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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. oh yeah!! They did cancel it that night - i was there for my stewards test and the power came back on right when we needed to start!! I won't be coming tonight, but heading down next week with Spartan most likely.
  2. Congrats Trisven!!! My bitch was also a maiden and apparently a complete tart!! the sire was experienced though and all was completely unassisted!!
  3. I started a topic like this a couple of years ago - here
  4. RnH she is gorgeous! Ewwwwww Hemi!!! Gross!! How is his obedience going?
  5. Good to know, but shows how important it is to have good positioning, and how subjective it is!
  6. very quiet so far!!! oh well hopefully more puppy dust for us!
  7. Risyntira apparently if the positioning is not good, they might still score if they think it won't affect the outcome of the scores. If the placement looks that bad, i'd definitely be looking at new xrays and a new scorer - plus perhaps asking for your money back for both if the second set of scores come back with good results!
  8. Hi there DB Clothing is generally neat and tidy... men usually wear dress pants and a shirt - women wear dress pants or a skirt with a nice shirt or top. Some people go the full suit outfit, but it just depends. i really dress up in a suit for the bigger shows but I always try to look neatly dressed and well presented. if you have a b&W border collie, any colour except black or white will do. I show a dark grey and white dog and I find reds and pinks look great against him. most pastels look great too as well as some of the brighter colours. it really depends what you are comfortable with. Be aware if you wear darker colours the white hairs will stand out on your clothing!! If you want some more ideas, have a look at some profiles on DOL and you'll see what the handlers are wearing if they are in the background. Comfortable shoes to run in are a must. No thongs/sandals, spike shoes, or barefeet!! they have some quite nice shoes around most shops now, which are flat and have sneaker like base, are easy to run in but aren't sneakers. They usually look quite nice with dress pants or skirts and there is quite a good range of colours. I picked up my latest pair at Rivers As for leads - I have no idea where you can buy them from in NT, but you can order them online, or perhaps ask if your breeder can pick one up for you that compliments a BC and send it to you? Not sure what leads BCs have, but my fluffy showdog has a coatsaver chain and a white lead. Some people match their leads to their dogs, others to their clothing, and the show leads come in a large range of colours and styles. There is also the plain slip lead and the matingale styles. It's a hard call tomake, knowing when a pup is ready for their first show. most judges allow for some puppy mayhem in the ring and sometimes it can be good to get them used to it and see it's a good and fun thing to be in the ring. Other pups might not benefit from being in the ring at a young age, and if they get a fright or a negative experience, it can be the end of their show career or at least, a lot more work to make it all postiive for them again. As for stacking - well if they move around a little as pups again judges don't mind... Not sure if NT has show handling classes, but perhaps you can find out if there are any classes you can attend to help you learn the ropes.
  9. You look gorgeous RnH! btw - "your" 8 month old toy poodle... did I miss something?!
  10. I think Rebus is more regal. He is gorgeous I'm so glad you posted some pics!
  11. What a joke... I suppose that would also end the importation of semen of deceased dogs, since you can't temperament test them?
  12. Well done Ptolomy and Ch Soggy Bear!! (and RV also for helping get her there!) Great news Jodie!! I bet you are all very excited!! Make sure (if you are on two breeders waiting lists) you let the other breeder know with plenty of time that you are getting/got a puppy from the other breeder... sometimes people forget i have some serious mondayitis today.
  13. Wags I have heard the same thing from a friend. I have also asked on here (in the hipscoring thread) but no one replied.
  14. thanks BB!!! I hope to have a litter of Weimaraner puppies due 11th May To be confirmed, of course - ultrasound 8th April
  15. Tigey the search function on DOL brings up a myriad of past threads that will help you answer many questions you might have. I have been doing this the last few days as I research weaning/supplementing etc (I hopefully have a bitch due in May). Little tidbits like persephone's idea of the cake tins for feeding are gold and I am so grateful to long term breeders for sharing their knowledge free of charge to newbies like me
  16. My boy was diagnosed at 9 months with HD - at 7 months he started showing signs of lameness... my vet did not detect it until 9 months when the limping got worse and xrays were carried out. It was a difficult time... His parents were below breed average, with the sire being 0/0. I never blamed the breeder and I never considered sending him back... he is turning 5 this year and while he has an unusual bunnyhop gallop, he is kept lean and is given low impact exercise (sand and swimming), he is on supplements and is still entire at the vets recommendation (muscletone is easier to maintain in an entire male). Good luck with whatever you decide, but don't let parents scores alone decide your puppies fate.
  17. english.ivy good luck at the tracking workshop!!! it's loads of fun Our social club is holding a special workshop this weekend for Weimaraners. Trackwest has been kind enough to host it for us. Unfortunately, I'mnot going :D but I do hope it is a success. I am hoping to get back into tracking in August with Ari more than half way through the season of course
  18. a friend heard a rumour that Wyburn was open to reading again... has anyone else heard this?
  19. All my pups have come from interstate to Perth with no ill effects. First pup was 8 weeks, and the other two were 9 weeks when flown.
  20. I have just been told by a friend that she didn't get a reply from Rawlinson when she emailed him to enquire.
  21. 3woofs my bitch always comes in at the most inconvenient times - Murphy's law!! She has so far come in for Perth Royal (twice) and was a couple of weeks early for one season, and was DEAD ON ready to go, the weekend of our national (luckily dogs and bitches were on different days) oops forgot to answer the original question - yep this has happened to me with my girl - first two seasons she kind of looked as if she was coming in then came in properly about 3-4 weeks later.
  22. I, unfortunately, have never had a long lived dog Sparky and Tansy were both under 9 when I lost them and our other wei elly was not 12 months I am convinced, though, that Spartan plans to live forever!
  23. Being that you are quite experienced with dogs in general, I wouldn't look past a setter. If you want something a little more docile, an ES would be a good choice of the 4 varieties. The downside to owning them is that they don't have a great recall, so are better walked on lead. They have selective hearing so you have to be prepared for this, but they are generally a very loving breed. If you keep on top of their coat requirements (brushing, and stripping if you are showing), they don't shed buckets of hair. The grooming aspect for showing can take alittle work to learn, but if you had a breeder local to you they could show you the ropes on grooming for the ring. They are wonderfully gentle with kids and they should be quite passive towards other animals, but like any breeds, needs training if chasing is a no-no. They can take a lot of work as puppies, but i have found that my two matured quite quickly after they hit 12 months of age.
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