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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. I think you should ask yourself also, what is the point of breeding her? does her breeder have her lines and what would you be contibuting to the breed if you bred her that her breeder isn't already? Are you in a position to find suitable homes for the pups you breed, including providing support to buyers if they themselves want to show or do dog sports? If your breeder is encouraging the litter, is it because they want something out of her? because if that is the case, you could perhaps see if they wanted to take her back for a litter under their prefix, rather than you having to go out, get a prefix and do all the relevant health testing (vet checks aren't enough - you need her hip and elbow scored). Again, if the breeder HAS those lines, for example, then there isn't really that much NEED to contribute further to the population, unless she's exceptional, and puppies she produces will go on to better the breed (and if this was the case, I'm sure the breeder would have either kept her herself, or asked to lease her from you sooner). The fact is, it sounds as though you yourself are leaning towards giving it a miss, and you are looking for reasons you may not have thought of to breed her. If you have a gut feeling she wouldn't cope with a litter, follow that instinct and desex her. If she rejects the litter that would mean a pretty big committment to raising the litter yourself, for a start. From memory, also, there are a couple of BYB Weimaraner breeders in that area. do you have the power/contacts and time to look for the right homes and ensure that the pups aren't going to BYBs or unsuitable homes because the market is effectively flooded in your area?
  2. My point is that dogs don't know breed names. Going back to the earlier post about black staffies you can't say my dog doesn't like black staffies. It would be more accurate to say "My dog doesn't like medium sized short haired dogs who strut with their tails and heads held high" and staffies aren't the only dogs that do this. How do the 'breed snobs' react when they meet cross breed dogs, one of the crosses being their own breed. In a dog's eyes when is a staffy (whippet) not a staffy (whippet)? I think it depends more on body language than anything else and the dog is also picking up on cues from its owner. it's all well and good saying this, but he doesnt take exception to any other breeds, even those that might display the same type of body language. He's never met a cross breed of his own breed, so I cna't tell you how he'd react.
  3. This - Charlie the OES was also a dog that many dogs take a dislike to (or fear) as he is big, fluffy and can't always see his eyes.
  4. I'd definitely be getting a post whelping check plus with so many stillborns I'd want to have the live ones checked for any signs of chest issues/infections etc.
  5. Interested to know when in your dog's eyes a black staffy crossbreed becomes a black staffy. Where did it say anything about a cross breed? What I am trying to say (perhaps clumsily) is that I don't think dogs can tell one breed of dog from another. A negative reaction from the dog is the result of the handler tensing up I do disagree. it doesn't explain why dogs of particular breeds have a good reaction to dogs of their own breeds, or dogs of breeds they usually interact with. My Weimaraners will get excited when they see Irish setters, because of their positive and regular interaction with a friends Irish Setters. I don't get excited and they react to my excitement, they do it all on their own. apologies for the previous comment - i thought you were having a go because i said Black staffy (because they don't technically come in black!)
  6. Interested to know when in your dog's eyes a black staffy crossbreed becomes a black staffy. EDITED - misunderstood reply
  7. that's great!! The black dog wear balance harness works in the same way. it's the only harness type I'd use/recommend
  8. I did a little write up on each pup - things like when they opened their eyes, how much they weighed when born, and a little speal about their personality. i also did a write up on the parents with photos, and a 5 generation pedigree. Copy of a contract for them to read through and sign, membership form for our club, and membership form and a speal about joining DogsWest. I fed combo raw so included the puppy glop recipe I'd been using. Crate training information toilet training information
  9. She should definitely be calling a vet for advice.
  10. my dogs definitely have bias towards certain breeds and certain colours! one doesn't like dark coloured staffies or mixes after one attacked him. He's fine with other well behaved dogs but won't tolerate any dark coloured staffy. My feisty Weimaraner doesnt seem to like any breeds that are heavy breathing (so braccy, or just pulling on their collars and making choking noises!)
  11. Oh dear a child was jumped upon and scratched by a dog!!!! Gosh, better call an ambulance and contact the media. Sheeesh, really? Is she that much of a princess that it was an issue? No... this is not on at all. a person SENDS their dog over to a child to say hello without checking first with the parents? WTF is wrong with you and that response? it is NOT acceptable for any dog to run over and jump on anyone, let alone a child.
  12. I also step aside with my dogs and let other dogs pass. it usually sends the message that I don't want interaction to take place and that I am stepping aside to keep control of my dog/s as their dog passes. I've had a few people even thank me as they pass. Sandgrubber - I agree to a point about breeders breeding Gundogs that should be able to be social, however I believe most of the time it's a product of NOT being in the working environment (at a shoot with multiple dogs working) that cause issues in temperaments of dogs that, if working, would have been just fine. Yes, breeding gundogs (or any dog) with a poor temperament can definitely cause issues, but more often than not, I still believe it's a product of upbringing/socialisation and LACK of them working in that type of environment... more to do with the owner and their activities than the inherited temperament of the dog.
  13. *brag alert* one of my puppies, who some of you may remember i was also showing for a short time, passed his Track 3 today to gain his TD title at just 15 months old. Very proud!!
  14. greyhound puppies are SO adorable!!
  15. what about this one? http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/online-store/products/Pets-On-Tour-Backseat-Barrier.aspx?pid=142475#Description
  16. R&H I can't believe that Hemi is 2.5y... that's just crazy! MG that's not good hope its better soon!
  17. perhaps sweet potato chunks dried in the oven(very low heat)/dehydrator kangaroo is very low in fat - you can buy kangaroo dried treats perhaps?
  18. could you see if you sent your girl away (stay at your mums) for a few days to see if your allergies clear up? in saying that I agree with others, get yourself tested and see ifyou can undergo desensitisation. You should be able to get a referral if you explain to your doctor the need to clear up your chest/get your allergies sorted.
  19. I don't have collars on my coated setters for the very reason you say, about it leaving a mark in the neck. the setters aren't showdogs anymore, but I hate the line in the neck coat. with having the tags on his collar, why not just get a collar you can put on him for walks (use instead of, or with the slip lead) which you can take off him when you get home and he's safe in the house?
  20. very well said. I spent ages on the breeders section looking for bits and pieces of advice or researching before the litter was born. So many valuable threads and advice in some pretty old threads. i got really good at using the search function!
  21. LOL u think? I showed my Schipperke in Gilgandra a couple of weeks ago and the Judges comment was "Gee, they really look different with a tail!" So whilst that may be true in some breeds, unfortunately that doesn't appear to be the case with Schipperkes. I had a Canadian judge say similar to me about the OES I was showing "it's the first time I've judged them with a tail and it's a lot to get used to". He went on to put him up for BOB. Just because they commented on the tail it doesn't mean they were biased about them having one.
  22. Not that i can say 100% for sure but some judges definitely prefer docked OES still... but then I've seen plenty of judges (even from the US where they dock) put up tailed dogs over docked ones. Rarely see the bias in Weims.
  23. Actually i did call the RSPCA once about pups in a pet store that were there for months growing up behind glass day and night only let out in a court yard for a short time each morning.One was a 7 month old border collie x who spent his day trying to jump up and out of his glass box.A 5 month old mastiff x who stared up at the corner of his box for hours .3x 15 week old Weimaraner x pups who spent thier day fighting with each other and chaseing thier tails.The RSPCA did nothing because they had food water and shelter. Animals think and feel ,they are living intelligent creatures who should not be made to endure the mental torment of being on display in a Pet store.I hope i see the day when no animals are sold from pet stores. This makes me feel ill I wonder what became of those pups
  24. SparkyTansy


    Teebs i am so very sorry for your loss. Fly free beautiful Atlas. big (((hugs)))
  25. and yet the one dog examples live on! A deep hatred? that's a bit rough.
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