goodness I'll have grey slug bundles (hopefully) to keep me busy!
  7. In WA if you enter more than one class and you are beaten in any of those classes you are then knocked out for the rest. In saying that, not many, if any, compete in more than one class.
  8. $90 far out Sandgrubber!! that's a jump from same day results and half the cost.
  9. Well we had a great night Saturday and Sunday with Charlie. He got BOB both nights and Sunday was shortlisted for group His daughter, Abby, got Baby in Group on Saturday My breeder was over from Victoria and won Puppy in Show on Saturday night with her Weimaraner Unfortunately i was so busy getting Charlie ready on both days and running around I didn't really get to see much of anyone I went to see agility on Sunday with RV and finally met Brookie plus of course saw all the red kids which was nice LabRat looks like we missed each other again and sorry I didn't get to meet your baby pap ncarter. Well done to everyone in obedience and agility this weekend with your amazing and clever dogs Even without passes, those dogs are just amazing!!
  10. Good luck to everyone competing tonight!!! I wish I could come down and support you all, but i have to get charlie ready for tomorrow!!
  11. There are a lot of breeds I love and would love to own but i can't imagine not sharing my life with an English Setter.. if money and room permitted, I'd have possibly an Irish Setter. I also love Irish Water Spaniels, Lowchen, Whippets and Braccos... There are so many breeds I really love, but my heart will always be devoted to English SEtters.
  12. Nice one Mason Soartan and James fart everytime he goes to jump up on the lounge come to think of it, they also fart when they get off the lounge, and when they stretch... thankfully not smelly ones, just little toots!
  13. it's up to the clubs - and the clubs have to make sure it's put into the schedule that is put forward to the controlling body.
  14. WA offers few shows with ozentries... so as yet I haven't used it to say... but it's not just Vic that is behind... so more like a lot of NSW is ahead of the rest of the country
  15. ok Ptolomy stick it in an envelope and post it please!!
  16. I'm surprised their pup was "cheaper", BYB's usually charge as much as registered ones! And the main reason they go for a BYB is cos they can get one now and don't get screened. Each to their own, eh? Yeah our friends paid $750 for there chi x that they got, I paid $1000 for Mason Pason 2 years ago so I am expecting it to be around $1500 maybe, as I have seen labs advertised anywhere from $1200 to $1700 here in Perth. Your friend got ripped of bigtime, could have got a reg ped for that or less. I read that as Mason Pearson and thought you must be crazy for spending that much on a brush Ok guys please send me some puppy dust/puppy vibes... Ari is in season and I really am hoping it all goes to plan!!
  17. nah i'l probably still be near group 3
  18. dammit... i am sure i included a SAE... i remember having issues because I stupidly forgot to fill out the entry forms for one of the breeds i entered and the show sec had to call me and get the details!! I am wondering if in all the confusion, my envelope went astray... I hope I am entered!!
  19. Same, for me it was natural. I had an idea that I wanted to do it after seeing my Aunt with her beautiful Cav's but the decision was made 100% after getting my first Sammie. Another with a similar story. I've always had an interest in being a breeder, so I started off with 2 male show dogs and only recently got my first bitch and all going well I will have a litter of Toller puppies early next year me too I have an interest in two breeds however, and the first two showdogs I have are not the same breed as my current showdog and foundation bitch. I have a great mentor in the second breed and the first breed is on the backburner for a while.
  20. Hey AP, was that an English SEtter? If so, I think i know who you mean RS, I know what you mean about the puppy classes, but I would still do them... Ari was in a house with 4 other dogs when she came along. I didn't bother with puppy classes but she went out a lot as soon as she was allowed, to socialise. She still turned out more difficult. Spartan also didn't attend puppy classes. James, onthe other hand, did and he is the easiest of the lot In saying that, I think that TAPT courses sound great. I'll be referring all my puppy buyers to them.
  21. I'll be there with the OES!!! who else is going, and have you got your numbers yet?
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