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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. I agree with PF - high levels of arousal that can be caused by different thing. A friends dog does it whenever he meets puppies - he luuuuuurves puppies... Puppies from my latest litter do it when they play with other dogs and each other.
  2. Hey Mas - I had very similar issues with James when he was small... it was beyond a joke as he was going every 15-20 minutes. i set the oven timer for every 10 minutes and took him out like clockwork... stayed out there while he went and then when he went he got a treat and loads of praise. he was trained within that week after I started that exercise when i was at home (he was outside with spartan when i wasn't home). Lulu is still having the occasional accident inside too - its usually when she is outside with the other dogs, she gets distracted by playing and forgets she needs to go, so as soon as she is back inside she just goes. I think that i am going to have to go back to basics as per above and take her outside on her own.
  3. RnH i hope you will have a new pup one day soon!! it's been rather exciting in the DOL thread lately with all the new puppies so I think it's your turn!
  4. Mas that is so cool! look forward to seeing it Also if you are serious about showing, don't push the stands too much. labs are awesome free stacking so just praise for him standing still, looking at you, and eventually, his feet being square (which most labs will do anyway).
  5. Chris and Rhett - can you teach him to put his front feet up and then you lift his rear?
  6. Mas Gibbs is just gorgeous - he looks like he will be quite a character! Look forward to meeting him!! I remember when I got James Spartan sulked (like only a Setter can) for a good couple of weeks before he warmed up to James. We had a good weekend - JT and lulu had their second show. lulu won baby bitch class, JT won baby dog class, then JT beat Lulu for baby of breed was a fun day! :D
  7. Fantastic shots CC, and great to see them all having a good time - well done!
  8. very true dogslife... I am so sorry to hear of your and your daughters dogs crossing the bridge, and that your dane cross is not well... Thank you for writing this post - all so very true and easy to forget with day to day life.
  9. Weasels do you go to the Kwinana dog beach near those big blue silos? I was hoping to introduce the beach to my 14wo pup too - will have to wait now I think!!
  10. PF i will definitely find out, but I have a feeling it was the piercing place... My sister went there because they were one of the places that did young babies - they were very good with making sure the placement was correct and wouldnt do it if her ears weren't the right size... I remember having mine done at the chemist too - hurt like hell from what I remember!!
  11. I also found this PDF i hope the link works... it might help.
  12. hi Weasels - I am not sure what they are but that doesn't sound good at all!! I take my dogs to Kwinana beach and I might have to avoid it until the jellyfish bugger off. i hope that you and your girl are ok... would love to know what they are if you work it out. Maybe try googling WA jellyfish species or something and maybe some pics will come up of the one you saw? this link has a photo of one similar to the photo you posted... appears to be a bluebottle
  13. Hey PF - My sister got my nieces ears pierced in Fremantle... i cant remember the name of it, but they do ears from 6 months of age. They were great with kids (there was a little girl having her ears done before my niece). They do all sorts of piercings too so it should be fine to get your one done as well. I'll see if i can get the name of it... there are loads in Freo i am sure!!
  14. congrats and well done with your amazing little black miracle
  15. I believe that being on superlorin will affect his ability to build muscle... maybe not much, but it does have some effect... Superlorin, is, in effect, the same as being neutered, and the lack of testosterone is significant enough that they wouldn't build as much muscle as an entire male.
  16. To those of you who are keen to enter neutered classes to obtain a Neutered Champion... What 'sort' of dogs do you think this means you show? 1. Do you think it is a fun thing for the pet or a serious title for a good specimen of the breed? A bit of both... a lot of show dogs ARE pets, and the desexed ones usually have their reasons. Retired, rehomed after a showing career, or maybe the ease of being able to enter other competitions without having to worry about seasons or entire male behaviour. As part of our social club we encourage our members to get into activities that might interest them... if they have a dog that is eligible for showing, we encourage and help them along - we gain permission from their breeder, help them with their membership and transfer to the neuter register, etc. We hope that we will encourage them to the point where they might get their next Weimaraner on MR and show, therefore increasing numbers and encouraging new blood in the sport. 2. Do you think the dog should be in peak condition or just an oldie who you think likes to show? i think they should be in peak condition - however the grooming aspect does cut out a lot of breeds that suffer the very awful "spay coat"... there is no way i could put a neutered Setter into a show, for example, unless months of hard work and a judges understanding of the oddities of spay coat were there. 3. Will you be upset if you come up against Champions or Grand Champions? No - they have as much right as anyone else to be there. The last neuter class that was in a show, our club sponsored... however only our breed entered (it was a gundog show)!! however the previous all breeds show with this class got a supportive entry across all groups and happily, the weimaraner owned by a club member we encouraged to give showing a try, won Neuter in Show
  17. RV, Lulu is at the exact same stage... plus she picks things up that are appealing to her that she shouldn't have... plants, bits of plastic, rocks... :rolleyes: I'm going to to everyone in this thread... I am a wannabe with retrieving... being that I want to do it, I have a dog that probably can do it, but I need more time and motivation to actually do it! I've been reading this thread for a while now!! You are all very awesome!!
  18. I was very upfront with people enquiring. they knew from the start that the puppies were matched to them and that they were only taking a puppy home if there was a suitable puppy. i was lucky that everyone was very clear with what they were interested in, and that each puppy seemed to fit well. The most difficult puppy (slightly more independant and stubborn than the others) went to the most experienced home. I asked questions throughout the weeks leading up to each person taking their puppy home, and was very clear as to what each puppy was like and what they needed. I made it very clear that I knew the puppies best and while I take male/female preference into account, that it was all based on temperament. All my dogs have been chosen for me and I was very happy with their choices. there was no other way for me to go when it came to my own litter.
  19. Hi Wendy I'm not really sure who you could try... hopefully someone will come along soon and help out. if you got your BB from a WA breeder you could ring your breeder and ask? Welcome to DOL would love to see some pics of your BB
  20. Agree Mirawee - an out of control GSD bouncing and pulling in front of an OES is no fun either.
  21. apparently, it depends on the brand used. Only certain brands of C3 have been tested and deemed suitable for 3 yearly... not all of them are tested for 3 yearly, which is why some are still giving yearly.
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