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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Mas if you are titre testing Mason you may as well do that with new puppy after you have given the booster.
  2. RS, if you knwo the exact BRAND of vaccination used, PM Blues&Boots. she is a vet student and from what she has told me,age of first vacc, type of vacc (C3/C5) and the brand all plays a significant part in how often and how many need to be done. She told me recently there is a new vacc which only needs to be done at 8 and 12 weeks and that's it... apparently - but it's certain companies that have certain vaccs so that is all relevant. Mas the show classes are quite different and it really depends on the type of instruction you want. The ones with Helena on Tuesdays, i think, are good but quite... intense... there are two classes run on Thursdays by different people/clubs, and they are a little bit less instructive... just kind of run through the paces of what is done in a show ring situation. Wolfproud are probably more instructive than spitz club. are you planning on showing the little man?!!
  3. My two babies had their first show on the 20th August - the gundog club of WA shows. First show Lulu - Belbracon Seeker Lover Keeper got baby of breed, beating another baby bitch and her brother. The second show Lulu got 1st baby bitch out of three, and JT - Belbracon Show Me The Money - got baby of breed, beating Lulu so it's even stevens so far. I was very very proud of those babies at their first show, they were absolutely amazing.
  4. sorry I've missed a fair bit over the weekend... but... Ptolomy so sorry you have had a lousy time of it lately. I hope things get better soon. CC I hope that Indy is off her ABs soon and much better - and ew... RAT!! Go Louis!! Poo-Fong So excited for you and little Jerry! Lulu can't wait to meet him! JT wanted me to tell you that his name clearly rocks :p MAS OMG GIBBS IS ADORABLE!!! Lulu can't wait to meet him Lab puppies are incredibly adorable. :cheer: BEAR!!! :cheer: RosieFT it's definitely a girl pee thing... i have little patches all over my grass from the girls... always have. it doesn't happen with the boys so much as they lift their legs. it is maybe the ammonia or something, that kills the grass. anyway, try adding some ACV to their water and/or food. RV i agree with everyone else - you definitely deserve what you got in Zora - she's such a lovely, happy puppy. lulu loves her and they play so well together. I felt the same way as you when I got James after having Spartan
  5. Oh emery that sux I am assuming the training cannot be postponed!
  6. I think Labradors have their very own, special kind of lovin' - Labrador Love it's full of boofy dog excited licks and tail thumps
  7. Is there a reason GSDs cant be used as sniffer dogs?
  8. I'd have thought they would be taking her back once she's mated, or at least after she's confirmed in whelp. I would also expect them to provide you with the correct food to feed her after mating if she was to remain with you in the early stages of pregnancy.
  9. oooh 11 days left Mas!!! Not much news from me
  10. i used a heat lamp and was very happy with it. kept pups warm and Ari wasn't close to it. My whelping box is comparitively large.for my breed... but as it turned out it was quite handy as she did get quite hot and liked to move about. mine also had no floor like Sways and i used some vinyl, with carpet on top and then newspaper and vet bed (sheets/towels during whelping)
  11. I haven't read the other comments, but just want to say I find showing in more than one group really stressful, particularly as it seems always inevitable that they clash... or if they don't clash, their groups clash.
  12. Hi all I hope you all had a great weekend! it was pretty crazy at the show so sorry i missed so many people!! I think I ran a total of 5 dogs more than once around the ring so I was pretty stuffed. As for the comments, as much as it was entertaining to hear about it afterwards I was blissfully unaware of anything happening because I was just so damn proud that I managed to stand and move my dogs without falling over one. Seeing ones homebred puppies in the ring and then being completely proud for them doing so well really does make you quite untouchable in the "snide comments" department. ;) I know which comments you are talking about too RS but I am not sure what happened there, but it wasn't related. overall the show was excellent, well run and I am very grateful I have such wonderful supportive friends (who double as great puppy holders and photographers). As for RV and Zora well done on a great debut!! she did so well in the ring RV and so did you. Faol Miss N looked absolutely adorable and I think that I would like to put my hand up now for her handling skills in the future. I have no doubt she is going to be a wonderful handler.
  13. I love Gibbs! Do you have a date for when you can get pup Mas?
  14. hugs again to you Ptolomy and to you RS - so hard losing them...
  15. I hope it sorts itself Mas so hard with commercial foods
  16. I might be thinking of someone else with a green one, but I do remember your funky slip lead that you had at retrieving... I remember thinking i wanted to get me one of those!!
  17. Do you have a room just for dog stuff RS? sounds like you need one!! I like the slip lead you used for retrieving that time - i think it was green? Is that the one you now use for Agility trials? Mine get what they are given - and mostly they are handmedowns... I still have an use on occasion both leads from Sparky and Tansy, that are still going strong. In saying that though, I did go out and buy a matching lead and collar for Lulu, she has always had the pink theme so she will forever have pink stuff I think. And all my dogs do have their own collars... Ari has purple. James is blue and Spartan is usually red but he can't wear a permanent collar due to his skin issues. I'm picking up JT, Lulu's brother, tomorrow night to stay for the weekend... and RV is staying over on Friday night for the show on Saturday... i have a feeling Friday night is going to be absolute bedlam!! plus we have to keep the fluffy white one kind of clean!!!
  18. The American Kennel Club changed its rules last year (or the year before) to finally allow mixed breeds to compete... so I am not sure why ANKC would revert back to that when so much of what we do is influenced by the UK KC and the AKC. exactly - and until they change the WA rule to papers being given out with the puppies registered, some people just aren't going to have the papers to prove their purebred dog is papered, and have to resort to the associate...same for rescues that are most definitely pure but don't have papers to go with them. HOpefully the new microchipping rule can change that also.
  19. that is interesting... not sure why they'd revert back to that rule with no associate dogs.
  20. precisely mirawee. At the end of the day, CAWA started out as an organisation for promoting and showing purebred dogs. We have clubs that are part of DogsWest that are older than dogswest - all purebred dog clubs. I do not necessarily think that the stance on "keeping it pure" is right, but that is it's roots. if we are going to be the primary "canine authority" a lot more work needs to be done to make it so that all dogs are promoted, but we are not big enough nor do we have the right expertise to make this happen, especially with a them and us mentality. and just to add - we are bloody LUCKY to have such a fantastic ground for shows, agility and obedience. I have heard more than one interstate exhibitor say that the WA grounds are the best to show at. I also remember when that bottom oval was nothing at all. how lucky are we that we can run shows and agility in the same place?
  21. I agree that the bottom oval needs more attention... however the top oval has also always flooded - just not as badly. I do think that the prickles and weeks are unacceptable though. I think show entries are usually around $12 per dog - babies usually are a little less usually $5-7
  22. oops!! I just assumed it was the DogsWest one you were talking about no doubt someone will come along and tell me the date for that one ;)
  23. I'm not going to the AGM... i should, but i can't.
  24. Tomas, Alex is lovely. Like many I have a really curious attachment to this breed. the gentle goofy expression, their elasic gait, they are stunning. Good luck with him!
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