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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Doesn't it happen a fair bit in the US and UK? I don't think it's rude. I'd rather that than stand around while the judge shortlists and everyone has to watch on in the ring.. the few times it has happened to me (usually with international judges), the judge asks everyone to applaud the BOB winners and then proceeds to select his group winner from the shortlist. The judge isn't discounting anyone any less than they would if we were all still standing in the ring.
  2. Thanks, I loved this. I'm show sec for a breed club, and I usually put a quote in the catalogue about this sort of thing. A couple I like - "An important part of success in the show ring is objectivity, and it applies no less to those who show …… than it does to any other. This objectivity must be applied to evaluating one's own dog and to judges under whom one intends to show the dog. To expect all judges to see dogs in exactly the same light and to have the same likes and dislikes is naïve. As much as some exhibitors might not want to think so, judges are human, and they all have idiosyncrasies." Richard Beauchamp, 2006 And this - On Dog Shows "Who can use the words 'just a dog show' when the dog before him in the group is so superbly constructed. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; here the beholder may find beauty if he wishes but he must and cannot deny the facts; the more experienced will like the pretty head, the attractive coat, the lovely colour, but he will know that that is not all by any means. The framework beneath the flowing coat or the short thick fur has to be correct and that has nothing to do with beauty but the parts of the dog put together correctly, functioning without fault." Gay Gottlieb, The Hungarian Vizsla, 1985 Oooh that is a good one
  3. Great idea having a dedicated thread for show results I admit I don't usually read all the individual show results but I'd probably click on a thread with all the show results for that weekend, and I'd enter any results i knew as well. Thanks everyone for putting up results
  4. Question about retrieve to hand... my older wei bitch is great at retrieving but has issues with delivering (or even holding for long enough to get to me). I am currently working on that as a separate exercise (the "hold"). Should i cease all other retrieving until we perfect the hold and give? AT this stage, I am not planning to trial her but i do want to teach her so i can get the steps right when teaching the puppy. FHRP absolutely gorgeous photos
  5. RV Lulu and JT won't go far I am sure most puppies (most) don't venture that far unless they are real explorers (or maybe if Zora the Explorer leads them astray). I'll bring their crate to put them away if they get annoying, and while we are grooming madam zora.
  6. congrats CnR ;) so glad to see a pic of Tori!!! she is so cute. Hmmmm it's not looking good for the puppy meet up!! RV I'll still come up anyway with JR and Lulu and help you with grooming Zora as planned Hopefully others can make it!
  7. Unless I am reading the packet requirements wrong, vets all natural doesn't seem very cost effective for larger breeds...
  8. wow thats dedication CC. If i had little dogs I would probably buy patties... just not a viable option with 4 large dogs. did you notice any health benefits for the dogs ?
  9. MG I would highly recommend getting a copy of the book "Real food for dogs & cats" by Dr Clare Middle. I'll PM you so as to not take over this thread
  10. pippa was so darn cute RS - although I couldn't see much of her in the dark LOL I've been wearing skirts all week also. That's ok about training - I don't much feel like training in this weather
  11. Emery i missed your post. You could try in the advertising section of the Canine News for sashes, but i think there are also a couple of suppliers that advertise in the advertising section on Dogz (the top banners)
  12. I am bummed about the weather - I was looking forward to wearing something summery for casual friday and I ended up in jeans!! I am so happy - i have been having some issues with lulu not being able to tolerate advance puppy, so a couple of days ago I took the plunge and switched her to full raw and the change in two days has been unbelieveable. i did think about trying her on different dry foods, but i have been toying with the idea of full raw diets for a long time (I have always fed a 50/50 raw-dry mix) so i have made the switch for her out of necessity and I will gradually start changing the others over when I can find some suitable suppliers for bones.
  13. ncarter did you find the home where that little chi you found belongs? I hope that she is going ok.
  14. I am very lucky that James' front and neck are very good - considering he uses his front a lot more due to his hips... but then maybe that is the reason why it's better. Mas Deb doesn't do the tape all the time... she thought she'd give it a go for James as he was quite bad last night. He had also never been adjusted before but he coped very well with that. RV last time James was done, he had a lightning bolt needle, but the rest were fairly straight. This time, though, he had more crooked ones.
  15. hope you feel better today RV!! James got needled last night he also got adjusted and is also sporting some lovely tape over his spine and hips I think he was a little sore this morning though. A few of the needles came out quite bent!
  16. not many people consider it because of the coat, however the Old English Sheepdog sounds as though it could be a good match. The only issue here would be the coat... they don't shed masses of hair so they need to be brushed to avoid matting. Many people that keep them as pets clip them in the summer and allow it to grow out slightly for winter months but keep it brushed. If you dont mind the grooming or the clipping they might be a consideration. They are very easy to train, are very good at alerting to noise (the have a VERY loud bark but don't bark much unless they have to), they are a heavy set but not a huge breed. They are a moderately active dog, and this varies from line to line and is also dependant on the weather (they do feel the heat). You would need to ensure they are kept cool in summer if they are outside and not clipped off.
  17. I did find a program once online - but i can't for the life of me remember what it ws called!!
  18. I wouldn't say you were attacked - but maybe you just didn't like what you read. Many of us have either entered into contracts, or have contracts done in order to protect our dogs and our lines. Coming here and asking a question about betraying a breeders trust by breaking a contract isn't really a nice thing to do, and I think you would have had disagreement regardless. Have you ever thought that the reason why the cost of the dog, or even the deposit, was so high, was because the breeder wanted to make sure the right person bought the dog, and the dog is incredibly valued for a breeding program?
  19. out of curiosity, have you spoken to the breeder already? Just because it's in the contract, it doesn't mean that they will definitely stick to that. it might have been put in there so that you think twice before trying to give the dog back... but if you are reasonable and you have an amicable relationship, perhaps the breeder will give you some money back if you ask if it's possible. The breeder could just be trying to look out for the dogs best interests by ensuring she does go back to her, and not to some random that doesn't do their research and takes on a dog with issues, just like you did. I hope that you do the right thing by the dog, and stop thinking about your hip pocket.
  20. Thanks for the refresh pf... I feel really sorry for this dog.
  21. Stonecutter maybe the judge on the day thought that the frenchie or the BB were just too good not to put up and that they all conformed to the standard better than anything else in the line up, based on their own opinion?
  22. emery, without fail, every year, Ari comes in for the royal... and even when her timing is out for her other season, she still manages to come in the week, or the week before, the royal. She is due in season this month too... no signs yet that she is coming in. Good luck with your girls and chance - I don't envy you, poor James usually goes on a Doggy holiday while Ari is in. I just hope that Lulu and Ari sync up eventually.
  23. "Face judging" is what is known to be when a judge is judging the person on the other end of the lead, and not necessarily the dog... it does or doesn't happen, depending on who you talk to
  24. Oooh what are they changing Becks? just import or export as well?
  25. Happy birthday Micha!!! I know several awesome dogs that share the same birthday ;)
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