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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. i approached my ranger/council about one a few years ago, and while the ranger was on board (was trying to get one approved) the council shot it down in flames. I am not so fussed now as it's unlikely i would take my dogs there anyway. Fences sometimes mean that owners think they don't need to have control over their dogs.
  2. GSP are HPR breed - Hunt, Point, Retrieve - or a utility gundog - they do what the pointer and the retriever do in one dog
  3. Sometimes having a look at what they are bred for can also give you an idea of their energy levels and needs. GSP are a breed that does it all, so what they need might differ to the Labrador, who may have the same or similar energy levels, but a completely different way of satisfying them.
  4. Ptolomy you had your cute redhead last year and boy was he cute!! now he is just as cute but slightly better behaved... right? ;)
  5. Hi Angeluca you put the breed in the first line Not sure what you can do here - have you tried going back to your original breeder and asking for something that would suit your current male?
  6. well done today RS AND Ptolomy for your respective wins and achievements!!!
  7. RS, you count 63 days from date of ovulation... i think! However, you will find most people keep count 63 days from first mating... Also, 63 days is the general number, however bitches can go anywhere from day 58 I think... Ari went day 62 from first mating. It is very quiet in here... perhaps a link of some cute puppies? Cute puppies
  8. Hi Chelsey Drop in to the WA thread in General and there may be someone in your area with a good calm dog willing to help out
  9. Looking lovely skyehaven!! Mine haven't quite managed it out of the box although I got a scare when I came home yesterday as i couldn't find the 6th puppy but he was hiding right under the pig rail! Mine are all a bit off after the worming, i think... runnny poo is just not fun. Ari also seems a bit off...
  10. very cute piper!! but who is your favourite?! I think that the blonde one is cute - but i like the boy closest to the front in the group photo of the boys
  11. Joelle there are few things you could try. can you mix a bit of the chicken in with his kibble portion just to make it palatable? if he doesn't eat it and walks away, pick the food up and if he is hungry but fussing, he'll learn pretty quickly if he doesn't eat it then he won't eat at all some dogs just aren't into food like others. i have one like that. thing that worked the best was taking it away. the other option is cutting kibble all together and feeding raw. In saying all that, if you write/email/call some companies they are usually willing to send out a sample bag to try.
  12. Hi guys sorry to just drop in and not catch up on the thread it's been a crazy few days of conferences and what have you. i was wondering if anyone can PM me the number for Kevin Kelly?
  13. congrats meganm and Myrtle!! they are just so darn cute! So sorry you lost one Skyehaven piper that has gone so fast!! My little grey blobs are fast turning into adorable and sweet puppies!! i love watching them transform. They now recognise me when I come into the room and all run over (well, stumble) to climb all over me. it's so damn cute. I have a soft spot in particular for the little girl but they are all just lovely puppies so far and i couldn't be happier. wormed them last night (after returning home from a friends bitches 1am c-section)... one of the buggers spat up their worming tablet so no idea who isn't wormed now! dammit!!
  14. Congrats and well done Lava!! beautiful even litter skyehaven
  15. yes it is was reccomended to me works well I remember when i grazed James' nail once. I asked OH to get the cornflour out of the cupboard (it's clearly marked in a glass jar) and he came back with custard powder :eyeroll:
  16. Photos will happen on Saturday, i promise. My friend is coming again and she has a cord and Sunday, cos RV is coming. Hopefully the last pup wil lhave his eyes open
  17. Hi all - i'm finally back from brisbane and so, so tired... finding it hard to get motivated to actually do some work, so thought I'd catch up on the WA thread. You all talk too much - anyone ever told you that before? Welcome to the new WA thread members - we need more pics Emery, Chance looks gorgeous - you did well to keep that very quiet! CC - love the photos!! Hopeyour first day went well!! RV sorry to hear about the spider bite for Toby - i hope he is on the mend now. Love the pic of the Brit babies. They are so damn cute!! RV that sux about your neighbourhood... good on you for dobbing! I'm sorry to hear about Mason's fairies, Mas - i'm sure he'll be great next time!! i came home to all pups eyes open but one. They are looking so much more like dogs and less like grey slugs. RV is coming to meet them on Sunday and bringing my James home! I can't wait to see him Sorry if I've missed some updates
  18. good luck skyehaven!! pretty big belly there! Piper I am glad that Jazz's mastitis is getting better - must have been a bit stressful there!! Ari's pups are doing well - even after the three days of me being away, I didn't come back to find Ari wasting away, the puppies screaming for food, or my OH tearing his hair out, so all was well. They are really big, up on their wobbly feet already and nearly all of them have their eyes open. I do have a really whingy puppy though. He has been that way since he was born - very whiny. He is up and about, but not yet opened his eyes. He seems to hate being handled too. I am hoping once he opens his eyes and can hear, he might take to a bit more handling, but at the moment it seems impossible that he will be anything but a stubborn, whingy puppy
  19. yay!! well done congratulations on your new job CC!!! RS - Webpaws?
  20. Leonbergers Congrats piper on 9 healthy pups, that's great news. oooooh i can't wait to see photos of cute little leonberger puppies!!! you better post some!!!
  21. gorgeous Piper!!! congrats on 9!!! I hope that jazz can get her milk production up too I can't believe how different they are to the smashed in weimaraner faces I have. such long little noses!! very cute and love surprise no 9 ;)
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