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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Don't feel bad... there is no point, there will always be people like that. I have a "puppy application" on my website, however if someone calls me, I generally just ask them some questions, then if I like the sound of them, ask them to then fill out an application so I have it on file.
  2. Pet shop in Belmont Forum reads "Teacup Chihuahua coming soon"...
  3. Miss Pie!!! What I wouldn't do for a quiet day at work RS
  4. hey Katski13 - in NSW you are spoiled with the unlimited dogs rule... in WA it's max two dogs unless you apply for the permit, and the rules are dictated by each shire, which means applying through the council for a permit and they ultimately make the decision about whether to give you the permit. Other than that, WA is a pretty good place to live. I've been to Geraldton a couple of times and it seems nice, but it is very much a town.
  5. RS pippa sounds great!! I'd say give the labs some time... my boys hated the puppies but they are both great with Lulu now, although they do leave the playing to Ari ;)
  6. Naw Pippa! I had one that didn't sleep too - Ari her daughter, in comparison, sleeps very well.
  7. RS she's gorgeous look forward to hearing her new call name!! pippa is cute though but reminds me of Home and Away!! don't worry tiggy - i haven't been for weeks to any stuff I usually do... so, so slack.
  8. Weimaraners don't have the requirement to be tested, but most breeders do test their breeding stock. ETA English Setters don't have a requirement although members of the English Setter Club of Victoria must test their dogs in order to be a member, I think. I do not know if they have a cut off to breed, however.
  9. that movie cracks me up. The weim is quite a nice example... not sure on the others although I love that bloodhound.
  10. I was gonna go to training but I'm a wuss.
  11. My mum's first dog was the "not recommended for first time dog owners" Weimaraner... I believe she had some issues but coped fine, and we got another (my first dog) when I was 8. They can be a hard breed, but I found the weimaraner easier to deal with than the family friendly English Setter...
  12. Bartok this happens in all breeds (using for breeding, not necessarily fighting circles) - yes it is always a concern, but it's about making sure you screen your buyers as best you can. if you are unsure, go with your instinct, and always be prepared to say no. at the end of the day there is only so much you can do to prevent bad breeding and the best possible thing you can do short of desexing them all before they go, is screen as best you can.
  13. I dont think there is really wrong with wanting to breed without showing, however I do believe truly that you should learn as much as you can about the breed, and your girl, before breeding. I think that finding a good mentor is the best step to really work out if a) your bitch is worthy of breeding b) you are bettering the breed and also to have someone to bounce ideas off/learn from in regards to a breeding program, breeding the right lines, good temperaments and health. There is a lotmore to breeding than finding a dog that you think will suit your bitch - you should learn about lines, choose a path of linebreeding, outcrossing or a combination, and learn what it all means and where it will take you. Dog showing doesn't always determine what should or shouldn't be bred, but it does open up your eyes and helps you learn more than staying at home and looking at your own dog day in day out. it can help you decide what you don't like, what certain dogs are producing, what lines you might like to obtain, and of course, showing (and other dog sports) is a good networking tool and will probably allow you to be taken more seriously as a breeder if you are willing to get out there and learn. My breed mentor is interstate, but I have a number of people I can call on in perth, in other breeds, for help and advice.
  14. oops happy birthday to Buster too! Mas I love Arctic storm!
  15. Happy birthday RS!!! :cheer: glad you girls had a good time at Wicked!! I can't help myself and always watch friends re-runs... and yes I feel the same way watching it now and thinking - wow I'm that age... when I first started watching it, i was 13 and I think that is what i thought my life was gonna be like!! Mas puppies are just GORGEOUS. I can't wait to meet your boy! Have you settled on the name yet?!
  16. Ari, and now Lulu, get called bitch... apparently, Zora also responds to bitch ;)
  17. I haven't had mine repaired, but the same zip broke. i didn't bother trying to get it fixed as I then got a wagon so the dogs are in there most of the time.
  18. I am so sorry to read this news GayleK I missed it and only just saw it now. I am so very sorry your boy was taken from you so young,.. hugs to you and your family
  19. it's 30 characters including spaces and the prefix. Honestly RS and Mas you dont' give yourselves and your dogs enough credit BE PROUD!!!
  20. *prefix* Rain hail Shine *prefix* Hail storm
  21. My Weimaraner bitch has a thing for technology... She started out with my Playstation 2... chewed the whole thing, including the controllers, the cords and power box She then chewed the power cord for the Wii She then chewed the power box for the Xbox (which we found out you can't buy a replacement for through Microsoft!!) the playstation was the worst... and she was pooping out all sorts of powerboards and colourful plastic parts for days.
  22. agree with Arielle... I walked Ari but avoided areas where there was high dog traffic (so local parks and dog parks)... we generally walk around new suburbs and bush areas. I also plan to walk puppy separately to Ari - at 12 weeks there is no way I'd be exercising at the same level as an adult dog.
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