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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. I really hope that i hear from my puppy people. I have asked them to please send me photos they probably think I'm nuts.
  2. ncarter is it not possible to find it at a horse shop?
  3. Thank you for sharing - i'm holding in the tears seeing her before and after shots. you are amazing for taking her in.
  4. I haven't used a heat pad but I find the heat lamp perfect. Allerzeit my dad built the box for me. he said it was easy except for "the bloody handle holes" but he is a perfectionist and rounded off all the edges. I love the rails as well. pups would and still do (although don't fit quite so well) opt to sleep underneath them.
  5. Thanks Hannah - yes I am not sure... that is why I am confused what the "specific challenges" are with regards to microchipping... the other thing i thought was maybe not being able to put the microchip number information on the papers if you apply for the papers before they turn 8 weeks, because you don't choose them until 8 weeks? (eg you have a male you want to put on Mains and the rest of the males on Limited so you apply for the papers to get them in time for their new homes but you can't put the microchip numbers on the papers until after final selection)
  6. Allerzeit this is the same design i used only thing we didn't do is the seat/ledges in the corners.
  7. here is mine it's huge - i have a weimaraner and this is rediculously big, but i do like the fact that once they get into the walking stage the box is a great size for them for a few extra weeks. last week I removed the front panel and reversed it and screwed it back in and it's worked really well. I also like the fact that it has no bottom so you just build up what you need underneath and it keeps the bedding in place.
  8. I have used polaramine mostly, and also used phenergan once which worked too. yay Moo We've decided to let them all run around so you can help us unload them from my car ;) oooh naughty!!!! Spartan stole my lunch off the bench this morning - it was soup and lets just say he left the soup behind and stole the container...
  9. Can anyone please tell me what the specific challenges are for WA members? do we pay extra for putting the microchip details on the paperwork or something?
  10. Ptolomy my appt is at 4.30 ;) are you going to stick around for some puppy cuddles?!!
  11. RS he had a reaction to his vacc - apparently it can be common and we were careful when he had his boosters but he didn't have the reaction again.
  12. RS yep James' reactions aren't so bad. The time i took him to murdoch, he had no antihistamines and the swelling started to go down on its own - the second time we gave him antihistamines straight away and there wasn't much swelling at all. Here he is after he had a reaction to his 12 week vaccination - it hasn't happened since
  13. I think it was a sting of some kind RV - ruby looked like a Lab x Sharpei!!
  14. Mas in regards to the thyroid test I hope that it comes back ok... I know a couple of ES who had thyroid issues that showed similar symptoms to spartan with his skin issues. RS I hope that Ruby is ok - i saw the photos in murdoch - i remember that scene all too well with James. It took so long for them to see him his face swelling went down and we went home His was just a bee sting though and since then I've just had antihistamine available for him just in case. Pups are getting their Vaccs and microchips tonight - eep!!
  15. Just to add that I agree with not taking my dogs out when they have KC... afterall that was likely how your dog picked it up in the first place, by someone else taking their dog out.
  16. I rearranged the puppy room a few days ago - they love it. Now to get them to work out which area is best to pee/poo on!!!
  17. I am not sure what the rules are on getting xrays but I have always been given my xrays - afterall I paid for them!! If they are refusing to give xrays to you but have referred to a specialist then they should be sending the xrays directly to the vet at least.
  18. fantastic news Rach well done!! I am sure it will be a hard but rewarding job!
  19. James is on a setter holiday at the moment again, while I have the visiting redhead here with me... So I looked at the date today, and realised I missed his birthday, which was the 14th June... So... to my beautiful, special, handsome heart dog James... he turned 5 years old on Tuesday...
  20. My friend and I keep ending up with September puppies... and they are always naughty!!! We always say there is something about September puppies... I have two Spartan - 5th September Ari - 12 September and James is 14th June
  21. I could be wrong but I think you'll find a lot of people do the 12 month booster (so really they are 14 months old), and then titre after that. I think pups need the booster 12 months after their puppy vacs in the bare minimum, and then titre test after that. As for the 3 yearly being more risky, currently don't have an opinion on that one besides I am happy to risk it as it's what the AVA recommend over yearly I've read that too - but then I've also read the opposing argument that the antibodies don't last that long once they stop feeding from mum. Not sure what to believe exactly but I'll be recommending the 12 month booster and then 3 yearly after that to my puppy buyers.
  22. Mas i think the viruses are different. The Parvo strains etc dont change so much whereas the virus that causes KC change a lot and there are varying strains, which is why it is not so easy to vaccinate against it. it would be pretty hard to vaccinate against the current strain when there is more than one and they are ever changing.
  23. I had researched the breed, the breeder had only told me one issue the dog had but have read there are quite a few more issues I should be concerned about. The dog is $2,500 and i was certain i wanted the dog at the time so I didnt see an issue giving $1500, but now im feeling worried....im only human it happens Hang on... you did your research, then the breeder openly disclosed one issue the dog had, and yet you are now looking at more issues that the breed has that you didn't find in your initial research? What makes you think that this dog has any of those issues? I see you missed answering my question PP if you talk to the breeder, maybe your issue will be solved... it's pretty hard to make a judgement when there are so many holes.
  24. a friend of mine sent me a vaccination thing she did for Uni (vet student)... So it says that core vaccines (which the 3 yearly one is) last 3 years but the non-core ones last less than 12 months.
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