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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Can I get some tickets please? Awwwww look at Millies face :D Busy, busy, busy at work and only get 30mins for luch Put me down for 6 Not sure how to get the money to you.....maybe at training if I make it down on a monday again, been a bit slack since starting back at work If you like I can PM you the club bank details and then post your actual raffle tickets? I'm not going to get to training next monday one of my puppy buyers is coming over.
  2. I also dont like the idea of overvaccinating... James reacted to his first Vacc, Weimaraners have issues with immuno when young, and I have an allergy dog... a few too many issues for me to consider vaccinating to fill a gap.
  3. I can't say I know who titre tests... just ring up your vets around your area and ask the question. I'd say that Applecross Vet would but not sure on the others.
  4. Hey guys I hope you don't mind me posting it here but our little breed social club has a raffle going at the moment for fundraising for breed rescue. The prize is A "Houndstooth Studio" Sitting and print valued at $220! You can get tickets from me so let me know if you are interested... $2 per ticket or 6 for $10. Drawn in August.
  5. I had researched the breed, the breeder had only told me one issue the dog had but have read there are quite a few more issues I should be concerned about. The dog is $2,500 and i was certain i wanted the dog at the time so I didnt see an issue giving $1500, but now im feeling worried....im only human it happens Hang on... you did your research, then the breeder openly disclosed one issue the dog had, and yet you are now looking at more issues that the breed has that you didn't find in your initial research? What makes you think that this dog has any of those issues?
  6. IMO handing over $1500 without doing research on the breed first or at least asking the questions of the breeder who's dog it is is an issue. Rather than bring it up on a forum, give the breeder a call and have a chat. ETA $1500 is a very large desposit!
  7. My docked dogs also looked happy all the time. My sisters docked Old English Sheepdog wagged his whole bum because he had no tail. I imagine a traditionally docked breed that breaks it's tail would look very unhappy... Anyway... can't do anything about it now. God forbid they ban dewclaw removal...
  8. Agreed (if I understand what you're saying). I don't blame the colour, but the colours that are bred together and this is usually because a particular colour is "flavour of the month", so unethical breeders are breeding for colour and not temperament, so that colour then gets this rep. Choc Labs prime example. That's my uneducated view on things! Edit: just for the record, my choc girl has a beautiful temperament... she's just a bit of a nutcase is all But she didn't have the best start to life. yes that definitely happens - but i guess I mean it can even happen unintentionally... I know of someone who keeps getting a certain colour which happens to be the best dog in the litter. She would like the other colour, but because she isn't breeding for colour alone, her best bet is to take the best dog... which just happens to be the colour she doesn't really want!! As a result, she could end up with a kennel full of one colour.
  9. I agree you see a varience with the colours... but it isn't necessarily the colour, but the temperament behind the colours which are bred together. Maybe there isn't so much of a varience in labs because a lot of the time, yellows, chocs and blacks are bred together often. Of course this happens within other breeds but lets say everyone wants blue roan cocker spaniels and all the blue roans have a specific trait that the other colours dont have, well all the blues are going to inherit this trait and the blue roan that is mated to an orange roan may throw a few puppies that do and don't have this trait... say this trait, is a temperament thing - smarter, dumber, high strung etc etc. Orange Beltons are known as a bit less cluey... *cough* dumber *cough* than the blues and tri's... is it their orange spots that cause this? Oh and don't forget the red hair gene in humans!!
  10. it's ok emery - i haven't been to training for... weeks! soon, SOON poor Spartan can come out and play training with Aunty RV and then I might get Ari back into it.
  11. well mine are 5 weeks today and they are all so heavy!! biggest pup is 3.7kg lightest 2.9kg. They are all wonderfully confident. they have time outside when I am home, if it's not too cold, but the last couple of days of cold afternoons and this morning with rain means they havent been outside for a few days, but I do let them have run of the main area of the house and they like to chase around our visitng Irish Setter friend who is half way between wanting to play with them and wanting to get away from them! Ari is pretty much refusing to feed them now, as planned, but I do get her to do a top up at night after their late meal so that they sleep through the night. Ari hopped in the box and fed them volentarily this morning I think it was just to shut them up. They are so noisy!! Crate training with a couple of pups starts this week... they grow up so fast!
  12. I was going to come down too RV... but Spartan is having some skin issues and is just too uncomfortable and I'm not comfortable bringing Ari just yet. Pups first vacc next Tuesday and not long after that I can start to get back down to training yippee! Oh and congrats Mirawee and RS. I really hope things with Kenz work themselves out soon Ness.
  13. lucky you Tiggy! I have an Astra Wagon for mine and I find it perfect sized... in saying that I don't often take more than two out at a time.
  14. olivebaby they usually stay quite soft but they dont get worn down like the other nails do. Check them often and trim them when you trim her other nails. They are a lot easier to trim than the others!! I have two setters from the same breeder, one with and one without. I've never owned, nor seen a weimaraner with dewclaws.
  15. Hi Chelsey Welcome to DOL! Quinn is just gorgeous - no one would judge you for such a gorgeous pup!
  16. Congrats Stordimento Mason I've finished with my puppydust so it's coming your way now how to work out how to bottle puppybreath because I am fairly sure it would be a BIG seller!!
  17. oh how very upsetting for your son and for Alfie I really do hope that he pulls through. Sending lots of Weimaraner hugs your way, from Ari and her entire litter.
  18. On this, i have a friend who was a newbie. Long time exhibitor had a go at her for not asking if she was ready to go. I'm still waiting for this long time exhibitor to do the same thing :rolleyes: sometimes, exhibitors take advantage of newbies... so as oso says, if someone can go that extra mile and give a newb some encouragement, it goes a LONG way.
  19. I dont' think there are any tried and true methods... you can pick the potential but you can't pick the whole package. In saying that, long time breeders seem to know when there is a very special one in the litter, and it always ends up doing a lot of winning.
  20. I say thank you to mine, particularly when they have alerted me to a sound. if they don't stop after one thank you, I go and look and say thank you again, for warning me about the danger they believed was there. it stops me from getting frustrated by them for barking.
  21. it's possible I have missed it, but RS, what and when are you getting?
  22. I like a person who is respectful to other exhibitors, despite the fact that they are competition. Congratulate winning exhibitor, ask if they are ready to go, that sort of thing...
  23. I hope everyone is doing well with their babies!! Ari is very reluctant to feed them now so I'm feeding them twice a day already. it's all going so fast.
  24. my SIL is getting a Mastiff puppy in mid July - i can't freaking wait to meet her - Mastifff puppies are so damn cute.
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