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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. I think it can also be a little breed and temperament related. One of my dogs gets away with far more than the other three, because the other three would take advantage if they knew I was going to give in... and this can't be allowed as it will lead to protection behaviour and/or stress related behaviours. Their temperaments and breeds would not allow me to give in and give them what they demand, because then they'd beleive they are in charge. The other boy is of a softer temperament and I admit I allow him to get away with more!! I tell anyone interested in a weimaraner that you have to be vigilant in their training and behaviour, not to allow them to get away with stuff. They can and will take advantage of anything and they are constantly testing the boundaries.
  2. I think the only way to prevent sunbleaching is to keep them out of the sun... out of curiosity, the tail area, is that just one section? Only with Weis, they do have a glad in that area which causes a small patch of mingled white/grey hairs - its usually right at the spot where it used to be docked so it's really noticable on the tailed weis. Weimaraners also tend to be affected by sunbleaching (liver dilute). they turn a yellow/brown!
  3. this is true Weims of course were bred for a different purpose also and their structure shows that, compared to labs. Personally I think that it does depend very much on the build and endurance level of the individual dog... Old english Sheepdogs are meant to be an endurance breed, but I know of certain OES that couldn't manage it, and others that definitely could (this is without coat btw, i'd never make a full coated OES do an ET!) My father used to run marathons ( 42.2km) and he took his Wei on the 32km training runs every second week, the did 10 ks every other day at least, he was one fit dog, not sure if they had the ET back in the 70s and 80s though!! Not surprising at all!! I know a guy with a weim in WA who does marathons also... his wei is his running partner. he recently had a cartilage op (the guy, not the dog) and is out of running for at least 12 months. Up to that point he couldn't keep any weight on his dog, and now his dog is rather... pudgy!!
  4. This... it's no different than having a bitch in season near your entire male, someone with a clicker or a squeaky toy, or a dog stacked in the line up backwards so their dog is facing yours. All learning experiences, and take experience and training.
  5. Setters hate the heat too, but that is probably more coat related... My Weims dont seem to notice heat at all, although Ari absolutely hates humid weather, the only time she doesn't do everything with gusto!
  6. Mine too a judge fairly recently took the lead and showed me how to pull a dog out of a pace
  7. this is true Weims of course were bred for a different purpose also and their structure shows that, compared to labs. Personally I think that it does depend very much on the build and endurance level of the individual dog... Old english Sheepdogs are meant to be an endurance breed, but I know of certain OES that couldn't manage it, and others that definitely could (this is without coat btw, i'd never make a full coated OES do an ET!)
  8. I have heard a few times from long time exhibitors that showing seemed to be on a much more even playing field when there was less advertising on the internet and magazines... of course this was also when numbers were huge compared to now across all breeds... and this isn't from people who don't win, btw, but people who have won big over many years showing dogs.
  9. Thank you for everyones good wishes for Ari. i'm sure I'm possibly being paranoid but it's so not like my girl to be sick... MG when you say large breed do you mean heavier breeds? i think with the right amount of fitness build up most breeds would be able to handle the ET. There are a large number of the heavier type breeds bred originally to work all day as an endurance breed, and I would be more willing to do an ET with those breeds than a sighthound type breed, for example. I know of many weims that have competed and achieved the ET with very little training besides their usual free running. Any retriever type breed that was bred to run in fields all day long, well I'd be surprised if they couldn't build the level of fitness that would achieve the ET.
  10. I'd like to do the ET with Ari, but need a bike. At one point I managed to convince my OH to take her, but it's all fallen by the wayside now!! Lulu is too young of course.
  11. cos i'm slack... are there any rules for the ET about collar requirements? is it flat collar only?
  12. Ok... Spartan RN if we have any trials and if RV still wants to take him for it Ari RN Start tracking ET title Lulu Conformation title Training & maybe entry into a field trial Competing level for Rally Me Get to some more retrieving trials to volunteer and learn get to as many field trials as possible to learn Improve my handling skills for obedience
  13. AP did the paw toughener work? was thinking about it for Lulu. Weims have pretty hard pads but I still worry about sticks and sharp grass sticking into her paws in fields.
  14. It obviously can work in some instances regardless of how many negative opinions there might be if a baby went up. I for one don't see much of an issue with it - it is down to the individual to decide if they think the baby can handle the multiple runs. I for one try to make it fun for a puppy whether in baby, minor or puppy. the fun doesn't stop when they hit those classes anyway. I still play with them and don't expect them to be robots at those ages, and if a judge doesn't like that, well, we lose but at least it was fun. if it did happen here, I'd like the option to be able to pull a baby for challenge line up and beyond without having to withdraw from the age class.
  15. I thought you could get shampoo through, but I wouldn't know for sure as I haven't done it!
  16. Great news RosieFT what treatment did she get? RS great you found a shampoo that works I love when that happens. Things are a bit tense here at the moment... Ari hasn't been well and I thought the worst being Pyometra. She had an ultrasound and nothing showed up but if she doesn't improve in the next 24 hours, it'll be a blood test to see what's going on. It's very hard seeing my very active and always healthy girl so down. Please everyone keep your fingers crossed she is ok...
  17. try PMing showdog, I think she does all breeds and has a lot of expeirence with Terriers.
  18. I think a Pom won BIS at the Wanneroo show, but I am not 100% sure... a Goldy went up BIG at the same show, and RUBIG was the yank.
  19. I, personally,show to compete against others in the breed, but I breed to improve the breed and get the closest example of the breed to the standard. If there is only one dog in the breed at a dog show, it is still being judged against the standard... and therefore it is down to the judge to judge it correctly against their interpretation of the standard, not up to the individual to prove their dog against other dogs of the same breed, if there are none to compete against because of geographical location, time or money constraints. as showdog said, around 14 of the 50 champ shows are country. The rest are in one location in Perth, except for the royal. I'm not disputing your costs, just curious, what are your expenses getting your dogs to Sydney from your location that makes it so expensive? it's probably a bit over $1000 to take just two adult dogs and myself to Sydney return not including accommodation and other costs.
  20. I work full time, 7am til about 5 each day... but with the 4 of them they are each others company. I don't leave much for them, I try to make my leaving and returning as nonchalant as possible, so no preparation to ensure they entertain themselves because I don't want them to associate me leaving with anything.. their regular toys are always lying around somewhere! Mine are inside dogs when I am out and hang out with me outside or inside when I am home. Most weekends and some weeknights I am doing stuff with the dogs (taking them out for training or of course their walks/beach/park etc). apart from the occasional destruction of a toy or something I accidentally left in their reach, I rarely come home to anything but 4 excited dogs that have been sleeping all day.
  21. yay 2012!! my rising stars in 2012 Lulu (Belbracon Seeker Lover Keeper) JT (Belbracon Show Me The Money)
  22. RS just to add if you arelooking at insurance you can add your phone to your contents insurance I think... not sure what it covers exactly but apparently the insurance is just as good and not so expensive as the cover you can purchase through the phone companies.
  23. that sux RS - I know how awful it feels, like you've been violated... i'm sorry... bloody pricks... cant work for it themselves they have to steal from others. boxagirl glad that bon took some food from you. reminds me of my first weim with immune issues she was sick on and off and one time near christmas she was so sick she couldn't eat... she took some ham... it was like the best christmas present ever, everyone was elated because she hadn't eaten in days.... Look after yourself and that girl of yours.
  24. Been a bit quiet in here lately!! Well a bit of a breakthrough for Lulu and I - she's finally started to become interested in retrieving. She showed very little interest for a while. We are still working hard and slowly through the "hold" exercise but we will get there no doubt. She also had her first swim the other day, which only lasted a few awkard splashes but then she figured out she no longer needed to worry about going in, she could just wait for Ari to come back and then she could steal the item and run back to me. She's going through the cheeky phase.
  25. She had her cars mixed up. The Aussie rhyming slang for Weis is "White Torana". Wow in all the years I've had weims I have never heard that one! WB, it probably doesn't help the plight of having the correct name when I call my dogs Wild Bananas all the time!!
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