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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Weimaraner (5 months) Weimaraner (4yrs) English Setter (5yrs) English Setter (9yrs)
  2. showdog are the ES always inside? or was it just because of the rain/mud that they moved inside? I do hpe that the weather is kind, but if not, that's ok. as long as everyone shows up!
  3. thought about it AP trust me! but my days of racing from ring to ring showing multiple dogs is over... it's too hard to focus on your own dogs if you are showing others.
  4. Faytiges I will be hanging out with lesley Shirley and her English Setters. I'm not sure if I'll get there in time to see the irish setter show. If you don't know who Lesley is, but you know who showdog is, she will be able to point me out. I'll be the starry eyed girl hanging around on the outside of the showring, having never seen that many ES together before! Ooh really? Damn! I thought about going to the show just to see the dogs but didn't get around to it. Which pup was it? A local or one from the east? Can you remember the prefix? Are they on DOL breed pages? I've been eyeing off a few danes over east as the 'potential parents of my future dane', LOL. I know there aren't that many danes being bred in WA and most are fawns from what I know. I like the blacks and some brindles (the dark chocolatey ones like Kuges was) cos I have to be difficult! This is the boy I like, being shown at the Melbourne Royal. Lapsewood Purple Rain (Coal), he's 10 months old. He was imported from NZ by Rhonda from Underane (who used to have the stunning Underane Barberosa until he sadly passed away too young due to ill health caused by a previous snake bite) and the two oLapsewood siblings I've seen pics of (they are still in NZ) are also drop dead gorgeous. Coal is the first black in the pics. second row - third and fourth pics, third row - first and second pics. https://www.facebook...41143865&type=1 Isn't he a honey! Must run, work calls! Lovely Horty My dad is getting a dane pup soon, hopefully. Probably a black, a pet marked harli or a pet marked mantle. I hope he gets a mantle they are my fave.
  5. RS no traiing for me tomorrow... I do want to get back into it soon though. Lulu has one more tooth to lose too - yay! Horty the shows and most obedience/agility is done at Canine Association grounds in Southern River (cnr ranford and Warton). There aren't that many danes but there are some - not sure if they are regular showers. A dane won puppy in show at the royal
  6. I'd suggest you give it a go before you make that decision MG. You might enjoy it just as much if not more than trialling... however, I am going to say that I love showing dogs. i would love it do it all the time but I know that if I want to get anywhere in any other disciplines with Lulu I have to cut back on shows. If I had little experience and wanted to continue to show and title my dogs in a numerically larger breed like Labs, I would devote more time to showing than other disciplines in order to be successful in the show ring... so really it depends where your focus is. A friend of mine, the other day, said that she thinks you need at least a year of solid showing to learn to lose and understand why. I think she is right and if you can't find showing rewarding in other ways besides winning, there isn't much point in it.
  7. Just remember that everyone was new once MG, and that most people are willing to help you out. You are lucky enough to have your breeder in the same state
  8. Really sorry to hear about the whooping cough epidemic in your house Emery. I hope they all feel better soon I'm a little excited today - booked my flights for Melbourne Cup weekend. English Setter specialty, Gundog show, ladies KC show and Sunbury!!! Not taking any dogs, and staying with a friend. Can't wait.
  9. GORGEOUS Rusky and impressive personalised bed!! when I got spartan he had his own blanket. None of the others got this special treatment!
  10. So exciting Rusky - looking forward to pics!
  11. As much as I would love a Specialty BIS to count for something, some don't even attract high numbers. My sisters OES won a BISS two years ago. It was only 13 points. As proud as I am that he won that BISS, he competed against the same number of dogs as he would at an All Breeds show. I think that having 4 x BIG or 1 x BIS with 1000 points is a good idea. It's fair for everyone. It shoudl not be easy to obtain a Grand - it should be special and reserved for special dogs that stand out - those 1 in 1000 dogs that stand out above all others and win consistently because they are great, and the remain memorable.
  12. I much prefer boys but girls have their benefits too. The boys sook and the girls take what is given to them gladly. All Weimaraners are affectionate anyway but there is a clear difference between the female affection and the males desparation for affection My bitches won't generally cuddle up to anyone they don't know. They flaunt themselves all over my OH though. Both are much easier to train but one of them is very distracted because she is a little overprotective, so it's difficult to get her focus in public.
  13. I had a good look at Spartan's muzzle this morning - he doesn't look like he is going grey but i think that it's because he already has a lot of white mingled with his spots! his orange spots look more pale though. Ari has a line along the bottom of her lip which is greying already!
  14. I think ROM, BROM titles are usually applied for by individual National Breed Councils to the ANKC, who will grant them but it's all based on a criteria selected by the national breed council made up of state breed clubs. Some of them, I think, include achievements such as numbers of produced champion progeny, other working titles etc.
  15. Oso Waiting for day 6 and 7 of the pics to go up - want to see the photo of my baby weim!
  16. Agree with Pav Lova. Our greyhound was a snob, and all the Whippets I have met have been either indifferent or outwardly friendly with strangers. can't really comment on the other sighthounds but have read that Saluki's are very one person oriented and they always come across to me as indifferent. I don't think I've ever seen a Saluki look fearful or timid.
  17. Photos from the final day are up http://www.animalimages.com.au/ I'll only post results of the rest of the breeds if people are interested (which no one really seems to be!)... but you can view them on www.perthroyalshow.com.au anyway so save me the hassle.
  18. Phew 3 pages to catch up on AND we were on page 2!! Oso sorry to read about Lewis' accident with the lab... but I am sure you will be able to work through any issues I hope that the person with the Lab at least learned a lesson.. So tired today - could have done with an extra day off to recover from this Royal... two days in a row is just not fun.
  19. Rusky, Eccles is GORGEOUS!!! I can't wait to meet... her?! Love the bed PF - although I agree with amypie - mine (ok, the weims) would definitely have a crack at it, tassle by tassle!!
  20. I am going to be extra wary this year - with all the work being done over the road and on the canine grounds themselves, all the snakes will be fleeing and I am sure some of them have crossed the road to the canine. Would the water body have to be a natural water body?
  21. Hi Blakbelgian - the official photographer is animal images. I think Faolmor posted a link on one of the pages of this thread.
  22. I do wish I was coming RV! however I am going to Jersey and the UK over christmas so I am a bit lucky there. I'm goig on a mini trip to Sunbury weekend in November does that count?
  23. wow... apart from the free cheque book, I think westpac sux.
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